Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

Originally Posted by airjordanjack

Rolo - You take some great macro shots. I used P for the first 6th months or so when I got my first camera, then I switched to Aperture priority (AV on canon.) Now I always shoot AV and Manual. I would never go back to P, not nearly enough control over the camera IMO.

Same here. Since I don't shoot with any kind of flash, M and AP suites me the best. When I am super lazy and don't want to think much, AP is thebest...but when I have to really put some thought into my shots, M is where it is at.
Originally Posted by Dunks r nice

^ or

Ricky & Gabe. Yeah I use P every so often, but I'm starting to use A & M a little more though.
shoooot. you know me. my camera is almost always on P. especially if i'm just walking around. i'm taking a photography class now and wehave to shoot M. haha i mean i'm fine with it, i'm just too damn lazy.
Got my D40x almost a month ago and am JUST starting to learn some stuff
I also really have no clue what to shoot, so I take pics of random crap.

I just cant get to have my pics be as crispy as some of you it the iso settings? Im ususally around 800, apperture? Something else My pics seem tobe "noisy" a lot of the time.
Originally Posted by TmAk15



Couldn't afford a nikon flash for my d40, I'd been using an old external flash from my dad's old canon AE-1
. Only thing is the flash is way too harsh, so I tried pointing the flash straight up, love the effect but now that I have a d90 the camera is too fast and I get dark sections at the bottom of the photo's. Guess it's time to hunt for a used sb-600.

"My dream school was actually UCLA", I was in shock

WOAH I HAVE PLAYED AGAINST THE GIRL IN THE BLACK HOODY.. full package elite out of chicago i believe
Originally Posted by SaNTi0321

Would you guys take your Camera to college? Even if your courses / Major has nothing to do with photography? I kinda like taking my camera everywhere, but idk...
I would def bring it.. your not even in college yet and your shots are
... really?!

Originally Posted by Dunks r nice

sick shot

Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Originally Posted by TwoSickJays

What the? Some dude is just caring that around on Embarcadero?
a WHAT????
thinking about buying a DSLR soon and not sure where to begin, something that can shoot HD video would be a plus also, any suggestions? thanks.
Originally Posted by Flaming Hot Cheetos

Got my D40x almost a month ago and am JUST starting to learn some stuff
I also really have no clue what to shoot, so I take pics of random crap.

I just cant get to have my pics be as crispy as some of you it the iso settings? Im ususally around 800, apperture? Something else My pics seem to be "noisy" a lot of the time.
Your ISO should change depending on the lighting you have to work with. However, for the pictures you posted, I would suggest lowering the ISO.
Originally Posted by WHPH10

Originally Posted by Flaming Hot Cheetos

Got my D40x almost a month ago and am JUST starting to learn some stuff
I also really have no clue what to shoot, so I take pics of random crap.

I just cant get to have my pics be as crispy as some of you it the iso settings? Im ususally around 800, apperture? Something else My pics seem to be "noisy" a lot of the time.
Your ISO should change depending on the lighting you have to work with. However, for the pictures you posted, I would suggest lowering the ISO.
Ahhhhh thanks man. So with ideal or lotsa light the ISO should be lowered while in low light conditions up it, right? haha I needed that brokendown to me like twice already,
^^^^ ^^^ it may just be a matter of other photographers simply editing their photos a great deal more.... post processing can do wonders to liven up anygeneric photo (not calling out your photos generic btw, just saying in general).
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Yo Bana. Is this one of your shots? Seen it lurking on Smoking Section.

Originally Posted by NachoBroadway

SS is always taking shots from here, they got me 2x. not even a shout-out from those pricks lol

Tsk tsk
I had photos from when this post first started. Someonementioned it, I went back, credited the photos & haven't been back since so...that, sir, would be incorrect. I'm only back today b/c I tracked alink.

I actually found that pic surfing online I always say, if you want true credit for your work, you should probably tag it.

Nooow, there might be another blogger you want to check for stealing the pic initially
. But it twasn't I.
rolo - haha im sure u know what im trying to get at...

i see pics on ur blog and most are pretty good, so why not get the most out of ur camera, plus u been getting alot new lenses right?

i started using Av mode when i first started, and took the longest before using the M mode, so glad i did tho, now on average im about 70% M mode, 30% Av fordaily use

what i really need to start doing is shooting in Raw
man this whole time i thought santi was around my age. but i would bring my camera to college, i just got the hundreds paparazzi bag to carry my *%%@ so i hopei start taking it around everywhere.
Just got a D40 with the kit lens. Learning how to use everything properly. Been shooting in A mode. This is a shot i thought came out pretty nice. Somecritique would be good and tips on editing my photos if necessary. (i use aperture and iphoto, working on getting photoshop). Let me know what you guys think Ican do to improve. Im noob.


My car in the back, aunts is the 5 series. Cars are dirty but i thought it was a pretty nice shot.

PS: Right now i am shooting high quality jpg. Some insight on raw would be great. I read up on it but still dont really get it, and how to work with it.
Get a bigger and faster memory card and shoot raw. it makes post process super easy. next time tell your friend to get out of the reflection.
Originally Posted by ourtran

Get a bigger and faster memory card and shoot raw. it makes post process super easy. next time tell your friend to get out of the reflection.
Sorry thats my uncle fishing
. So raw makes it easier toedit afterwards? Should i just shoot everything raw? I mean im not planning on editing all my images, but i seen what editing does and it looks great most ofthe time.
Think of getting D3000, the D5000 is in my reach should i just get that or should i save up for a D90 is there alot of difference, i was thinking about gettingthe kit from Best Buy for around 900 something dollars for the D5000 any help would be appreciated.
^ save up for the D90. i can't think of any list to compare the D5000 against the D90, but i'm sure google will have some answers.
Originally Posted by Air23Jordan707

Originally Posted by ourtran

Get a bigger and faster memory card and shoot raw. it makes post process super easy. next time tell your friend to get out of the reflection.
Sorry thats my uncle fishing
. So raw makes it easier to edit afterwards? Should i just shoot everything raw? I mean im not planning on editing all my images, but i seen what editing does and it looks great most of the time.

If you dont plan on editing your pics, then there is no need to shoot raw. I am not sure if the D40 does it, but you can also shoot booth raw and jpeg. andlike they other guy said, a bigger memory card is nice to have. good luck with your future photography bro.
imma noob no doubt about it so can someone recommend me camera... i hear about d40 alot should that be the road to take?...
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