Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

We're not going to go from a bottom two team in the league to championship contender in one offseason without some crazy circumstances (like the Lakers).

The next step for this team is being a normal, bad to middle of the pack team. Win 34 games & build on it next summer.
Also as with the Zion draft you can see that losing didn't help, and winning some NOP and LAL both moved way up in the draft.
It's way too early to talk about a Randle contract imo despite him playing some good basketball. On the flip if he plays like this all season and in the process pulls the team out of the lottery you gotta pay him.
Randle extension talk should not be entertained rn

We have an option to pickup for next year that is a given if his play continues

Not trying to fall for the “contract year” stellar play okie doke either

Still a lot of variables that’ll determine if Randle stays or goes after next year

How Obi develops
Free agents signed
Players we draft
What trade offers we’re getting for him
What he’d be demanding for an extension

Too much unknown right now
personally im tired on praying on a good lottery spot/pick.

bc at the end of the day, its literally what it means: a lottery, a scratch off ticket.

Youre more likely to lose than win there imo
First off: Sorry to hear all the negatives going on with you in your life donewithjs

Thanks all. Interesting to hear a lot of the comments. Speaking for myself, a mildly competitive team that scrapes into the playoffs is a recipe for mediocrity. I don’t want an 8th seed trophy or first round playoff banner year in and year out. You play to ultimately win a ring and you build accordingly in efforts to do so.

I’m just really struggling to place long term value on any of the players on the roster. None of these guys move the needle. I personally think drafting and building through youth is the only way we reach the ultimate goal especially given the state of free agency. Otherwise you get stuck being one of the same teams placing 7 seed to 15th (fluctuating within that range) making moves that keep you exactly in that same position, while savvy nimble organizations limit their down years and get back to legitimate contention / stay in the top tier.

First off: Sorry to hear all the negatives going on with you in your life donewithjs

Thanks all. Interesting to hear a lot of the comments. Speaking for myself, a mildly competitive team that scrapes into the playoffs is a recipe for mediocrity. I don’t want an 8th seed trophy or first round playoff banner year in and year out. You play to ultimately win a ring and you build accordingly in efforts to do so.

I’m just really struggling to place long term value on any of the players on the roster. None of these guys move the needle. I personally think drafting and building through youth is the only way we reach the ultimate goal especially given the state of free agency. Otherwise you get stuck being one of the same teams placing 7 seed to 15th (fluctuating within that range) making moves that keep you exactly in that same position, while savvy nimble organizations limit their down years and get back to legitimate contention / stay in the top tier.

I appreciate it and I completely understand your point of view but I’m just living in the moment right now and the Knicks are a feel good. Just need these Yanks to final make it across the finish line :lol:

Letdown incoming :pimp:
Walt just said he hasn't see Austin type of shooting in the Knicks since Allan Houston ..... did he erase Melo of the books? Wtf
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