Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason


I just find this extremely pleasing because of Kyrie's comments which not surprisingly I also found pleasing.

One thing I’ve always been comfortable with is, I’ve felt like I was the best option on every team I’ve played for down the stretch. This is the first time in my career where I can be like “that motherf***** can make that shot, too.”

2 clean looks and empty for both of them. Yikes!
I stopped watchin football cause it just became way too apparent to me that these players are just hired meat machines for entertainment. Yeah the sport is fun with the strategies and competition but the actual NFL product just screams “old white man in charge of minorities.”

cant get past it for me.

Nba at least seems to give voice to the players even though ownership is supremely old and white
Don’t even know why but as each season goes by I get more and more disconnected from football

It just don’t hit the same anymore for whatever reason
I stopped watchin football cause it just became way too apparent to me that these players are just hired meat machines for entertainment. Yeah the sport is fun with the strategies and competition but the actual NFL product just screams “old white man in charge of minorities.”

cant get past it for me.

Nba at least seems to give voice to the players even though ownership is supremely old and white
Haven’t watched in a few years now. Crazy to think a lot of Americans waste a whole day of the week sitting staring at football all day. You don’t realize what else you could be doing until you’re not watching it. :lol:
I stopped watchin football cause it just became way too apparent to me that these players are just hired meat machines for entertainment. Yeah the sport is fun with the strategies and competition but the actual NFL product just screams “old white man in charge of minorities.”

cant get past it for me.

Nba at least seems to give voice to the players even though ownership is supremely old and white

NFL combine lowkey sus too.
I always thought the nfl was overrated compared to the nba... obviously it's more popular here in the US but doesn't mean it's better... I only watch when there's nothing else to watch and that's 1 game a week where I just leave the tv on in the background lol
Haven’t watched in a few years now. Crazy to think a lot of Americans waste a whole day of the week sitting staring at football all day. You don’t realize what else you could be doing until you’re not watching it. :lol:

My ex-girlfriend wasn't into sports so I basically stopped watching football/playing fantasy football for four years. Not going to lie, my Sundays became a lot less stressful and a lot more productive. Enjoyable too tbh :lol:
Haven’t watched in a few years now. Crazy to think a lot of Americans waste a whole day of the week sitting staring at football all day. You don’t realize what else you could be doing until you’re not watching it. :lol:

Out of any sport I watch (nba, men’s college basketball, Ranger games, football, and World Cup/euro cup socccer) its football that I usually fall asleep to and pass out for 1-2 hours for when watching. I mean the time off between plays, all the commercials,all the other time off is just making it harder and harder to watch. And I also just don’t care much compared to when I was younger. I needed to watch every game when I was young. Now I don’t care really, if I miss the game it’s whatever.
what i dislike about football are the fans. mostly. they disgust me.
and nfl "leadership" is racist, sexist and detrimental in most every way across the board. 25 yrs behind society
and when football player(s) go around beating up everyone in public for fun. that's not cool
I guess Im in the minority. I still watch the Jets and Giants. However, am too disgusted by the Top.

I stated how disgusted I was when Eric Bieniemy criminal past came up when he is a hot commodity. I don't ******* want to hear it bro.

The NFL is full of racist period. The only time they have done something for minorities is when they see those dollars going elsewhere.

You have a player saying the N word and he still gets to play, you have a player kneeling for injustice he is band. You have a player punch a woman he is ban, you have one accused multiple times of sexual assult and nothing happens. You have a HC have a loosing record year over year he continues to get HC jobs, you have another that turns the franchise around and as soon as it's running good he gets fired and only get assistant jobs.
People get mad at me when I say college football puts out a better product than the NFL. People argue that with me whenever I say it, been saying it for a few years now. I’d rather watch a random college game than an NFL one.

NBA is easily the top tier pro sport. People not ready for that convo though. And the league is much more balanced than when we all knew it was gonna be Bron vs GSW every year.
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