Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

No way Reggie is available after summer league with how he played after Kawhi got hurt. Dude was an automatic 20+ almost every game. I'm okay with the young guys getting burn at PG as long as the fan base accepts a mediocre season of rebuilding/growth. You're not making ANY noise in the playoffs with your primary playmakers being Rose and IQ

im not saying that that’s what I want to happen, but it seems like that may be the play or we would have someone in by now
No way Reggie is available after summer league with how he played after Kawhi got hurt. Dude was an automatic 20+ almost every game. I'm okay with the young guys getting burn at PG as long as the fan base accepts a mediocre season of rebuilding/growth. You're not making ANY noise in the playoffs with your primary playmakers being Rose and IQ
That’s true Rose and IQ are the guys you want behind the primary guys at this point, but who’s out there…. This was more of a bide our time and keep the ship together off-season. We are still a couple years away fellas.
I'm guessing the Knicks wanna give Randle one more season to do his thing. If he struggles late season again I'm assuming they let him walk and try to bring in someone next offseason to be the main guy, whether through trade or free agency
Is it safe to say we don’t like Fournier because he’s French?
I don’t like him because he’s pretty one dimensional, just a shooter/scorer and he was highly inconsistent at that when Boston needed him in the playoffs. But like I said that’s one dimension we need so whatever.
I'm guessing the Knicks wanna give Randle one more season to do his thing. If he struggles late season again I'm assuming they let him walk and try to bring in someone next offseason to be the main guy, whether through trade or free agency

Berman gotta be lying, right?!?

Marc Berman (@NYPost_Berman) Tweeted:
Don't know if there is any real interest as fallback but I do know Knicks called their starting point guard Elfrid Payton when free agency opened last night. Dennis Schroder, Reggie Jackson still on PG board.

Berman gotta be lying, right?!?

Marc Berman (@NYPost_Berman) Tweeted:
Don't know if there is any real interest as fallback but I do know Knicks called their starting point guard Elfrid Payton when free agency opened last night. Dennis Schroder, Reggie Jackson still on PG board.

If they bring back Elf 😭😭😭😭😭😭
They really goofed not drafting Haliburton. He’s ROY with that media hype train and a playoff run. More importantly, they’re not in this predicament right now.


Which is why I have decided to place my faith in Deuce. I think he’s got the tools to be a problem. Deficiencies can be worked out with good coaching. He also plays with a chip on his shoulder & it shows.
I'm really tryna see what we have with our guards in summer league. I know it's SL and stats don't matter, but you can tell if a player belongs or not.

Every PG on our roster outside of Rose is on that team. IQ, Luca, Rokas, Miles.

I'll never forget being hyped for Chasson Randle then watching him struggle to cross halfcourt off the inbound
I'd rather we sign Frank to a max than sign Elfrid to a minimum

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