Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

^ Check out the Canon XS or XSi. Prices should be fairly low especially if you can find them used.

Damn, just realized...I haven't posted in here for a while
Originally Posted by sigmakidownz

^ save up for the D90. i can't think of any list to compare the D5000 against the D90, but i'm sure google will have some answers.

I think im going to go with the D5000 kit and get the D90 when im a little better, the body+lens for the D90 is like 1300
Originally Posted by Halftime718

Originally Posted by sigmakidownz

^ save up for the D90. i can't think of any list to compare the D5000 against the D90, but i'm sure google will have some answers.

I think im going to go with the D5000 kit and get the D90 when im a little better, the body+lens for the D90 is like 1300
Buy From Save yourself some money. $731 for the D5000 kit.
Jewel, GET OFF THAT A MODE. M mode, YouTube tutorials, and other forums are your friends and me of course. Haha.

A stray cat that comes to my house.
Originally Posted by teatime0315

Originally Posted by Halftime718

Originally Posted by sigmakidownz

^ save up for the D90. i can't think of any list to compare the D5000 against the D90, but i'm sure google will have some answers.

I think im going to go with the D5000 kit and get the D90 when im a little better, the body+lens for the D90 is like 1300
Buy From Save yourself some money. $731 for the D5000 kit.

Yeah thanks, i was thinking of the D90 but its just too much, probably get it in a couple of months who knows.
Thanks again

Forget it im going for the D90. Any ideas where to get a cheaper price if it makes sense.
Originally Posted by UbUiBeMe

Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

I am a Nikon guy now but I would get a T1i over a D5000 any day.
Care to elaborate? I plan on purchasing either soon. Thanks dude.
Yeah, I'd like to hear a reasoning too. I'm debating between D5000 and D90. I am not a fan of Canon bodies or their lenses. The D90 seemsto have a lot more functionality than the D5000 but I'm still trying to figure out if that added functionality is worth the extra cost.
Originally Posted by UbUiBeMe

Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

I am a Nikon guy now but I would get a T1i over a D5000 any day.
Care to elaborate? I plan on purchasing either soon. Thanks dude.

I think both cameras are neck and neck with almost everything except that the Canon shoots better at higher ISO and it has a better frame rate on the HD video.So even with these two small things and Canon's array of lenses, I would get the T1i over the d5000. The only thing I think D5000 might have is that it isa little cheaper then the t1i...but I could be wrong. Also think the T1i has auto focus when doing live view HD filming.

Read more here:Þdslr-battlemodo
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by UbUiBeMe

Mr Fongstarr wrote:

I am a Nikon guy now but I would get a T1i over a D5000 any day.
Care to elaborate? I plan on purchasing either soon. Thanks dude.
Yeah, I'd like to hear a reasoning too. I'm debating between D5000 and D90. I am not a fan of Canon bodies or their lenses. The D90 seems to have a lot more functionality than the D5000 but I'm still trying to figure out if that added functionality is worth the extra cost.

And as far as the D90 and D5000, I can't speak for the 5000 but the D90 is built really well just as far as construction goes. I bought my camera earlyJanuary and it literally has no scratches or dings at all. The D90 is really quiet as well and I am sure it shoots better in low lit situations. The HD featureis the same though and if you are into it, I think the burst mode is alittle better.

Anyone see these yet?:


Originally Posted by Halftime718

Originally Posted by teatime0315

Originally Posted by Halftime718

Originally Posted by sigmakidownz

^ save up for the D90. i can't think of any list to compare the D5000 against the D90, but i'm sure google will have some answers.

I think im going to go with the D5000 kit and get the D90 when im a little better, the body+lens for the D90 is like 1300
Buy From Save yourself some money. $731 for the D5000 kit.

Yeah thanks, i was thinking of the D90 but its just too much, probably get it in a couple of months who knows.
Thanks again

Forget it im going for the D90. Any ideas where to get a cheaper price if it makes sense.

$1139 for the kit @ right now. If you aren't in NY you get it tax-free too. Free shipping as well.
Originally Posted by UbUiBeMe

Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

I am a Nikon guy now but I would get a T1i over a D5000 any day.
Care to elaborate? I plan on purchasing either soon. Thanks dude.

I'm a Nikon guy as well. If HD video is a priority, Canon is the way to go. Right now I'm thinking of dumping my Nikon gear to pick up a Canon 7Dwhenever funds allow.

Things I like about Nikon
- Ergonomics. It just feels "right" when being held.. especially the higher end bodies
- Two dials. one on the front and one on the back for changing aperture and shutter speed.
Things I hate about Nikon
- HD video is limited to 720p... even on the D300s. If it had 1080p with variable framerates, I'd get that over the 7D
- Expensive +*# lenses when compared to Canon.

Canon Likes
- Huge line-up of lenses
- They have their HD video on point... even more-so with the 7D
Canon dislikes
- Just doesn't feel "right" in the hands
- Missing the second dial for controlling aperture and shutter speed.

I think that's about it. At the end of the day just choose which tool works best. As much as I'm a Nikon fanboy at heart, I wouldn't hesitate toswitch if the other camp has better offerings.
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by UbUiBeMe

Mr Fongstarr wrote:

I am a Nikon guy now but I would get a T1i over a D5000 any day.
Care to elaborate? I plan on purchasing either soon. Thanks dude.
Yeah, I'd like to hear a reasoning too. I'm debating between D5000 and D90. I am not a fan of Canon bodies or their lenses. The D90 seems to have a lot more functionality than the D5000 but I'm still trying to figure out if that added functionality is worth the extra cost.

And as far as the D90 and D5000, I can't speak for the 5000 but the D90 is built really well just as far as construction goes. I bought my camera early January and it literally has no scratches or dings at all. The D90 is really quiet as well and I am sure it shoots better in low lit situations. The HD feature is the same though and if you are into it, I think the burst mode is alittle better.

Anyone see these yet?:



I wouldn't recommend the D3000 at all. Its using last generations sensors. Its basically a rebadged D60. And their charging a premium for itto have the D3000 label. I'd save a bit more for a D5000 which has the latest sensor. Or save money by getting a D40.
Someone I know took these and Im riding his work, hard. If it was me half these moving shots woulda been blurry










1st Fight - Chef Match (open hand oven mits only)


2nd Fight - Pizza vs. Taco Grudge Match


3rd Fight - Straight Jacket (only kicking allowed)


4th Fight - Blind Folded, Shock Collar Match

5th Fight - Jason Ellis Vs. Shoebox (Ellis has his right arm tied up and can only throw 1 punch per round)

6th Fight - The Intern Vs. The Wife (Ater the match they have to make out for 2 minutes)


Originally Posted by Air23Jordan707

Just got a D40 with the kit lens. Learning how to use everything properly. Been shooting in A mode. This is a shot i thought came out pretty nice. Some critique would be good and tips on editing my photos if necessary. (i use aperture and iphoto, working on getting photoshop). Let me know what you guys think I can do to improve. Im noob.


My car in the back, aunts is the 5 series. Cars are dirty but i thought it was a pretty nice shot.

PS: Right now i am shooting high quality jpg. Some insight on raw would be great. I read up on it but still dont really get it, and how to work with it.
haha i loved my es <3

Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

I am a Nikon guy now but I would get a T1i over a D5000 any day.

ain't that the truth.
Originally Posted by Halftime718

Teatime0315 - I am from New York and I kinda want to get it by this weekend I guess im going to try to get some Best Buy reward points. Would appreciate all the help I can get.

Here's a article I found about the D90 vs. D5000
Spec wise they are almost identical. The D90 has a beefier body. It'll probably feel better in the hands since its a bigger camera. Mysuggestion is to go to Bestbuy and hand hold both of them to see which fits better in your hands. Then choose whichever feels better.
Here are some scenarios for you.

If you cop a D5000 Kit, you'll have money left over to pick up some lenses. About 400 dollars worth. And everyone agrees that the lenses are more importantthan bodies. With that said, the 35mm 1.8 is 200 bucks. and with another 200 left over... go pick up a used SB600 for flash.

If you decide to get the D90 kit. The only benefits I can see is a better body. The D90 is a bit faster fps-wise. Its 4.5FPS as opposed to the D5000's4fps.

IMO... I'd pick up the D5000 and get some extras with that money saved.
While you guys continue your conversation on your D5000 vs Ti debate, I personally just gota D5000 (I am a HUGE NIKON FAN, since the film cameras and I upgraded from a D40) Here our my test shot with the camera. Personally, I think both cameras aregreat, but I have a lot of Nikon equipment so I decided to go with the D5000


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