Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

How do you quantify one team "deserving" to win more than the other?

Atlanta followed a game plan, executed on the game plan, made all the adjustments and took advantage of their home court. They didn't even cheat themselves or the game.

Sure, their best player likes to run his mouth, but I think he kind of has to. We're not in any position to have our feelings hurt because of what they said. They're up 3-1.

Knicks are too soft. Easy as that.
Hope they win gm 5 as well to avoid the embarrassment. Being a year ahead of schedule also means a 1st rd exit will be unacceptable next year....
We're a proud team. We have to win game 5 and lose the series in 6.

This is still an incomplete team. We're a LONG ways away from contending. Jalen Rose said this, and I don't agree with him 100%, but he's on to something--We're where the Nets were 3-4 years ago.

Culture's changed, we've had some veteran guys play big minutes, and we overachieved.

We're a big superstar away from really making some noise. We need a dynamic superstar in the worst way possible. Randle ain't it. He'd be delusional to think otherwise.
had a chance to get some really good seats yesterday for game 5 but wasn't prepared for that disappointment lol... now the tickets went up a $100.... all good I'm a have closure tomorrow regardless...going to need a drink lmao
Hawks are def beatable, not like they're some superteam. Our star just imploded and our gameplan is non existent. If we don't win i'll enjoy watching Philly smash them, they shouldn't be talking like they are but we enabled them.

Lessie Benningfield Randle?
She’s a blessing either way.

Anyways, DRose might be 32 but his knees could be a couple/few years older. If anything a quick dismissal might drive Thibbs crazy enough to make a trade for a big name. I love Rose coming off the bench but he has had just absolutely no help. It don’t matter really when he’s playing 38 min a game regardless. Knicks can’t do this again next year. Juju got so loose & comfortable. RJ followed his lead. But his overall deficiencies at 20 are just too much right now with the playoff pressure.

I don’t think Kyrie wanted to come, but KD might’ve. If they landed Zion in the draft, the Knicks would prolly be spanking the Celtics right now. 🤷🏾‍♂️ wouldn’t that be nice?

This team feels more organic though. There aren’t many GSs or SAs that draft all their cornerstones. NY made Julius a man though. Just needs a couple pieces to put them over the top. If DRose never got injured, Chicago would’ve had multiple finals appearances. I say that to say Thibbs system is simple & great if he has a dynamic decision maker. Again, the Knicks being a day late dollar short, coulda had CP0 with this showing. I’ll take that older backcourt with the youth movement for a couple years.

Maybe Randle has 1B potential? I’m assuming these playoff %s would never be repeated, btw.

Curious to see how he comes back next season. Get both him & RJ in a ball handlers dribbling clinic. Do your job Leon Rose & get these men a point gawd.
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don’t worry y’all we got ‘em right where we want ‘em

I mean I already know D-Rose is gonna show up.

I question the rest of them though. Maybe Alec Jordan makes an appearance today.

I'm not expecting adjustments because Thibs doesn't adjust and in a game of talent being scrappy only takes you so far.

The window isn't sealed shut but it sure as hell ain't letting in much air.
I mean I already know D-Rose is gonna show up.

I question the rest of them though. Maybe Alec Jordan makes an appearance today.

I'm not expecting adjustments because Thibs doesn't adjust and in a game of talent being scrappy only takes you so far.

The window isn't sealed shut but it sure as hell ain't letting in much air.

I wonder if Thibbs not making adjustments is due to the limitations we have in our roster, or if he's just stubborn. I really hope it's the former.

BTW, guys like D. Rose and Taj Gibson put it out there for Thibbs, because he's their ride or die. IDK how many other players in the league would do that. Sort feels like this season shouldn't played out the way it did had we not had those two.

That's a little concerning for me.
That is a fact, Thibs doesn’t have much room for adjustments player wise, we are severely limited in talent compared to ATL so he pretty much is stuck. We severely lack scoring so you can’t even entertain playing Frank on Trae a lot, bench has no reliable scorers but Burks. ATL just has more talent
about time breen does his job instead of skipping and going to ESPN... he prolly knows this might be it lol
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