Official Phoenix Suns @ San Antonio Spurs 1st round: GAME 1

I am not a Spurs fan but
Originally Posted by Sriracha Hot Sauce

Nash has to be most annoying defender ever. Does he even play defense at all? Everytime I watch him, he's trying to draw a charge.

It's part of the defensive game. Deal with it.
Still feel the same way about how the ref's are calling this game PO?

I agree with Van Gundy, that should have been a no call. Basketball is a contact sport. Duncan gained no advantage with that contact.

When wad Diaw resurrected from the dead? I don't remember him playing that way during the regular season.
^^^ those charges that steve nash is drawing are going to win me some money, keep it up steve kill the spurs
The irony contained in watching STEVE NASH draw back-to-back charges on GINOBILI and then DUNCAN is hysterically entertaining.


And the thing is, at some point in the series, I fully expect that the Spurs will get their payback when Ginobili draws back-to-back charges on Nash and thenBell.

And then we'll go back to S.A., where Bell will draw back-to-back charges on Parker and then Bowen.

The Phloppers vs. the Floppurs.

Originally Posted by holdenmichael

Still feel the same way about how the ref's are calling this game PO?

I agree with Van Gundy, that should have been a no call. Basketball is a contact sport. Duncan gained no advantage with that contact.

When wad Diaw resurrected from the dead? I don't remember him playing that way during the regular season.
Yes sir...The initial calls on Shaq can be justified, Duncan's, not so sure..... I'm not worried about that though, we just have to containPHX. PO
shaq swattin tony p's #%%$

on another note, kurt thomas is a @%@$%. does he do anything besides flop?
This dude Kurt Thomas, man...

Quit your freakin' whining and !!!%% and just play basketball.

Manu has quickly turned this guy into a Spur.

And why does Shaq think he can just blatantly break rules sometimes?
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