OFFICIAL NYk '22 offseason thread, RJ extended

How is he a draft wizard? Who did he draft that makes a difference? And what moves did he make that made the TWolves respectable?!!
***** !

It’s not who he drafted. It’s who he signed.


So Randle and Sabonis bout to be on the same team?

** All jokes aside if we had a legit championship contender I would want Pat Bev on this team. He’s the perfect role player that would recruit more Knick haters by the masses while we’re winning. Would be great 🤷🏽‍♂️
if the only trade we make is trading cam id be pissed... at least give the guy a shot to see if hes good... he played what 3 games total smh... but you rather keep the garbage vets around...honestly it would prally be better/easier to fire thibs instead of a roster overhaul
I remember Herb Williams increased mins for Ariza after taking over Wilkens’ job
We only salary dumping to try and save face and resign Mitch since we ****ed up not resigning him earlier for cheaper

I’m actually ok with that. Burks and Noel aren’t playing nearly as good as last season, so dumping them to free up cap and minutes is a win win IMO. Even if we don’t get pick(s), I’d rather keep Cam. He’s 21 and still has one more year on his rookie deal. If he ends up balling out, he’ll be restricted in 2023. If not, he walks.
I think we should keep Cam until he’s eligible to be packaged. Would be best to attach him for a bigger trade instead of the 1 for 1 garbage now.
this summers free agency class is garbage

no point in free cap space unless there’s a summer deal for a superstar on the table, which there isn’t
shopping mitch??

wouldn’t be mad at selling high depending on the return but even as someone who’s had him in the trade block from the start of the season, he’s started to win me over with his play as of late

my biggest hesitation is overpaying for a guy that only plays half of his games and takes another 20 games just to get into shape/rhythm

Unless zions master plan is to fatten up so much during g the next 5 months that the pelicans trade him for scraps to us. And then he’s going to get fit to play with RJ Cam and coach K.
shopping mitch??

wouldn’t be mad at selling high depending on the return but even as someone who’s had him in the trade block from the start of the season, he’s started to win me over with his play as of late

I’d trade Mitch in a heart beat. He’s too injury prone and hasn’t developed 1 bit.
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