OFFICIAL NYk '22 offseason thread, RJ extended

Mister Meaner Mister Meaner thinks miles has next just like i was ready to die on the hill that shane larkin had next

so in that regard i can’t even hold him :lol:
I think Duece hasn't been given a real chance, I think he is and can be very good.

Obviously a lot of people are going to scream that he can't make a bucket or whatever, but if it was just that a lot of Champions wouldn't be champions. He has a better grasp of the game that players we let rock.
i think he can be a solid rotation player, if given the opportunity. even when he did play last season, he had to give up the ball past half court most of the time. idk if thats him or by design, but he was getting Frank-ish treatment. he balled out in the GL, so at least he's not as timid as Frank.
The sooner we all release ourselves from superstar trade delusions of grandeur, the happier we’ll be.

We do this literally every year. :lol:
Hence the reason I never bother following the drama.

i think he can be a solid rotation player, if given the opportunity. even when he did play last season, he had to give up the ball past half court most of the time. idk if thats him or by design, but he was getting Frank-ish treatment. he balled out in the GL, so at least he's not as timid as Frank.
I'm certain that's by designed. You could tell by the look of the rookies that anytime they shot the ball and missed, or pass the ball which let to a TO, the were like OMG am I going to get yelled at or pull out the game now? They were and still are on a short short leech. Thibs is not that guy for development.
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These Knicks still have Evan & Julius to address. Outside of that everything looks to be complete for now.
For now there should be some in-house competition between Grimes & Reddish for those big time minutes.

Each with strong yet unproven cases that need opportunities before being part of the package for THAT guy.

Talent & physical tools would have Cam pegged for success. Grit & defense has Q going far as well.

I like setting RJ up between JB & Cam playing 3 a bit more than JB-QG-RJ. Thibs will definitely be rooting for Grimes.

Evan is a very valuable trade chip who’s presence right now is just as obstructing as Julius.
Have a feeling☝️of them goes very soon.

🥀 should be signed to lifetime extension cuz idc idc idc.
i dont think we move Evan. he's our only shooter and can be valuable off the bench. typically you dont pay someone that much to come off the bench, but Grimes being on a rookie deal makes it much easier. the only reason why i think Grimes starts is bc we need one guard out there that can play D.
There’s a logjam at that wing position with RJ🔒 into a starting role.

Evan will not accept that role off the bench. Thibs hardly wanted to play him in closing time.

He adds nothing with his shooting being the liability he is.

And Grimes looks just as capable of setting the Knicks record as he.

He better be gone lol.
Evan is too to inconsistent to start and doesn't play defense... Just hard to see him getting benched when he has that big contract...I wish we can trade him for an expiring so it clears up the logjam in the backcourt
all those points are likely why we wont trade him. maybe he'll come off the bench for a legit contender, but no one is going to pay him that to come off the bench.
KNYT has a mock that sends Randle to Phx & Evan to LA in a 4 team trade with Indy thrown in as well.
Russ ends up staying home or bought out but he never sees MSG as a Knicks player. Knicks also get that Lakers 1st in ‘27.

Phx has the type of inside presence they’re missing and that frontline is set. LA gets shooters [Buddy too].

Call that a win for all.

Kinda weird cuz I really effs with Brodie; and while some of it is hyperbole, he cannot win the way he continues on.

He should go back to the Wiz or something. His energy is better balanced over there.
I’m going to miss these tho. 😞


Think our primary jerseys need to modeled this way with the old font. The piping is beautiful. Like these.

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