OFFICIAL NYk '22 offseason thread, RJ extended

^ i think its the opposite... the nets got a lot better... the only issue is kyrie not playing full time... sixers gave up a lot 2 first round picks and seth curry.... harden doesnt win when it matters and look at his supporting cast over the years dwight, cp3, russ, kd and kyrie... instead of pointing the finger harden needs to look at himself and take some blame

on another note i hope we make a trade.... if we got fox ill forgot about this terrible season lol
Harden playing 2nd fiddle to Embiid who does everything should work out for them. Both teams got better.

Leon Rose is waiting til the final minute?
i live in the DMV area, so a bunch of my friends are Wizards fans that are excited about Porzingis.

should i tell them?

Just saying…..
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