OFFICIAL NYk '22 offseason thread, RJ extended

burks being in the game right now is exactly why i won’t be watching when we make no more moves before the trade deadline
Has Burks done anything to be playing this much? Or is Thibs trying to convince the FO to trade these guys.

There’s no way McBride is so bad in practice that he can’t sniff PG minutes.
Fournier was hot offensively for the past week and the night where RJ and Randle score 30+ he decides to put up a dud :smh:
Fournier was buns in OT. Went from hype off the RJ 3 to getting ran off the court in OT. Classic Knick disappointment.
the bench in general was trash... not even just talking about today because scoring wise burks was decent but he needs to be out the rotation period... still dont understand why cam cant take his minutes... you trade a first rd pick just for him to rot on the bench... if that was the case you minuswell of kept knox and kept the first round pick
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