Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

If you say so ...: in my days on Niketalk I’ve seen people say series were over and teams came back but I guess it is over 😂

The only notable playoff series where that happened recently was when LeBron's Cavs beat GSW when they were down 3-1 The NYK don't have a Lebron or even a superstar, so I doubt a NYK comeback will happen.
The only notable playoff series where that happened recently was when LeBron's Cavs beat GSW when they were down 3-1 The NYK don't have a Lebron or even a superstar, so I doubt a NYK comeback will happen.
Denver did it twice last season but yeah knicks don’t have a joker and Murray
EP leaving the team after we get eliminated right?

ESPN/ABC panned to him for a few seconds on the bench and he was basically sitting in the tunnel lol
EP leaving the team after we get eliminated right?

ESPN/ABC panned to him for a few seconds on the bench and he was basically sitting in the tunnel lol
He’s a free agent so yes ... don’t see any team pay in g him what he made this year .... hope he saved his money
i thought this too but then i remember this the first playoffs for most of those hawks players too. Outside of Lou and Cap I think.

Trae averaging 25 and 10 in his first 4 playoff games smh
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