1st listen this mornin. Good @%%%!

I was considering not even botherin after him and Joeys antics

Im not touching this....i cant....i wont...

im copping this....

trying to get into the release party @ Santos


I can't beleive this ain't 100 pages right now....like Time said people listen for different reasons....

This is $@**+@* HIP HOP!!!

On like my 9th listen I'm off work today and I'm to satisfied this impresses in every way possible....production is on point, those gritty grimeysounds of the 90's that I thought were gone....

I just wish other artisis would take what Rae did as a blueprint for future albums....I appreciate the advancement of music and trying to open new doors butnot as much as I appreciate what I'm comfortable with and Raekwon absolutely delivered with this....can't say enough
'Gihad' is that joint!

But I'm definitely feeling this a lot more than BP3. This is definitely more grimier and anti auto-tune than what I thought BP3 was going to be like.Comparing the two, BP3 is more so like a pop record. @#** you might hear on E! during an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians.
Heads up everyone...
For those that didn't get Walk Witt Me on their version, iTunes has it listed as being the 23rd track on the album, with an exclusive pre-order 24th trackcalled Badlands with Ghostface on it.
On another note, how is a dead man (ODB) gonna make an appearance on the album but U-God doesn't? LMAO. Dude is salty somewhere.
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

On another note, how is a dead man (ODB) gonna make an appearance on the album but U-God doesn't? LMAO. Dude is salty somewhere.
Nobody likes U-God
Originally Posted by I Live In Texas

'Gihad' is that joint!

But I'm definitely feeling this a lot more than BP3. This is definitely more grimier and anti auto-tune than what I thought BP3 was going to be like. Comparing the two, BP3 is more so like a pop record. @#** you might hear on E! during an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

No disrespect to Raekwon, but ask yourself this...

If Raekwon was an 8/9 figure dude like Jay-Z is, do you really think he would be in the same space, mentally and creatively to make an album such as this?

Rae for better or worse is still in grind mode as an artist. Jay is in a completely different space than most popular music artist, let alone most rappers.
^^^yup (to Game), and thats why people have no problem excepting this content from Rae, even tho they both around the same age.

Album goes very hard after one listen. Shoulda spit over that intro...that %$#% sounded so soulful.

I will be supporting this.
Originally Posted by iHateTimeDotCom

at people gettin offneded at what i said... in a nutshell... different strokes for different folks... im done hating on people (cept eminem)...

I don't see anyone that got offended, if you don't like it you don't like it, that's fine. Looks like you're alone in your judgmentthough.
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