Now thats what I'm talking about, finally we put together a good 60 minutes

Offense looked great, I'm glad we stopped turning the ball over and had red-zone success

And now I finally have good things to say about the defense. I'm happy that we got away from the wide 9 on every play, except our run defense was still suspect, however our secondary looked really good
glad coach realizes this:

"as good as this game is, we don't have a winning record. Lot of season left."

hopefully players do too
Solid win. We've arrived fellas. The team we thought we could be is here. Thanks to some adjustments to the wide nine and having our ace linemen back. Like i said before, we can run the table, as long as we limit turnovers.
I'm looking at it like this:  If we can't get the division, we're only 1 game behind the Falcons, Bucs, and Bears for that second wild card spot, and I believe we're better than those 3 teams (Even though we lost to ATL).  playoffs are definitely in reach from here on out, as long as we keep playing how we've been playing.
The O-line looked great last night.  Ware had 4 sacks, but Demarcus Ware will be Demarcus Ware.

Excited for MNF next week 
Eagles got the Bears and Cardinals, both winnable games...Giants got Patriots and 49ers, both losable games. I'm not one to count my chickens before they hatch and don't wanna jinx anything but we can definitely be 5-4 and the Giants 5-4 when they play on MNF..If so, that game is gonna be insane.
SheilKapadia Sheil Kapadia
As a runner, Michael Vick is on pace for 964 yards, which would be the second-highest total of his career. Also avg. 8.1 YPC. #eagles
The Eagles have ditched the blitz

By Dan Graziano

The Philadelphia Eagles honored the late Jim Johnson, their longtime defensive coordinator, at halftime of Sunday night's victory over the Cowboys. But the way the Eagles play defense now is dramatically different from the way they played it under Johnson and the last two years for his successor, Sean McDermott. Jeff McLane writes of the conscious decision by Andy Reid and his defensive staff to move away from the blitz-heavy defenses of Eagles past and into a mode where their front four is responsible for pressuring quarterbacks:
All 22 of the Eagles' sacks this season -- they are fourth in the NFL in sacks per pass play -- have come from defensive linemen. Jason Babin has nine, Cullen Jenkins five, Trent Cole four, Darryl Tapp two, Trevor Laws one, and Mike Patterson one.

This was by design.

After firing McDermott in January, the first coaching move Andy Reid made was to lure defensive line coach Jim Washburn away from Tennessee. Washburn had said before that if a team has to blitz more than necessary, then its front four isn't doing its job.

A few weeks after Washburn was hired, Castillo was named coordinator. At an introductory news conference in February, it became clear that Castillo would adopt a more conservative approach than his predecessors.

Simplification was the buzz word.

"If you blitz all the time," Washburn said then, "you'll get killed."

There was a lot of talk in the Eagles' locker room late Sunday night about how they all expected it to take time for all of the new players and all of the new coaches to get together on the same page in the new defensive system. There was a lot of change in the offseason and a lot asked of a lot of people in a short period of time. But in Sunday night's game, everything the Eagles wanted to do on defense (and on offense, for that matter) seemed to work. One of the keys has been the ability of the coaching staff to get the players to continue buying into the new ideas even when they weren't working and the team was losing four games in a row.

The Eagles beefed up on the defensive line in the offseason because, if you're going to rely on your front four to create pressure, you need to have a great front four. The talent and depth they acquired with guys like Jenkins and Babin allow them to put Washburn's theories into practice. You may still see the Eagles blitz every now and then, but when they do it's going to be to throw a changeup. It's no longer the basis of their defensive philosophy. This would seem a far more efficient way of doing things. Time will tell if the Eagles can make it an effective one long-term.

Philadelphia Eagles
Injury/Roster Update: DE Brandon Graham has been activated to the 53-man roster. OG Kyle DeVan has been released.
just wasn't our night.. and that applies to everyone..

dropped passes by the WRs

vick got lucky with not having more passes picked

our coaches not realizing our Dline did better when we went a little bigger (playing landri at DE.. which is where i was suggesting we throw jenkins for a few downs)

desean fumbling

some calls didn't go our way

the fake punt was a beautiful call, considering both gunners were left open.. the execution on the other hand
Originally Posted by k3stacks

Barring an epic collapse by the giants. we done
yeah pretty much, Cowboys got a cakewalk schedule so they're sitting pretty even if the Giants collapse. Plus there's NO chance we get a wild card
I don't like anything I saw from this team tonight besides McCoy, offense just as rhythm-less as ever. ZERO plays downfield at all, what happened to testing the secondaries Andy?

so disappointing man 
This basically means that we have to win the REST of our games to have the slightest chance of making any trip to the playoffs. 







We are sitting at 3-5 right now. The rest of our schedule, none of those games are "easy" games. Not only do we have to win the rest of our games (highly unlikely that we do), we have to hope that the Giants collapse (also highly unlikely). 

I agree that it wasn't our night, but what's even more frustrating was that even with all the negatives we still had a chance in the end. We have so much potential but we can't seem to put it together.

With that said, the biggest reasons why we lost were the usual culprits IMO

-weak LB core coupled with the wide 9 allowed Forte to run all over us
-o-line didn't give Vick a lot of time, or Shady a lot of lanes to run
-turnover killed us (Maclin falling, interception in the red zone and Jackson's fumble)- although what hurt us more than the fumble was the roughing the passer call on Babin after we stopped them on 3rd down

Asante continues to be a weak link for the defense, I really watched him today and he really struggled (what the hell was he doing on the TD throw that went right past him)
If you watch his run defense its pathetic, he won't try to tackle, all he does is try to get in the way and run along side the ball carrier
The Asante play that you're talking about, I know exactly what it was. It was the easy over the top pass from Cutler to Earl Bennett. Asante was at least 8 yards off, 3-4 yards inside. Earl just had to run straight, and that pass was pretty much an easy layup for Cutler. Asante is the weakest link in our DBs, and dude has only caught 1 INT so far this season. Not to mention he can't tackle for $%%%. 
Posted this in the WIR thread but figured I'd post it here so we could have a troll-less conversation amongst fellow Eagles fans:

I'm not really in the mood to post all my week 9 thoughts because I'm angry over that Eagles loss, but to all the non-trolls, I have a question regarding this team..How many teams in the league have a RB as good as McCoy that gets used less in crucial moments? The Eagles had a lead that was because of McCoy's great plays, and going into the 4th he BARELY touches the ball the rest of the game..he might have literally had 2 touches after scoring that TD to give Philly the lead..It's unbelievable..If the Raiders had the lead, would they not run the offense through McFadden?..Vikings wouldn't do it with Peterson? Frank Gore in SF? Fred Jackson in Buffalo? I can go on all day..If you have a star RB that is CARRYING the team on his back, you don't start throwing passes the rest of the game
Since you all are in a semi offseason mode, lets look at needs.
A big Reciever . There is no doubt in my mind that Maclin is struggling cause of the lack of camp time, but letting Desean go, would not be terrible.
One of those 2 needs to end up in the slot if you pay Desean.
Asante needs to go, not cause of his play which is on par with the second tier corners through out the league, but because Nmandi is being paid too much to cover the slot. You need to be daring teams to go at your DB's in man, not having 2 man corners, and 2 zone guys if you include Hanson.
The linebacker help, and your back in a position where you can excell.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Posted this in the WIR thread but figured I'd post it here so we could have a troll-less conversation amongst fellow Eagles fans:

I'm not really in the mood to post all my week 9 thoughts because I'm angry over that Eagles loss, but to all the non-trolls, I have a question regarding this team..How many teams in the league have a RB as good as McCoy that gets used less in crucial moments? The Eagles had a lead that was because of McCoy's great plays, and going into the 4th he BARELY touches the ball the rest of the game..he might have literally had 2 touches after scoring that TD to give Philly the lead..It's unbelievable..If the Raiders had the lead, would they not run the offense through McFadden?..Vikings wouldn't do it with Peterson? Frank Gore in SF? Fred Jackson in Buffalo? I can go on all day..If you have a star RB that is CARRYING the team on his back, you don't start throwing passes the rest of the game
our terrible O-Line just forces McCoy to stay in the backfield and block, he caught a few screen passes but when we got up we needed to keep feeding him and we failed to do so.
Another blown lead, we just can't close teams out
^ to be honest.. i want asante and DRC gone after this game..

after that play where DRC wiffs on the tackle and then slaps his hangs together WHILE THE GUY IS STILL ON HIS FEET.. i was done

and i when i started watching the two of them more.. it just pissed me off

i can't knock nnamdi on the interference call, since that went both ways with knox pushing off then nnamdi grabbing him.. same goes for babin on the late hit call before the half..

we really need a stout DT, a DE with size and of course a better MLB (luckily there are some quality ones in the draft)
I can understand not being predictable and just constantly feeding the ball to McCoy and also risking him getting injured...But how do you run like 90% pass plays with the lead at home? You wanna pass 70% and rush 30%? That's fine..But when almost every play is a 7 step drop or a play action play, you're setting yourself up for failure

And people wanna get on Maclin for dropping an OVERTHROWN pass, but what about Desean with his usual "lemme run back 10 yards in an attempt to break off a huge run" that leads to a fumble when the team had all the momentum and basically gave the Bears free points
^ i agree, you can't blame maclin for falling on that play.. he was lucky he even caught it with how high the ball was thrown

that's on vick.. if he wants to give maclin a chance to run it, he has to hit him in stride and give him a chance to do something..

if you throw that type of pass, it has to be past the marker
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