Official Parks and Recreation Season 4 Thread vol. Vote Knope in 2012

my exact sentiments about the philosophy class im taking right now for a GE

My boy just sent me this pic, said they were here 2 days ago.


If I run into rashida tonight, I'm going to jail.


Nvm, only the dudes came.
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And lulz were had. "You getting paid for an hour, you gonna dig for an hour." :lol:
last night's episode was awesome. :pimp: :D

that bar with the scotch lotion/oil scene. :rofl: andy's bachelor party scene. :pimp: all of them were hilarious. :lol:

when councilman jamm just blurts, "this is ******g ********!" during the interview. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
id fight each and every one of you if it meant i got to grab of a whiff of Rashida Jones' queef
Cant believe I missed out on this show for the longest time.
Started watching from season one like a month ago. Looking forward to every single episode.
I can't remember the last time all the guys were together, but oh man was it hilarious. 

Andy was the MVP of the episode, his uncomfortable reaction when Ron was getting lotioned, his excitement when Irsay said he should play football, his endzone dance, his disbelief over seeing Roy Hibbert, then his rant about letting Chris marry April if he died.

And each bachelor party was perfect for each character. Jerry having an extra ice cream cone waiting for him was brilliant. The ridiculous bar for Tom and all those drinks 

In typical Parks fashion, they blend comedy with genuine emotion better than anyone on TV. I've been afraid Chris has been lost as a character but if they stick to this new outlook and healthy optimism, I'm all for it. Plus getting him with Shauna is solid. And ending with him being excited she said burgers was great.

Leslie's story was fun as well. April and Ann were looking fine and April yelling "Ann who are you lying to" killed me, plus her digging with the penis hat 
"well, heeyyy, girrrlsss! :D"

" :stoneface: "

"o-ok, thanks... :smile:"

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

April was looking :wow: :evil: :pimp: this episode - more than usual. when she was chewing dat gum in dat outfit. :evil: :wow:


*jerry giggle*

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

the Bear-Canary scene. :lol: :lol:

the basketball scene(s). :rofl: the andy dunk attempt had me dying. :lol:

"that's exactly who i want shopping at rent-a-swag."


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

"i just dribbled up an idea - no, double dribbled." :lol: :lol:

"can i borrow $1500? you can't ask what it's for.... fireworks. :smile:" :lol: :lol: :lol:

the trash gift. :lol: :lol:

Episode was nothing but lulz. :lol: :lol:
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