OFFICIAL NYk '22 offseason thread, RJ extended

It’s the right move as much as it hurts. Kemba’s just too small and doesn’t provide enough ball movement on offense to make up for it. Sucks, but I’m glad that Thibs is doing what’s best for the team and not dragging this out.
crazy indeed. "out of the rotation" is a big deal.
i'm really surprised it was kemba, but who else would it be?
feel bad for him cause that's a big blow to the late stage of his nba career as well as all that enthusiasm and goodwill he had to play on the knicks

i figured he'd maybe come off the bench, but he's going from starting to DNPs.

i think we should trade Mitch, bc he's about to be a FA and i don't want to be paying him 15mil+ per season. might as well package him, Kemba and Knox for Wall. Wall's deal expires after the end of next season anyway, so its not like we'll be on the hook for long.
Only the Knicks would use a guy in their promo for their City Edition jerseys then pull him from the rotation 20 games in
i figured he'd maybe come off the bench, but he's going from starting to DNPs.

i think we should trade Mitch, bc he's about to be a FA and i don't want to be paying him 15mil+ per season. might as well package him, Kemba and Knox for Wall. Wall's deal expires after the end of next season anyway, so its not like we'll be on the hook for long.
I hope not, if they trade Mitch use it for a player who can help or has upside. Kemba is a 8 Mil contract. Even just letting Mitch walk and Kemba is here another season for 8 Mil is a better move than grabbing Wall to come here and bring his BS.

I was rooting for Kemba .. not good on D bjt always takes the charge.

Putting burk at the PG is hilarious..... hopefully it works but he aint no PG for sure.
IQ and Obi have good chemistry so I'm assuming Thibs doesn't want to break that up.

Quickley always looks for him down court.
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