Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

If Giannis won't come here with this roster why would Harden stay here with an 3ven worse roster?

Also what would even be the point of that team? It aint winning.
If that team can't win. No mattsr how patient we are and how we develop the youth, we aint winning period.

The point is making to make conversation on instant gratification.

From the end of the season till now I havs advocated on youth development and my stance has not change, but like is often done in here.

Throwing scenarios out there concerning Superstars.

But by all means. Lets continue to talk about our current roster ....

How about that second unit PG. 😭
Harden ain’t coming here. We are black listed by all top free agents because of how much we are a **** show plus our MAGA owner.
These guys should boycott the whole league then cause all these dopes are MAGA drones

BLM invitational last year got folks thinking this league is progressive :rofl:
When we doing this Kuzma trade so Lebron can get DSJr since he wanted to suck his **** because we didn’t draft him.
Lebron is Jordan when it comes to judge of talent.

Dude hyped DSJ, Napier and another scrub I couldn't recall. Now he just piggy back.

DSJ is broken ... he cannot be the 1 especially with the Knicks. He was getting trapped and didn't known what to do. He never tried to set his offense vocally or anything. It was just basura.

At least Quickly was going for it. Screaming and setting .. he was making sure dudes were where he wanted them at.

It's a shame because i honestly want all our guys to succeed. Even those thaf I don't like IE Austin/Payton.

I even liked Randle, but I have slowly but surely stRted to dislike his game. I would of hVe rather keep Morris and traded Randle.

Well *not a hot take*, no one is signing here.

And according to the proNters .. whatever trade proposal prrsented is stupid and we aren't going anywhere.

I guess Thibs better suck it up amd develop our youth. I mean wth does he knows ... he only been a professional enviroment for god knows how long.
Knicks are basically getting the Harden package together as we speak.

Might not have the best players but they got a ton of picks and a young player who's gonna be good for years (RJ)
Knicks are basically getting the Harden package together as we speak.

Might not have the best players but they got a ton of picks and a young player who's gonna be good for years (RJ)
I think Houston is looking to get a RJ back in a trade package probably I believe
Thibs is new around here cut him some slack :lol: Harden in NY will be must see TV. 53 shots a game minimum :smokin
without the **** talking.

Just looking at our lineups and the players we have is depressing.
Im being very optimistic when mentioning our youth. But ... you're right.


Would be my ideal starting lineup.

They either sink of swim it would be clear what we have and if we flop, we have a higher chance at one of the studs coming out.

From what I seennin Quickly, happy to see he will get a lot of minutes tonight. I think that dude is going to be decent in the NBA.
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