Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

I love how our contingency plan when shots aren’t falling is to just give the ball to Randle and let him do whatever he wants

It's not a bad long as it also involves RJ being a part of the play.

Problem is, it is TRASH *** Payton feeding him the ball and ignoring everyone else on offense
I don't have high expectations for this year, so if Randle plays well enough that we can trade him, RJ becomes a plus starter, Mitch develops enough consistency to play full starter minutes, or Quickley and Toppin develop into useful NBA players, I'll be happy. Feels like there was some progress on all these ends, except Toppin had a really rough game tonight trying to be Klay Thompson. His defense after Randle left in the 3rd was pretty awful too, but its his first game.

Anything from Knox/DSJ/Frank would only be a bonus, but I don't see it happening. Knox probably has the best chance, but he still has no ability to create offense for himself or others. He's just an athletic shooter and doesn't look close to having any moves off the dribble. You'd hope that's something that can be worked on, but it's already yr3.

Also...we really shouldn't have signed Payton. He makes the same mistakes DSJ and Frank make with the ball and might be an even worse shooter than both. I know Austin Rivers was a punchline his first few yrs in the league, but he's a decent player in his prime that can shoot and tries on defense. It's not the worst thing in the world for him to be in the rotation. With 2 cheap nonguaranteed seasons after this yr, could argue that him playing well and building familiarity w/ the team is more important than DSJ and Frank, who after this year might want more $ and be gone.
Just the first stop on the road to Suggs or Cunningham.

We were never going to have a good record this year but seriously...if we're gonna lose we need to lose with the young guys playing as much as possible. These vets, whatever value they provide in the locker room doesn't translate to the court.

Also get Obi moving towards the rim...or else its going to be a long year for him. Stop playing him and Randle together.
Obi has no clue what he’s doing out there

He looks like he’s panicking anytime he gets the ball
Game looks to be too fast for him right now
Yo got all the physical tools, but the Knicks drafted a 22 year old SOPHMORE thats still learning how to play basketball...He’s older than Mitch n Frank but Somehow that’s seen as “hating” on his age by some cats on here that don’t understand scouting n picking in the lottery
if quick started he would not have been in the game at the time of his injury.

you only draft Toppin if you have an established point guard that runs the pick and roll well. Got this dude running to the 3 point line every time down court like he can shoot. Smh. Stupid pick.

Im not the biggest fan, but ya man cole anthony looking real good too. No fear getting to the paint and rim.

i hope quick can come back quick. But i cant watch this team without a legit pg. its an eye sore.
The facts that everyone to include Thibs know Payton is trash and stagnating the offense. Frank is just being Frank by picking up his dribble and passing way to early on the clock without establishing and offense, Burk at the one is atrocious... he is better of the ball, DSJ confidence is trash and he is also better of the ball should be clear that Quickley should start and Harper should backup.

But Thibs is stubborn and think he ows these vets something because they been in the league fkr a minute.

Piss me off.
Dont think Thibs or the staff is stubborn. Its a 72 games season, probably just want a bigger sample size. They see more things than we do. I'm sure he'll get it right once Quickley and Rivers are healthy.
I said Rivers should be starting as soon as we signed him and a few dudes in here gave me **** about it saying Elf was better but here we are :lol:

As soon as he gets back having him and Quickley running the offense interchangeably will be a night and day difference. They’re both good shooters and aren’t afraid to create their own shot

At that point leave Frank as the two off the bench for defense and hopefully hitting corner threes
Austin should not be starting and I want to see who gave you **** about Austin starting over Payton.

I want you to call them out.

Obviously Austin starts over Payton this is not rocket science, Obviously!!!

My objection to Austin was/is just like Payton both are booty! Dont care how much one is better than the other. Signing Austin when you already have Payton means less time for the youth to develop.

Quickly should be starting
RJ / Burks 2 and 3

I rather see Harper running the second unit to see what he has

Frank/DSJ at the two
Bullock/Knox at the 3
Randle 4
Noel 5

But obviously Payton/Austin are going to start backup ****ting on the youth.

PS WHEN i said Thibs is stubborn, i meant on game 1. He knew starting payton would result in BS plays and going down and so it did.
keko jones keko jones I said Austin shouldn’t start over Elf and if I had to pick either to start I’m still rockin with elf at the 1. But overall I’d rather see IQ start at the 1 right now.
Tellin yall.
Aint many coaches in the pros that would straight up bench Payton for Quickley.
Theres a hierarchy in the NBA, and altho elfrid hasnt shown NOTHING to warrant loyalty, you dont disrupt this old boys club.
10-15 games in we’ll see Quick starting. Probably waiting for elfrid to knick his shoulder or something.
Other than that- how can you expect an old school coach like thibs to give a startin spot to EP? thats some progressive new age new school style. Not one with pedigree who cut his teeth amongst the 90s benches.
Im not ready to crucify thibs. i think he and his staff know wassup. Just will be interesting to see how his rotations evolve down the stretch.
Anything is better than old goofy fake playa, “ in miami this how we did it “ Fiz
RJ played well last. Sorry to say that Randle is gonna be prominent in the rotation but didnt look bad when he was paired with Quickley. Damn shame that IQ gotta be thrust into that spotlight so soon but in the 3 games I've watched him the offense actually resembles an offense. I'm not gonna hold Toppins turd of a first game against him. I saw flashes of decent defense and he sees the floor well when hes not shooting from 3 :lol:. Knox gotta get some type of consistency this season period. Now I will entertain myself by catching up on the thread from last night :lol:
Early take but Quick will be the long term 1st of the bench combo guard. It’s just a weird season where he is clearly your best option but Thibbs generally doesn’t give the keys to rookies so you’re left with Elf/Frank/DSJ starting. I’d say he made the right choice among that bunch.

I wouldn’t even be mad if he kept Quick coming off the bench majority of the season. The rebuild ain’t done and they need 1 more piece from the draft. The oldest player in your starting 5 next yr could be 23 yr old Obi Toppin.
Early take but Quick will be the long term 1st of the bench combo guard. It’s just a weird season where he is clearly your best option but Thibbs generally doesn’t give the keys to rookies so you’re left with Elf/Frank/DSJ starting. I’d say he made the right choice among that bunch.

I wouldn’t even be mad if he kept Quick coming off the bench majority of the season. The rebuild ain’t done and they need 1 more piece from the draft. The oldest player in your starting 5 next yr could be 23 yr old Obi Toppin.
I firmly believe that Quickley will be starting at some point this year. That was my take preseason ....

Obviously Im going to be upset if he keeps coming in when we are down all the time. We need to build some type of competitive culture .... we were close until we lost Quickley and then everyone was **** after.

If and thats a big IF we land the #1 draft pick ... no matter what we pick we are going to be ridicule.

Take Suggs .. OMG how can the Knicks pass on the consensus best prospect... we take Cade we get laughed at for not going PG.

**** is stupid.
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