Official Phoenix Suns @ San Antonio Spurs 1st round: GAME 1

Manu's mastery of floppery makes him impossible to defend. That's not heart; it's trickeration. If you steal my wallet, I'm not going to say you have heart; I'm going to say you're good at trickeration.

what? so because the guy flops, you're gonna say that's not heart? as much as i hate the flopping and acting, that's no reason to say the guy hasno heart. he's a winner...and i have no clue as what you mean when referring to pickpocketing, because it makes no sense.
Originally Posted by Jdiddy931

so? the man drove and converted. are you gonna take that away from him?
No.. BUT if Shaq/Amare didn't have so many fouls, I guarentee Manu wouldn't have had a pleasent time.
Sounds like a personal problem..... PO
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

^^ you would choose Manu over them? I hope you're not serious.
do yall watch basketball? play the game of basketball? realize theres more to it than jumping? yall will take bums who never won anything over a player who basically wins a ring every year? have yallw atched the postseason in the last 5 years? manu does nothing but WIN ... thats all that should count ... youre tellingt me insert joe johnson or j rich in for manu and the spurs win titles? thats a BORAT NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

do you watch basketball? IF it wasn't for Duncan carrying Manu and the whole Spurs team on his back the whole game he would not have the opportunity togo to the basket for uncontested layups in overtime. Not to mention Finley's 3 pointers.

top 10 player my !!%
Oh how opinions would change if he were on your favorite team......
I wouldn't be a Suns fan if he was on my team.. He's the type of player Kurt Thomas is and that's a baby. That's why I hate thespurs so damn much Bowen, KT, and Manu are dirty
Just disregard Ska's comments.....
It would hurt his heart to say anything remotely "nice" about SA...

I'm not trippin, it's just another fan trying to hope the biggest threat(in SA) gets taken out the first round....It's all good.

No.. BUT if Shaq/Amare didn't have so many fouls, I guarentee Manu wouldn't have had a pleasent time.
sure, hypothetically, maybe Manu wouldn't have had an easy time driving down that lane. but in reality, it happened. i don't see howanyone can take that away from him.
Yall would take Jason Richardson and Joe Johnson over Manu? I suppose a case can be made for Johnson, but JASON RICHARDSON?

if i were playing the Mavericks? HELL YEAH

But nah, Manu doesn't get enough credit. To just downplay his game as "trickery" instead of skill and heart is just being blinded by bias.
I don't like flopping, but every team has a flopper. The Lakers have Fisher, Suns have Nash, Spurs have Manu, etc. etc. It's just part of the gamebecause the league has made it part of the game...don't blame the players for doing it, because it works. And I HATE flopping and I also don't like RatBastard at all
...but I can't really blame the players if the refsare calling things that way.
I was rooting for 3OT. That was ONLY game 1. It's hard to imagine another game in these playoffs being better than that one.

I wonder if this loss will beat the Suns mentally because they really had this game won twice. Man I hope every game is close to as exciting as this one.
Enough with the excuses and hatred from everyone. The spurs have won 4 of the last 9. Im sure thats all due to Manu's flopping and Duncan's feetshuffling,right? C'mon now. Give the Spurs credit. If you dont like them or they arent playing your team, why come in here with the hatred? I guess peoplejust love to hate the Spurs.
manu is wack this is a dumb argument. hes an okay player thats balding younger that any other player in the league.
yeah hes got heart.. cool. iverson has more, fisher has more, turiaf has more, KG has a hell of a lot more, same with kobe. case closed. id take joe johnsonand jrich over manu anyday also
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I can't wait for USA Basketball this summer to see what EFIL 4 RENNOGAWDNAB has to say after his precious Manu has to suffer through a blowout given to him by players with less heart.


glad to see my nickname for him being used
Just disregard Ska's comments.....
It would hurt his heart to say anything remotely "nice" about SA...

I'm not trippin, it's just another fan trying to hope the biggest threat(in SA) gets taken out the first round....It's all good.

Ready to be wrong?

I freaking hate when people make inaccurate assumptions.

San Antonio is a dynasty. With 4 rings since '99 and the current NBA champions, they are a dynasty. Every year, they are expected to make the playoffs,expected to go deep in the playoffs, and they are picked by people at the beginning of the season to win it all. EVERY YEAR, there are non-biased people thatpick them to win it all, and it's because they're freaking good.

Pop is an awesome coach.

Duncan is the greatest PF of our generation, and could be argued as the greatest PF of all time.

My favorite non-Laker of all time played his whole career with the Spurs.

It hurts my heart to praise the Spurs?

Then either my heart is in utter pain right now... or you're wrong on your assumption.

One of these days, some of you knuckleheads will learn to stop assuming things with me, and to just take face value at face value. If someone lies and I saythat I think they lied, it doesn't mean I think they're a bad person; it means I think they lied, so don't assume anything past what I said.

The reason I don't respect Ginobili's game is NOT because he's a Spur; I have nothing against the Spurs. The only teams I don't like are theVols, Duke, and the Yankees. And even then, I don't hate players on those teams JUST because they're on the team. I can praise Bruce Pearl, DerekJeter, and Coach K with no problem... or anyone else on those teams.

I don't play those games of 'I don't like this team, so I'm never going to say anything nice about them. It will hurt my heart.'

If Ginobili were a Laker, I would talk less bad about his flopping, whining, Oscar-worthy game. I did it with Malone; I couldn't stand him in Utah, andcringed when he became a laker. Did I become a big ol' Malone fan? Nnnnnnnooooooope, and I still hate that he was ever a Laker.

Stop assuming things, son.

Your boy flops.

Instead of thinking that I say that because of your incorrect assumption that I hate the Spurs, you might want to think about whether or not your denial ofManu's floppery is because you're a fan.

Maybe I'm not the one being biased.
I can't wait for USA Basketball this summer to see what EFIL 4 RENNOGAWDNAB has to say after his precious Manu has to suffer through a blowout given to him by players with less heart.


glad to see my nickname for him being used

I've been calling him that for like 2 years now, and I have never seen anyone else ever use it; I've only seen people quote me using it.I'm not saying you never did; just saying i definitely never saw it. I've never seen anyone use it.

It's a nickname that's true as freaking heck, though. Dude's trying to get back on the laker's bandwagon now, but flat-out said "I'mdone with the Lakers" a few years ago when we failed to make the playoffs. As soon as he said that, i quoted him as EFIL4 RENNOGAWDNAB, and I've used it every time since.

*waits for someone... ANYONE... to say something like 'Oh my gosh, people are fighting over who started nicknames.'*

Y'all are too predictable.

*waits for it*
SKA you're one of the most biased person against SA, I have never heard you say anything good about them unless attempting to cover up your hatred. I havenever seen you favor them over any other team
Wow.. Son took 4 steps.. 3 steps is a travel already, but the guy clearly took 4 steps.

EDIT: Okay, maybe not 4, but most definitely 3.
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

SKA you're one of the most biased person against SA, I have never heard you say anything good about them unless attempting to cover up your hatred. I have never seen you favor them over any other team


Waiting for the essay reply....
SKA you're one of the most biased person against SA, I have never heard you say anything good about them unless attempting to cover up your hatred. I have never seen you favor them over any other team
And you're a liar.

You've never seen me spew hatred for the Spurs.

If you're not a liar, then prove it. Yuku threads don't die, so let's see some responses by me where I'm hating on the Spurs.

Some of y'all, man...

Grow up. Stop thinking your assumptions are right.

I can not say enough times that I do NOT hate the Spurs. And it wouldn't matter how many times I said it, because you're just going to go on thinkingand assuming whatever the hell you want, despite no proof to back up your assumptions and thoughts.
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