Official PATRIOTS vs. RAVENS Vol. Monday Night Highlight

I told ya, he shoulda spiked it instead of Time out, they woulda had a TO after the hail mary *shrugs, o well. Brian Billick is NOT a good coach
i bet shula's blood pressure shot through the roof......
.....geezer prob. passed out wherever he is
man i don't have espn but it sounded like a great game
no lie though i would read through one page and a new
one would come up finish that an there would be another one
It wasnt Billick who called the timeout. It was Defensive Coordinator Rex Ryan.

Wow that was a close one. Only if Boller threw it a yard deeper it would have been a TD.

Great game tho.
Why do Pats fans think we are all "Patriot haters" by cheering against the perfect season. Casual fans of niether team just like to see upsets. Ithas nothing to do with your specific team besides this year and situation. Settle down
Why they lost...

- Boller and his INT.
- Stupid Time out.
- Bart Scott

- Brady sold his soul to the devil.

Oh to watch heroes. Damn I need to visit S&T more. Now I know why you dudes got like 10k posts.
I feel for Ray Lewis and Ed Reed, they played their hearts out (as usual) only to see their efforts come up short once again dueto a mediocre offense (with the exception of McGahee) and inept coaching.

Like Shughes said I'm not a Pats fans by any stretch of the imagination but I will be watching the rest of their games and do want them to run the table sothat I could say that I witnessed NFL history.
Anyone that ever said the NFL is fixed can cite this game as a prime example.. the last 2 minutes of that game were on some JFK assassination type $!#*.

Whatever though... just come to expect it when dealing with the darlings of the league (moss and brady).
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

What a bailout...

The Pats get so many chances. It's disgusting.

I swear man, Brady must donate lots of money to poor children around the globe. Dude is great no doubt, but nobody has luck on their side like that man.

smh at Rex Ryan.

that adds to the dumb decisions of the nfl coaches weekend lol

Close...close game. Enjoyable though. I was on the edge of my seat the whole night, right up until the hail mary 2 yrds short. (What an arm on Boller though!)

Ravens played great just fizzled out there at the end and gave em too many chances. Thats the Pats for you though margin of error against them is razor thin.


Raven Oline

Ravens D

Bart Scott losing his cool at the end

Brian Billick blowing kisses
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