OFFICIAL NYk '22 offseason thread, RJ extended

Truth be told, a lot of y’all been 100% off Randle all season. A lot of Knicks fans were clearly waiting for a reason.

I woulda had 7 burner accounts roasting you ****** analyzing my posture and ****.:lol::smh:
It’s deserved tho. He’s killed momentum looked uninterested, sloppy and at times just flat out gave up defensively at points in games when he’s not the focal point.
It’s deserved tho. He’s killed momentum looked uninterested, sloppy and at times just flat out gave up defensively at points in games when he’s not the focal point.
Exactly I don’t want to hear a bunch of told you so’s on Randle. He wasn’t playing winning basketball and deserved to get the **** that he did and will continue to get if he returns to playing like that.

He hasn’t done enough to get a pass, he has to play better.
If you're at a job and your performance is great, your boss will praise you. If you start to suck at your job, that same boss is going to let you know that you're becoming trash at your job.
So idk why as a player you think because you got cheered on by NYC fans by being good at your job as a basketball player that they wouldn't criticize you when you suck.
If you're at a job and your performance is great, your boss will praise you. If you start to suck at your job, that same boss is going to let you know that you're becoming trash at your job.
So idk why as a player you think because you got cheered on by NYC fans by being good at your job as a basketball player that they wouldn't criticize you when you suck.

**** my bosses don’t even give me props when I do a good job because it’s just “what we pay you for.” As they like to put it and I sort of agree with them. But when I **** up I def hear it. If he wants fairweather fans trade the bum to the nets for Joe Harris and Patty Mills. The got fans that’ll cheer him when he’s 1/20.
All that talk is cool and I don’t disagree. But just like the team can’t control the reactions of the fans who feel (and maybe are) entitled to express themselves, you gotta expect the same the other way.

Long as Knicks fans have tough skin, cool. We’ll see.
If Randle was struggling but trying he wouldn't have heard a single boo.

The man would blatantly ignore teammates on offense. Miss defensive assignments. Sulk every time things weren't catered to him. If we can notice that watching the game there's no way his teammates don't take note of it.

He doesn't hold himself accountable and that's the problem everyone has with him.
All that talk is cool and I don’t disagree. But just like the team can’t control the reactions of the fans who feel (and maybe are) entitled to express themselves, you gotta expect the same the other way.

Long as Knicks fans have tough skin, cool. We’ll

Everyone is entitled to express themselves including Randle, but he chose a terrible way to do so. The fans are the customers. They pay insanely overpriced ticket fees to be able to attend home games, they pay for jerseys, merch, etc. So for him to be offended that the people that pay their hard earned money to see him are upset that he's stinking is a weird approach.

It's like when you're young and dating immature women and they do something to piss you off so you get angry but then THEY get angry at YOU because you're angry.
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Id like to know how we can upgrade or replace Randle tbh, whether that’s long term or immediate assets. He has to have some value, right?
Id like to know how we can upgrade or replace Randle tbh, whether that’s long term or immediate assets. He has to have some value, right?

it's really gonna be tough to accomplish. I haven't given up on him after half a season, but he needs to show stretches of skill by the end of season or he's never gonna get right mentally. Even last year we saw how he spiraled once he had a bad start to the playoffs.
it's really gonna be tough to accomplish. I haven't given up on him after half a season, but he needs to show stretches of skill by the end of season or he's never gonna get right mentally. Even last year we saw how he spiraled once he had a bad start to the playoffs.
The problem with Randle is really actually not Randle, it's that he is our best player. He is not a naturally leader and asking him to be make him so inconsistent. The team definitely need a true floor general to get the others in the best spots.
The problem with Randle is really actually not Randle, it's that he is our best player. He is not a naturally leader and asking him to be make him so inconsistent. The team definitely need a true floor general to get the others in the best spots.


I don't think the front office's vison for this team has Randle as the top guy. It's an incomplete team right now.

Randle isn't going to get traded but for arguments sake, what would y'all like in return? More picks? Christian Wood...????
The issue is Randle's head got so big from being an all star in NYC and all the hype around him taking us to the playoffs that I don't see him stepping down to anyone who isn't elite. Unless you're bringing in a dude like KD he's not being second fiddle

This man isn't gonna come here get title of head honcho and then relinquish it to anyone. Even if someone came here, he'd become disgruntled right away

I don't think the front office's vison for this team has Randle as the top guy. It's an incomplete team right now.

Randle isn't going to get traded but for arguments sake, what would y'all like in return? More picks? Christian Wood...????
I don't want Randle traded, I just want him to realize he can't act the way he does and he can't shun his teammates as if he isn't apart of this. I want him to grow up.

We all knew he wasn't a first option talent but you can at least do your part and keep energy positive.
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