Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason


Cody gotta be in college by now

Merry Christmas guys :nthat:
Nets parade will be in Williamsburg surrounded by casual basketball fans who won't recognize any player not named Kyrie or Durant, wearing fedoras and drinking GMO free hazelnut chai lattes with soy milk, congratulating the Brooklyn Jets for winning the NBA Super Bowl.
Where are the knicks fans from Brooklyn in this yourselves now...dont be ashamed lol

*raises hand*
Where are the knicks fans from Brooklyn in this yourselves now...dont be ashamed lol

*raises hand*
From Harlem but I’ve lived in Brooklyn for a while now and probably never moving back to Manhattan
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Yall wild talking about the Nets in here. They can win 3 in a row and this city still won’t care.

With the knicks not doing anything big in the immediate future, I dont know if you really believe that lol

There is a new, younger generation that haven't really seen knicks be good for quite a while now. Combined with the Nets and Brooklyn pride...there will be many new Nets fans this year lol. Its gonna happen whether you believe it or not. People are tired of the knicks and there are those that will jump ship lol...I'm not going to be one of them but I see it happening with other people
With the knicks not doing anything big in the immediate future, I dont know if you really believe that lol

I honestly do. Haven’t seen one Nets jersey yet outside some girls wearing a Kyrie one. Most people I talk to in Queens or the Bronx don’t even care about them. Not sure about the vibes in Brooklyn.
Yeah....there's 8.5 million people in NY, if the Nets make a legit run there's more than enough people to hop on that bandwagon. Might be the kick in *** needed to right the ship on our side.
I honestly do. Haven’t seen one Nets jersey yet outside some girls wearing a Kyrie one. Most people I talk to in Queens or the Bronx don’t even care about them. Not sure about the vibes in Brooklyn.
That's because the Nets haven't done anything big these past few seasons. This upcoming season will be the season where bandwagoners will hop lol.
I wouldn't blame anyone if they jumped to the Nets if they're New Yorkers. You're not obligated to root for any one team. I'm not as invested in the Knicks emotionally as I once was due to their lack of success most of the last TWENTY years, but I wouldn't jump ship. However, if someone says hey I like the Nets and their roster do you bruh.
BK Nets will draw the attention of the many NY residents with no NY connection. Before Covid I would almost always meet women who weren't actually from NY. Nets been something to do when I'm bored for a minute :lol:
Eh, we have two or more teams for every sport and I don't even see jets fans jumping to the giants or Mets to yankees why would this be any different.
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