Official NY Mets 2012 Thread. Time To Face The Yung God, Mets Face Harper For 3 Games.

Got to love this team. I thought I loved last year team. But this team this year just all around. Gives me the 06 feeling again

Major props to Terry. After Jerry Manuel he was the perfect guy to make us forget about Manuel.
Wainwrights curve and Beltran knees buckling will ALWAYS haunt my dreams 
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

please dont remind me of 2006.

This team reminds me more of the '99 team that was scrappy with 1 star and a bunch of guys no one really cares about

Let them continue to doubt us and look past us
my co-worker "renounced" the mets last year and became a Phillies fan. What a scumbag. that makes this that much sweeter.
This team is doing big things right now man. Im so proud of this team. gritty comeback again.
I thought the game was over when the Mets took a 5-3 lead, went to movies got back and saw 6-5

$$+#+** kidding me.
Wright is the man. I honestly don't care how he plays the rest of the year, if the Mets don't lock him up with a new deal, I'll be pissed. You let Reyes go, saved money there, it again and it'll be bad news.
Originally Posted by jordansmakeyoupoor

francisco cannot be our closer. get this get outta here man.
Oh yeah, and this too.  Can't stand Benitez Jr.
Wright ain't going anywhere, you can't let the best all-around position player in your franchise's history just walk for free.

Chris Young also should be back next month supposedly so we'll have a 5th starter again.

If Bay comes back and hits as well we could possibly get a bat-hungry team to bite on him maybe.

Really also sucks to see Beltran annihilating the ball this year, even though he was playing great last year for us before he got traded.  Just sucks that whole marriage never worked out like it should have.
I've given up on Bay but I hope I'm wrong.  I just like the way Kirk is playing.

Ike Davis just needs to be the consistent power hitter he's suppose to be.
Yea, I like the way our outfield is now. Bay is definitely the odd man out which sucks. Coming to the mets ruined this man's career (like how Johan's suppose-to-be hall of fame career was ruined). 

Hopefully we continue to play like this
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