Official Phoenix Suns @ San Antonio Spurs 1st round: GAME 1

Originally Posted by ultrasur1

tenia que ser el pibe!


I didn't see Carlos Valderrama on the court
Come the %%%% on.


There was no interior defense throughout both overtime periods, letting people drive through there every $#%%@@ time.

Jesus Christ... What a way to lose...

We did not close out ANYTHING today. Not ONE thing.

The first half. The second half. The first overtime.

Pathetic. Keep your $#%%@@ heads in the game and don't let off the gas.
I just saw the replay...

HORRIBLE DEFENSE by the Suns on the Ginobli
He walked right into the lane
see I dont understand how people always say the spurs are boring when they are always in games like this. They dont start playing until the playoffs. Timmywants to repeat
Originally Posted by PUSHA x Vinsanity

Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

and i feel bad for suns fans this is a talented team its just that the coach is garbage

this series is over suns are done

no way they recover from this loss

This is about the stupidest statement I've ever read.


your crazy if you think the suns are gonna win this series

look at how many chances they blew

theer spirit is gonna be crushed

and shaqs about to go on a tirade i knows hes pissed

I guarantee the spurs win the series
another travel on ginobli im guessing huh? yeaaaah right. lol THATS why the spurs are winners. great call not to use a time out and let shaq in.

I hate PHX and don't want to see SA; but... I find it comical that these two will burn each other out.
Originally Posted by B1LLY HOYLE


Suns shoulda pulled a Paul Westphal...took the T...advanced it...and gotten a 3 look off the inbounds....

Exactly what I thought.
Steve (2 MVP's and all I get is smacked by the Spurs) willNEVER win a NBA Title. I actually like him as a player, but this is seeming more and more like a reality.
That has got to be frustrating for him.
Originally Posted by B1LLY HOYLE


Suns shoulda pulled a Paul Westphal...took the T...advanced it...and gotten a 3 look off the inbounds....

never even thought about that idea, can't remember the refscalling a T for a timeout in the NBA
wow what a game. its all amare's fault getting that charge. they had it won!

its gonna be hard for another game in these playoffs to top this one.
Seeing as how you hate America and Americans, i'm not surprised to hear you say that. you badmouth the US everychance you get man, give it a rest.
Originally Posted by plumber E 20

another travel on ginobli im guessing huh? yeaaaah right. lol THATS why the spurs are winners. great call not to use a time out and let shaq in.


ginobili prolly the best player in the league real talk ... nash is a close second ... id trade amare ASAP in the off season for someone with a clue ... sunswatching people shoot lol
Manu does not have more heart than Kobe or AI, I could name like, 10 other players as well.
%&/( duncan his crew..especially bowen that dirty player, cnat stand seeing the spurs win
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