Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

I mean, if Suggs is there for the taking and you guys are sure he is what we need ... **** it ... send a few draft and any player not name RJ/Randle for him.

We need a playmaking PG no if or butts.
Not going to happen but if Mavs said, give them their pick back along with either Mitch or Noel for KP. Would you?

Vildoza will wear no. 17

On Thursday afternoon it was made official by the New York Knicks Public Relations office that Luca Vildoza was the new player in the historic NBA franchise. That is why (and for much more) we spoke with the former Baskonia player, to find out his feelings after this news. In addition, he told us about his departure from the team, the desire to arrive in New York and his expectations for the future. See the full note:

«I did not celebrate, I was in shock, I was happy but I wanted to cry and I put on the last song, praying alone, there I cried sad and happy at the same time, I had a mixture of feelings. I listen to it all day with my old man, who imposed this habit on me. The happiness that I have today is something that stands out to me.

At this moment you do not fall for what I am achieving, it is seen that my family is happy, millions of messages arrive, that I cannot respond to all of them. Without a doubt, it is the achievement of my whole family, not just my parents, I have millions of people in Argentina, my family in Tucumán, I think that until I am there and see how impressive it is and what it means to reach the NBA, I will not fall. I'm anxious and wondering about not knowing how I'm going to react.

I think I'm going to find another world, I talk a lot with Facu and he tells me that I'm going to enjoy it a lot, that everything is different from how you live in Europe. The Knicks are going to give me the time to adapt to the league, knowing that it is completely different from what it usually is here, what intrigues me the most is knowing that I went from a very small city to one of the best cities in the world, and it is something very impressive.

I will try to know as much as I can, knowing that it is huge, but I will try not to miss a single show, knowing that I never had the opportunity to experience one up close, the most I experienced was a lice recital at the Sports Center, so I hope I can attend those things.

I did not speak regarding my participation. When I spoke they welcomed me, they told me that they were happy to have me, obviously I arrive at a difficult moment to take the first steps, but hey, I will be with the team, I will travel and if the opportunity is given I will play, but it will be difficult to share capo with today's players. I am going to live the dream of many, there are 15 of us who stepped into the NBA and being one of them feels special.

I talk a lot with Facundo, because he intrigues me, I was anxious and I needed someone who is living it from the inside, he gave me the peace of mind of knowing that he trusts me, he told me that I will be very well, and that the triple line is very away, so I have to start practicing. Until I am in that field I will not realize the magnitude.

I'm fine, before making this official with the Knicks I was training with the team, getting back to normal, and I feel good. Now, due to a contract, I cannot train with the team, but I would have liked to continue with them and arrive a little more in rhythm, now I have a few days to do the medical tests before returning and there I will have to do a quarantine, where I will not be able to train too much and it's going to get screwed. But I'm fine, the foot is fine, I needed a bit of rest, in a demanding league like this you can't afford to be on your feet for a whole month. Today I am physically fine.

The opportunity came knowing that the Knicks had a place in the team and I think I could take the leap because I felt good physically and basketball I felt one of the pillars of the team, that is no small thing, one of the greatest in Europe I had in mind that when I was in Argentina when I was a kid I thought about playing the Euroleague, but this year I clicked, turned my head, and I thought why I couldn't play the NBA, having players with whom I can confront calmly. This year I decided to improve a lot and I think that physically and basketball I took a step and said "it is now or never", the train passes once, perhaps if I did not accept it would not pass again. And I wanted to take advantage of it because it is a new challenge.

Facundo is on another level, He dominated Europe, I did not reach that, I felt like one of the leaders of Baskonia, and I felt responsible, I had been four years old and was in the important minutes, I felt very comfortable here and felt that I had I had to make a change in my life, and the Knicks offered the contract and I took the plunge. Now I can tell.

Baskonia left everything to me. Here I arrived with 90 kilos and I am leaving with 78 and with a lot of clothes. I had a major physical change, a mental one as well. I had four coaches, and they all left their mark on me, they made me grow as a player, as a person, I spent a long time living alone when I came from being an only child, being away from my family and friends; Now I haven't been to Argentina for two years and I miss it, but I'm fine. The only thing I have are words of gratitude for the club, because bringing a boy from Quilmes, we were nobody, we were not champions, we did not compete much, we were a small club that has its history, but we fought to be at the top, and they made me face in Europe, the support from day one was impressive.

I am not going to lie, I am very happy, the truth is that it is different when others tell you than when one thinks about it. I think that these notes were going to be good for my ego, that others make you realize where you are, they make you enjoy the place that you earned.

I am very nervous to meet Derrick Rose, they will know that my English is not the best, I am anxious for the first impression that I can make, because I doubt they know who I am, but Derrick was the youngest mvp in the league, he was my idol during a long time and to think that I will share a team with him is a dream.

I have already decided the number, it is 17. They know that I am a fan of my dog, his birthday is 17, and when I was a boy with a friend we had a lucky number, which was also 17, so I like it a lot, and I'm going to use it. Now Sam does not come with me, my parents are living in Vitoria, they are one more Vitoriano, so they stay with them, knowing that I am going for a month and a half or two and when I come back I will take him because I can't take long without him.

Prigioni sent me a message congratulating me, that whatever he needs he will be there, having played there he knows a lot. I appreciate all the support you have, and especially from a star like Pablo, with all his history. Receiving a message that says "I am Pablo Prigioni" is a lot.

I get uncomfortable with flattery, Fabian knows me, he knows I'm quite shy. Now I give notes and stay calm, but I am not very accepting of flattery, I am quite self-critical, what they say I throw to the opposite side. I only accept compliments from people around me, but it's always good to hear people say nice things about you.

I have no idea when I travel. On Monday I have a medical examination in Bilbao, and I suppose I will be leaving the following days. The suitcases are already packed. »
is that luis scola's dad and young bro in the vid? i think they are. kid looks like him, plus the framed scola jersey lol

kid sounds ecstatic to be playing for the knicks. real humble and not a fan of the spotlight (watch him get his face tattooed 3 months in). said his biggest insecurity is just showing up at msg and introducing himself to his teammates who don't know who he is. had words of praise for derrick rose who is one of his idols
RJ and Randle are gonna need to go off for us to even have a chance tonight. Two major bench pieces missing.
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