Official Phoenix Suns @ San Antonio Spurs 1st round: GAME 1

Please Ska....Your comments NOW don't mean a thing...:lol:
You might not hate the Spurs, but i know you dislike them.....ALOT...

I mean honestly man....From all the Spurs players are dirty to never picking them to win, it's just insane.

No one expected us to win last year and this year i couldn't find a media oultet in which we are favored....
But if we do it again it will be THAT much better.

In regards to Ginobili, sure he may flop, but to say that he has "no heart" or his skill is based off some sort of trickery....That's plainfoolish my man....Dude can BALL.
Yall act like Fisher does not do the same thing....

I'm done with this, i do not have the time, i'm not these kids you argue with all day on NT, i'll see you in the WCF if we both arrive at thatdestination.
It won't be pretty.

Is there a way Ska can ban himself from sports & training? The boy comes in thinking people give a crap about this opinions. I know I'm not the onlyone that finds this cat annoying.

*** Don't ban me Ska. I have love for you.
Originally Posted by Jdiddy931

Oh how opinions would change if he were on your favorite team......
I wouldn't be a Suns fan if he was on my team.. He's the type of player Kurt Thomas is and that's a baby. That's why I hate the spurs so damn much Bowen, KT, and Manu are dirty
And Raja Bell isn't dirty? And Nash doesn't flop? Get out of here with that garbage. Your players do the same stuff, just not as well. Everytime the Suns lose it's always crying and excuses.
And Raja Bell isn't dirty? And Nash doesn't flop? Get out of here with that garbage. Your players do the same stuff, just not as well. Everytime the Suns lose it's always crying and excuses.
exactly. The Suns are just as dirty and flop just as much but are much bigger babies about it when it happens to them.
This is the year the Suns will beat the Spurs, last year was a fluke the only reason they won is b/c Nash and Amare was out . Spurs will not repeat this year.I repeat the Spurs will NOT REPEAT.
^I never said you "hate" the spurs although I think you secretly do. Here's an example of how you continually discret the spurs in anything theydo. Someone can post Bowen is the best perimeter defender", you'll post he's dirty, he just hurts ppl, nba needs to kill him, blah blah blah.

I'm sure you're gonna have some smart reply but oh well it doesn't matter because as far as I'm concerned spurs are the sports team of thedecade. I guess you could argue for LA since you're a laker fan.
Originally Posted by rock4light

Is there a way Ska can ban himself from sports & training? The boy comes in thinking people give a crap about this opinions. I know I'm not the only one that finds this cat annoying.

*** Don't ban me Ska. I have love for you.
I've gone back and forth with Ska under a different moniker and it's like talking to a brick wall. If he doesn't like somebody orsomething, he's just gonna beat it into the ground with paragraph after paragraph. The guy even dislikes the best player on his own team and rarely giveshim a positive review. Ska is just an odd cat
This is the year the Suns will beat the Spurs, last year was a fluke the only reason they won is b/c Nash and Amare was out . Spurs will not repeat this year. I repeat the Spurs will NOT REPEAT.
this is exactly what I was thinking. The Spurs had to pull out EVERY STOP just to get back into the game with the Suns and then it took a clutchthree from Michael Finley just to bring it into OT, and it took a Duncan three for them to make it into the third OT. I don't buy this game being thedefinitive game in this series. The Spurs played every card and barely pulled out the win. Shaq and Amare were in foul trouble and that played a huge factorin that last OT. I dont think this is the Spurs year. If they have to pull out every stop at home, then what the hell are they going to do on the road.
I think Phoenix has the better players. But are they mentally tough enough to close the deal. They basically dominated the game for about 40+ minutes and stillfound a way to lose the game.
I think Phoenix has the better players. But are they mentally tough enough to close the deal. They basically dominated the game for about 40+ minutes and still found a way to lose the game.

I wouldnt say the Suns lost that game as much as the Spurs just took it. I mean, the Suns played D almost perfectly at the end of regulation, but there isnt much you can do when Finley hits the shot he does right after he missed a wide open three and DUNCAN of all people hits a three to bring it in to double OT. I wish Shaq would have played D more agressively in that last overtime, I know he had 5 but still, Ginobli was fricken walking in for layup in that last OT.
Originally Posted by Scottsauce88

I think Phoenix has the better players. But are they mentally tough enough to close the deal. They basically dominated the game for about 40+ minutes and still found a way to lose the game.

I wouldnt say the Suns lost that game as much as the Spurs just took it. I mean, the Suns played D almost perfectly at the end of regulation, but there isnt much you can do when Finley hits the shot he does right after he missed a wide open three and DUNCAN of all people hits a three to bring it in to double OT. I wish Shaq would have played D more agressively in that last overtime, I know he had 5 but still, Ginobli was fricken walking in for layup in that last OT.

We must not have watched the same game
We must not have watched the same game
Im sorry, but there is not a whole lot a team can do when a player makes a tough three coming off a screen. I thought it was pretty good D.
Please Ska....Your comments NOW don't mean a thing...

You might not hate the Spurs, but i know you dislike them.....ALOT...
Buddy, if your pride won't let you admit when you're wrong, that's on you.

But you ARE, indeed, wrong.

No, you don't know that I dislike the Spurs. You can't know that, because it's not true. You might ASSUME it, but that's on you.

I have a feeling that your assumption comes from the fact that I've talked about Ginobili being dirty, Manu being dirty, and being a Laker fan. I have afeeling you take those 3 things and assume that I hate the Spurs, don't like the Spurs, dislike the Spurs, or whatever.

Oh wow, I didn't pick the Spurs to beat the Suns in my playoff bracket.

I also didn't pick the Cavs to make it to the Finals; I guess that means hate LeBron, right?

You're wrong, buddy.

Flat out wrong.

Sorry that hurts you too much to admit to being wrong.
I hate seeingpeople in pain.
From all the Spurs players are dirty to never picking them to win, it's just insane.
Yeah, I never said all of the Spurs are dirty players; just Ginobili and Bowen. Wrong again, guy. I don't expect you to admit this one either,though.
In regards to Ginobili, sure he may flop, but to say that he has "no heart" or his skill is based off some sort of trickery....That's plain foolish my man....Dude can BALL.
Yall act like Fisher does not do the same thing...
And... wrong again. When have I ever said Fisher doesn't flop? I haven't. Soooo... you're 0-3 on assumptions with me, homie.
TD the true best player in the league, hes gonna lead his team to its 5th championship and cement himself as on of the few greats to play this game. as ofright now most decorated player in the league no one will match him.

walking legend
Is there a way Ska can ban himself from sports & training? The boy comes in thinking people give a crap about this opinions.
Ummm... LOOK AROUND, GUY. Apparently people DO care about my opinion, or I'd be able to say whatever without people assuming things about meand getting all uptight about what I said. LOOK how many people have said things against Manu in here. Yet how many people give a crap about all those othernegative replies? And how many people want to quote MY replies and argue them?

Why is that?

Because no one cares about my opinion?

Psh, TRUST ME... I wish no one cared whatever the hell I said.

Maybe you can help me out with that. Anytime I say something, maybe you can come through right behind me and post in big, bold, yellow and pink letters"HIS OPINION DOES NOT MATTER! PLEASE DON'T GET OFFENDED BY WHAT HE JUST SAID! THANK YOU!"

You would be doing both of us a favor if you did that, because I wish people would just let me talk sports without getting all offended at the things I say.But no, I say something, and it's because I'm hard-headed, hate their team, I'm biased against their favorite player, or I just don't likethem.
TD the true best player in the league, hes gonna lead his team to its 5th championship and cement himself as on of the few greats to play this game. as ofright now most decorated player in the league no one will match him.

walking legend
^Was Ska this arrogant before he was a mod? The guy is obviously saying in pretty much every situation or scenario you go against the spurs. And although youmay have never said Fisher doesn't flop you don't call him out like you do Giniobli every time possible.

Edit: I searched Bowen and spurs in Yuku and found this in the first page.

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

- anyone who's not team-oriented, wanting to just be the man and get shine

I'm not naming names; no way.

As for the 'thuggery' comments, I'll say this: 'hood' types have never really bothered me, because that's what I grew up around. Just because someone has a grip of tats and was arrested at a club where it was discovered they had a gun and some weed, I've never really been bothered by that. 90% of the dudes I knew that had guns had them more for status, like getting in an argument and you pull a heater out and everyone quiets down.

The weed? There's a ton of athletes that get judged for smoking weed, and the people judging them know damn well they toke, too.
I don't but it ain't hurting me, so I've never really been bothered by it.

And 9 times out of 10, some dude that gets caught with weed or caught with a gun (or both) and has a ton of tats and argues with every-damn-body, people are going to label him a 'thug' and a 'problem', and I've just... never had a problem with him.

As an example, you guys are all talking about JR Smith. Me? I have more of a problem with Bowen than I do Smith; Bowen has almost ended careers. I'd want him out of the league before Smith if had a choice.

But dirty guys aren't even my first choice; 'me-first, team second' types would be my first, cats that think 'This game is way too easy for me to need a solid team; by myself, I have what it takes to take a team somewhere.'

No you don't. I wish I could take everyone in the NBA with that type of mindset, and send them to the NBDL.

P.S. On everything, I am neither confirming or denying any guesses y'all make, and I'm not arguing with anyone that thinks they know of any names I'm thinking of.

It's instances of you bringing up spurs players like bowen and manu in particular and hating (yes I said it) on them any chance possible.

I'm not going to go through every single spurs post to find you discrediting them but don't act like you don't do it. I don't know whyI'm even bothering arguing. I'm actually pretty certain you flat out hate the spurs, you can keep denying it but dont' act like it doesn't biaswhat you say.
And he's lying.

I don't go against the Spurs in every situation or scenario.

Anyone says that I do needs to prove that I do... are shut the hell up and keep their lies to their self.

And it's not arrogance; it's frustration. You expect me to just go 'O.K, I hate the Spurs.' when I don't? You expect me to just go'O.K., I think Fisher never flops' when I don't think that? You expect to me to just pick the Spurs to win even though I don't think they will,just to make sure no one accuses me of hating the Spurs?

That would be humble to you?

Y'all are hard-headed, stubborn, rebellious, and too proud to admit when you're wrong with me.

I don't hate the Spurs. I just don't. And I don't dislike them, either. The NY teams I dislike are the Yankees, Vols, and Duke. And the Suns aregetting there. EVERYONE THAT HAS SAID I HATE THE SPURS IS JUST PLAIN, FLAT-OUT... WRRONG. Period. And NONE of you saying that I hate the Spurs have ANYproof... BECAUSE IT'S NOT THERE.


I picked the Suns to win because I just think they'll win the series. THAT'S JUST MY OPINION, NOT HATE.
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

^Was Ska this arrogant before he was a mod? The guy is obviously saying in pretty much every situation or scenario you go against the spurs. And although you may have never said Fisher doesn't flop you don't call him out like you do Giniobli every time possible.

i don't want to bring up something that's been beaten like a dead horse in this forum, but Ska defended Fisher's flop against the Warriors inthat game where Monta Ellis got an offensive foul while most other Laker fans were admitting it was a terrible call and shoulda been a no-call.
and don't take this as an insult, i'm just bringin it up in the conversation

if i'm wrong correct me-but i remember u said Monta pushed off.
and also..
To be fair to Ska, people are always aiming for his head.
so whatever he says is always magnified x10.
manu is on a whole nother level on flopping. dont even compare him with dfish. atleast dfish plays tough d and squares up and takes it in the chest. manusrunning down the court flailing his arms, tumbling, falling, screaming, over exaggerates to the fullest, has whip lash and head trauma after a reach in foul.manu's a good player dont get me wrong. but dude plays like a ferry
"Is there a way Ska can ban himself from sports & training? The boy comes in thinking people give a crap about this opinions. I know I'm notthe only one that finds this cat annoying. "

from a member who never posts, but is fed up with his opinions because for some reason he thinks he's special (moderator)

Dude thinks he's mad unbiased and intelligent cause he can outargue 13 year olds.
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