[::Official PHX Suns @ LA Lakers THURSDAY (1/17) 7:30pm PT TNT::]

Well that did it but damn, to make a run like that. Ronnie will probably start next game....wow.

I am glad that we at least made it respectable.

I'm encouraged by this loss, even without Bynum, the Scums don't put any fear in anybody. And without Diaw playing arguably the best game of his careersans the Dallas playoffs, we could have won. More Kobe, less Bum Brown vs. Denver on MLK day.
Do the Lakers know the Diaw is on the floor? I mean really, EVERY single shot if his was wide open.
I'm so angry, I don't care if AB is out. Our defensive effort in the 4th is non-existant! All they are doing is running the same crappy pick and rolland making open shots, OPEN!

Then again I was expecting this loss, just wish the defense was a bit better
I'm so angry, I don't care if AB is out. Our defensive effort in the 4th is non-existant! All they are doing is running the same crappy pick and rolland making open shots, OPEN!

Then again I was expecting this loss, just wish the defense was a bit better
i cant believe that we actually could have won if Luke and Kwame had not played

I dont get why Walton gets so much playing time
Good game phoenix.

Man....i don't usually bash our players....and y'all know that...but K.Brown with more TURNOVERS than BOARDS
Did anyone even gaurd Boris Diaw tonight?
Regardless, this game was pure comedy. I don't think I've laughed that hard in a game ever
I still cant get that sequence out of my head where we kept to going to Kwame and had like 45 turnovers in a row.
good job... lakers not that bad of a loss.... c'mon with the d thoo diaw was riduclous. kwame.... boy does he need work and like i said before everyonehopped on the wagon tonight ....

sasha is that dude.
I give the suns all the credit. When we made our run they made every shot they had to make. They played great in the 4th WITHOUT stat on the floor.

We have to regroup and be ready for the nuggets on monday. We have to put on a show for Dr. King.
if i was a laker fan, i wouldnt put the blame on anyone but the coaching. They needed to put Kobe on the floor when they needed him. i dont think it was due tothe absence of Bynum.
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