Official PC thread.

So I was here thinking about how I got into PC gaming, and I thought the story was pretty cool, so I decided to post it here. Just a cool starry bra.

So I remember back in the days when people were using the early Compaq Presarios. I would have to google to find out actually how long ago it was, but I'll guess mid 90's. So my computer came with this old Sega game called Virtual On. It was basically a 3d space mech (think gundam) fighter. Sorta like Armored Core, but in a smaller arena, a la Tekken. So I enjoyed it, but when I tried to install another game (I think it was Tomb Rainder), it told me I didnt have the proper gpu hardware. So I just looked up what a gpu was, probably begged my parents for one, got it and looked up how to install it. Installed it and was playing Tomb Raider. That felt pretty accomplishing at like 11 years old. lol.

Man.. Remember having time where you could just sit and research things and figure them out? That's why most hackers are young kids and teens. They have the time to sit around and figure things out for themselves... Pretty interesting... But why do they? My guess is that they haven't been indoctrinated into the ways of society. So a lot of them don't have distractions like how older people do, like the news, media, twitter, instagram, faceboo, niketalk, etc etc etc. Just think about how much time we spend doing these a day. And on top of that, we probably have some kind of music playing or YouTube video going at the same time. How could we sit down and focus on something like that with all these distractions as we get older.

Mindfulness (being able to focus on the now, the present, is one of the most important things you can learn in your life. With it, you will regain focus and control of your life. There's a good book on it called The Practicing Mind if you want to learn more.


Sorry about that...
^ thats cool mine is actually similar story too,

i was into making 3d software and rendering so one time i had this 3d model of a house in it was getting hard to pan and rotate through the model so i has to upgrade something pn my pc. cheapest was the ram so i bought some 512 mb sticks and placed it in the slot myself. my next rig after that i built myself [emoji]129299[/emoji]
Hmmmm not a real PC gamer but I can relate. I remember being like 13 or 14 and I had a compaq presario too :lol:. I was big into mixtapes and I started downloading like crazy except I could only only play it on my pc. Fired up the 56k modem and started looking at cd burning info. Saved up some change and went to Best Buy to buy one. Followed the instructions in the box but I couldn't stop there after getting a peek of the inside of my pc. Tore down the whole thing it was like a brand new world. Got into emulation down the road and started doing minor upgrades here and there. Come to think of it that CD burner was life changing.
Hmmmm not a real PC gamer but I can relate. I remember being like 13 or 14 and I had a compaq presario too :lol:. I was big into mixtapes and I started downloading like crazy except I could only only play it on my pc. Fired up the 56k modem and started looking at cd burning info. Saved up some change and went to Best Buy to buy one. Followed the instructions in the box but I couldn't stop there after getting a peek of the inside of my pc. Tore down the whole thing it was like a brand new world. Got into emulation down the road and started doing minor upgrades here and there. Come to think of it that CD burner was life changing.

Bruh. I was the CD man at school from 7th til 12th grade. That was a career for me. :lol:

Technology will come and change ya life. For better or for worse. Your choice.
Bruh. I was the CD man at school from 7th til 12th grade. That was a career for me. :lol:

Technology will come and change ya life. For better or for worse. Your choice.

My parents got cable Internet in early 00's and I felt like the man being able to make mix cds for for the masses in HS lol.
Fallout 4 is finally smooth enough for me to play it.

This vid helped. Most of the micro-stuttering is gone.


edit: still performs like crap when indoors
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RE7 smoked my 290 :smh: didn't have anything up monitoring, but I had everything turned down, so it was ugly, and still got some bad stuttering and dips, especially rounding corners, and outside.

Great game though
Just ordered a mechanical keyboard - I got a gaming keyboard on sale last week but didn't realise until I got home that it wasn't mechanical - just has extra buttons and stuff. I was a bit disappointed and then yesterday the full stop and comma keys stopped working so it's going back. Ordered a mechanical one with just a few extra buttons - I like a volume control and mute so I can quickly turn it off when necessary. Should be here tomorrow.
Just ordered a mechanical keyboard - I got a gaming keyboard on sale last week but didn't realise until I got home that it wasn't mechanical - just has extra buttons and stuff. I was a bit disappointed and then yesterday the full stop and comma keys stopped working so it's going back. Ordered a mechanical one with just a few extra buttons - I like a volume control and mute so I can quickly turn it off when necessary. Should be here tomorrow.

what board?
I had this Roccat ISKU FX:


Today the fault has extended - now no comma, full stop or M - looks like it's working its way along the bottom row. Right now I'm working with a little bluetooth thing plugged in.

Ordered this Corsair CH-9101024-UK K70:

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