OFFICIAL NYk '22 offseason thread, RJ extended

seriously tho, why does Randle pass the ball so dam hard ?

he steamed that last pass, so unnecessary :smh:
This game shows how awful Thibs rotations are and the inability to adapt to what's going on.

Not to mentioned the clear bias the MF has ....
With every passing week, it starts to look more and more like last season was a fluke caused by the empty arenas. Seems like when there's a bunch of eyes on them in an arena, guys like RJ and Randle start to shrink.

Not a coincidence once fans were allowed in MSG their home record was way worse than it was when there weren't fans. 8th seed for this team would be an accomplishment this year.
floodarea floodarea doesn't remember basketball cuz homie was fawning over his crush on the bench. I figured u wasn't watching basketball for strictly basketball reasons.

Randle shys away from the big moments and it's quite sad. Pls don't waste DRose's renaissance with this mediocrity. Swap out Randle & Robinson for Zion & Turner and build a winner.

Idk what Deuce has to show to get some burn at this point. Thibbs has a plan, I suppose.
Idk if its the new ball, or some personal off the court issues, but man Randle is nonexistent this year.
Thibs in the presser.

Well Grimes had a decent game, I feel like he just needs to calm down and learn the game. He needs to grind and earn minutes. As of now, Burks is our guy.
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