Official NT Madden 09 Tournament 8 (360) Power Rankings - Tournament 9 goes up tonight at 11pm est

Here are the official results of your Madden NFL 09 game on 2009.1.28-5:47:49.

GrassyFeet [Level 1] vs C maT1k [Level 1]

Skill Points Won: 43
Skill Points Needed For Next Level: 318
My Rank: 10001
Opponent Rank: 10001

Qtr Length: 5 minutes
Difficulty: All-Pro

Score breakdown:

1 2 3 4 OT F
[color= rgb(0, 51, 255)]GrassyFeet[/color] 10 10 3 7 0 30
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]C maT1k[/color] 0 0 7 16 0 23

Statistics GrassyFeet C maT1k
Rushing attempts for 19 15
Rushing yards for 101 117
Passing attempts for 18 27
Passing yards for 221 199
Punts 1 1
Field goals for 3 0
Long field goals (40+) for 0 0
Rushing touchdowns for 1 2
Passing touchdowns for 2 1
Returns touchdowns for 0 0
Defensive touchdowns for 0 0
Turnovers for 4 1
Interceptions for 1 4
Sacks for 1 2
Number of third downs 5 9
Third down conversions 1 6
No-huddle plays 0 5
Audibles called 0 7
Hot routes used 13 2
Shotgun plays 10 10
Blitzes 12 18
Time of possession 11:20 8:39
2-point conversions tried 0 2
2-point conversions succeeded 0 2
Red zone field goals 3 0
Red zone touchdowns 2 2
Red zone opportunities 6 2
First downs 12 12
First down yards 165 112
Special teams yards 85 169
Punt return yards 0 10
Punt yards 44 45
Penalties 0 3
Penalty yards 0 21
First down rushing plays 14 9
First down passing plays 7 12
Second down rushing plays 5 3
Second down passing plays 8 10
Third down rushing plays 0 3
Third down passing plays 5 6
Fourth down rushing plays 0 0
Fourth down passing plays 0 0
Passes completed 11 11
Fumbles 0 0
Fumbles recovered 0 0
Possessions 10 10
Third downs, 3 or less yards 1 4
Successes 0 3
Third downs, 4 to 9 yards 3 3
Successes 1 2
Third downs, 10 or more yards 1 2
Successes 0 1
Hurries 10 3
Knockdowns 0 0
Passes deflected 7 4
Passes tipped 0 0
Offensive yards 322 316
Total yards 407 485
Return yards 85 159
Total touchdowns 3 3
C maT1k [Level 1] vs GrassyFeet [Level 1]

Skill Points Los: -43
Skill Points Needed For Next Level: 579
My Rank: 10001
Opponent Rank: 10001

Qtr Length: 5 minutes
Difficulty: All-Pro

Score breakdown:

1 2 3 4 OT F
C maT1k 0 0 7 16 0 23
GrassyFeet 10 10 3 7 0 30

Statistics C maT1k GrassyFeet
Rushing attempts for 15 19
Rushing yards for 117 101
Passing attempts for 27 18
Passing yards for 199 221
Punts 1 1
Field goals for 0 3
Long field goals (40+) for 0 0
Rushing touchdowns for 2 1
Passing touchdowns for 1 2
Returns touchdowns for 0 0
Defensive touchdowns for 0 0
Turnovers for 1 4
Interceptions for 4 1
Sacks for 2 1
Number of third downs 9 5
Third down conversions 6 1
No-huddle plays 5 0
Audibles called 7 0
Hot routes used 2 13
Shotgun plays 10 10
Blitzes 18 12
Time of possession 8:39 11:20
2-point conversions tried 2 0
2-point conversions succeeded 2 0
Red zone field goals 0 3
Red zone touchdowns 2 2
Red zone opportunities 2 6
First downs 12 12
First down yards 112 165
Special teams yards 169 85
Punt return yards 10 0
Punt yards 45 44
Penalties 3 0
Penalty yards 21 0
First down rushing plays 9 14
First down passing plays 12 7
Second down rushing plays 3 5
Second down passing plays 10 8
Third down rushing plays 3 0
Third down passing plays 6 5
Fourth down rushing plays 0 0
Fourth down passing plays 0 0
Passes completed 11 11
Fumbles 0 0
Fumbles recovered 0 0
Possessions 10 10
Third downs, 3 or less yards 4 1
Successes 3 0
Third downs, 4 to 9 yards 3 3
Successes 2 1
Third downs, 10 or more yards 2 1
Successes 1 0
Hurries 3 10
Knockdowns 0 0
Passes deflected 4 7
Passes tipped 0 0
Offensive yards 316 322
Total yards 485 407
Return yards 159 85
Total touchdowns 3 3
Originally Posted by jerseymizzle

this dude telling ducktales to defend himself like his NT rep will get ruined if he don't

listen, congrats on being better than me at madden in the same definition that the guys on madden nation are the best. but you're not playing football. you're taking advantage of weaknesses in the AI, which is cheesing.
to each his own my dude. but if hester can do that stuff in real life than why not in madden
and who says im trying to defend my nt rep i dont see anyone else callin me outas a cheeser
and btw EVERYONE has a play that takes advantage orEA's lack of realistic programming of madden so get over it. go watch a live tourny in person and you will see cheese heads all over the place lol

oh yeah theres a reason why NO GOOD MADDEN PLAYER plays man in this game. when i saw you playing it and all i did was audible to a outroute with the TE,guaranteed yards every time.

and finally to your last comment ... i NEVER said i beat you in a real game of football ... this is a video game tourney my dude
Originally Posted by djgtekfrmsanjo

Originally Posted by jerseymizzle

this dude telling ducktales to defend himself like his NT rep will get ruined if he don't

listen, congrats on being better than me at madden in the same definition that the guys on madden nation are the best. but you're not playing football. you're taking advantage of weaknesses in the AI, which is cheesing.
to each his own my dude. but if hester can do that stuff in real life than why not in madden
and who says im trying to defend my nt rep i dont see anyone else callin me out as a cheeser
and btw EVERYONE has a play that takes advantage or EA's lack of realistic programming of madden so get over it. go watch a live tourny in person and you will see cheese heads all over the place lol

oh yeah theres a reason why NO GOOD MADDEN PLAYER plays man in this game. when i saw you playing it and all i did was audible to a outroute with the TE, guaranteed yards every time.

and finally to your last comment ... i NEVER said i beat you in a real game of football ... this is a video game tourney my dude
Madeen NFL 09....... yes it's THAT serious

Patriots advance

Here are the official results of your Madden NFL 09 game on 2009.1.28-11:42:10.

D Nice i3 [Level 28] vs Sk8BoRd J [Level 1]

Skill Points Won: 31
Skill Points Needed For Next Level: 184
My Rank: 564
Opponent Rank: 10001

Qtr Length: 5 minutes
Difficulty: All-Pro

Score breakdown:

1 2 3 4 OT F
D Nice i3 7 10 21 14 0 52
Sk8BoRd J 0 3 0 7 0 10

Statistics D Nice i3 Sk8BoRd J
Rushing attempts for 21 10
Rushing yards for 75 24
Passing attempts for 17 25
Passing yards for 326 122
Punts 0 2
Field goals for 1 1
Long field goals (40+) for 0 0
Rushing touchdowns for 3 0
Passing touchdowns for 4 1
Returns touchdowns for 0 0
Defensive touchdowns for 0 0
Turnovers for 5 1
Interceptions for 1 5
Sacks for 2 2
Number of third downs 8 10
Third down conversions 7 5
No-huddle plays 3 3
Audibles called 11 2
Hot routes used 16 0
Shotgun plays 7 24
Blitzes 8 23
Time of possession 11:15 8:44
2-point conversions tried 0 0
2-point conversions succeeded 0 0
Red zone field goals 1 1
Red zone touchdowns 4 1
Red zone opportunities 6 2
First downs 10 5
First down yards 123 6
Special teams yards 32 231
Punt return yards 2 0
Punt yards 0 90
Penalties 0 0
Penalty yards 0 0
First down rushing plays 12 6
First down passing plays 6 9
Second down rushing plays 6 2
Second down passing plays 8 10
Third down rushing plays 3 2
Third down passing plays 5 8
Fourth down rushing plays 0 0
Fourth down passing plays 0 0
Passes completed 12 11
Fumbles 1 0
Fumbles recovered 0 0
Possessions 9 11
Third downs, 3 or less yards 4 4
Successes 4 2
Third downs, 4 to 9 yards 3 4
Successes 2 2
Third downs, 10 or more yards 1 2
Successes 1 1
Hurries 7 5
Knockdowns 0 0
Passes deflected 8 1
Passes tipped 0 0
Offensive yards 401 146
Total yards 433 377
Return yards 30 231
Total touchdowns 7 1

@ the madness. He's defending himself because it's not cheese.
Sk8BoRd J [Level 1] vs D Nice i3 [Level 28]

Skill Points Los: -31
Skill Points Needed For Next Level: 498
My Rank: 10001
Opponent Rank: 564

Qtr Length: 5 minutes
Difficulty: All-Pro

Score breakdown:

1 2 3 4 OT F
Sk8BoRd J 0 3 0 7 0 10
D Nice i3 7 10 21 14 0 52

Statistics Sk8BoRd J D Nice i3
Rushing attempts for 10 21
Rushing yards for 24 75
Passing attempts for 25 17
Passing yards for 122 326
Punts 2 0
Field goals for 1 1
Long field goals (40+) for 0 0
Rushing touchdowns for 0 3
Passing touchdowns for 1 4
Returns touchdowns for 0 0
Defensive touchdowns for 0 0
Turnovers for 1 5
Interceptions for 5 1
Sacks for 2 2
Number of third downs 10 8
Third down conversions 5 7
No-huddle plays 3 3
Audibles called 2 11
Hot routes used 0 16
Shotgun plays 24 7
Blitzes 23 8
Time of possession 8:44 11:15
2-point conversions tried 0 0
2-point conversions succeeded 0 0
Red zone field goals 1 1
Red zone touchdowns 1 4
Red zone opportunities 2 6
First downs 5 10
First down yards 6 123
Special teams yards 231 32
Punt return yards 0 2
Punt yards 90 0
Penalties 0 0
Penalty yards 0 0
First down rushing plays 6 12
First down passing plays 9 6
Second down rushing plays 2 6
Second down passing plays 10 8
Third down rushing plays 2 3
Third down passing plays 8 5
Fourth down rushing plays 0 0
Fourth down passing plays 0 0
Passes completed 11 12
Fumbles 0 1
Fumbles recovered 0 0
Possessions 11 9
Third downs, 3 or less yards 4 4
Successes 2 4
Third downs, 4 to 9 yards 4 3
Successes 2 2
Third downs, 10 or more yards 2 1
Successes 1 1
Hurries 5 7
Knockdowns 0 0
Passes deflected 1 8
Passes tipped 0 0
Offensive yards 146 401
Total yards 377 433
Return yards 231 30
Total touchdowns 1 7

good game D .... you already know next tourney i got my Giants
And we have our winner... I got at least 2 games before I have to meet up with D Nice , assuming I win those
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Browns can you play in the next 45 mins/
I have to leave earlier than I thought caus we have %+%@@$ weather over here... But when I get home if you aint busy we can do it then... Likearound 8-8:30...
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

And we have our winner... I got at least 2 games before I have to meet up with D Nice , assuming I win those

Wrong, I have to play Mr Munday Nite next most likely you'll be facing him if you do make it
Originally Posted by Dynasty Raider

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

And we have our winner... I got at least 2 games before I have to meet up with D Nice , assuming I win those

Wrong, I have to play Mr Munday Nite next most likely you'll be facing him if you do make it

just be prepared to play d against a no huddle shotgun and you should be good.
Originally Posted by djgtekfrmsanjo

Originally Posted by Dynasty Raider

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

And we have our winner... I got at least 2 games before I have to meet up with D Nice , assuming I win those

Wrong, I have to play Mr Munday Nite next most likely you'll be facing him if you do make it

just be prepared to play d against a no huddle shotgun and you should be good.
I'm worried about the rocket catching. To my knowledge, he's the only one in the NT tourneys that does it right? (maybe Clutch too) I've never played anyone doing it here on NT.
hmmm not sure if i want to get my +*! handed to me unless i get a couple warmup games before. i'll be online in a couple hrs hahha
Originally Posted by Kingtre

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

I just played against this guy.... like seriously I don't understand how his defense was so freaking amazing.

I could pass on him, but I'm more of a runner...

He always did the same thing.. pinch the line and bring all his linebackers in.. so I think sweeps will be open.. I'm playing with Titans btw so C Johnson...

NOPE loss for 4 yards

I'm down 17-10 with like 2 minutes to go and i get 4th and 1... goaline and he pinches EVERYONE in and I mean EVERYONE, he has like 10 people right up at the line like hes gonna try to stop the QB sneak.. WEll I'm doing a pitch to Chris Johnson and miraculously one of his players who he's not even controlling mind you, comes swooping in to the outside and its like a 5 yard loss, thats the FIRST time that play has ever failed to get me even 1 yard
might be oversimplifying but sounds like a easy pass situation - it looks like hes bringing everybody up the middle but hes covering his outside with cb blitzes or olb blitzes or contains

Can play after 8 EST.
should still be on- look for me if not i can do 2morro at that time-

I'm on xbl now, so let me know.
Originally Posted by djgtekfrmsanjo

hmmm not sure if i want to get my +*! handed to me unless i get a couple warmup games before. i'll be online in a couple hrs hahha

you want to run a practice?
Originally Posted by 84jordan03

Yo dj gtek, I can play in about an hour. Just watching a movie on netflix, pm me if that's good
Yo userpick... Did you see my reply before... My brother is waiting to be approved, can he be the Chiefs?
How is rocket catching not considered Cheesing for this tourney?? I mean... its next to impossible to stop, its glitching/cheesing IMO
^^ I though about that, if most people don't want it in the tournament, ill make it a rule. Its not really sim play imo

Djgtek, I don't know why you're so worried about playing me. You beat me the last time we played lol. ill be on for a couple of hours now. Let'sget our game in.
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