***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Was he always like this? I haven't been following him like that but I thought he used to be respectable but I may be misremembering
he had a run of respectability when Hidden Colors first dropped

He went off the rails a while ago, he has been getting worse and worse. Dude been peddling both sides steez for a minute now.

What is wild is that a lot of Alt-right dudes that know about him lowkey like him because they think if his views can spread more within the black community, it will help their cause, because his plan to build black power is so damn counterproductive and drench in right-wing ideologies.

He a low-key Trump apologist too. Remember when i joked someone was gonna take about the Lil Wayne pardon was gonna be used as an example of Trump doing something for black folk...

Real talk though, we dont really believe that went from planning a coordinated attack to doing nothing?

I think they're laying in the weeds, planning and buying their time. I still do not suspect this is over.
C'mon man. You KNOW they saw all their comrades getting yolked up by the feds the past two weeks and were hitting the Parler group chats like "Yeah, man something actually came up on the 20th so I'm not going to be able make it" and "Bummer, me too man but the rest of you guys have fun!".

Once they saw there were actual repercussions and consequences for the actions of white people, they were cool on all that :lol:
This is who Tariq is now. Just a loud hot taker with whataboutisms

Mans political analysis is so flimsy he can understand why millions of black people voted for Biden beyond "they must be confused".

Why anyone would ever take this mans political commentary seriously is beyoooooond me.

Not sure if this is a hot take but....whether he serves one term or two, does Biden have the chance to be one of the GOAT Presidents if/when he successfully fixes Trump's mess and unites the country??? Not sure the last time in history a POTUS was handed a situation this messy.
As the Trump era comes to an end, got some last few things to get off my chest...

I feel it is important to give one last shout out to the members of this thread. Thanks for the laughs, the insights, the stories, the satire, the discussions, and everything else. You brahs were one of the few things enjoyable about politics of the past four years

But I would also like to take time to give shout out to some other people that have been a part of this thread, the non so enjoyable parts: the racist, and the cowards.

First, let me address all the racist I made note of in a Stenopad on my desk.

@trasoul82. A dude that internalized so much racism he couldn't think straight. He was in here telling black people that they need to give up on voting Democratic and supporting progressive policies and support Trump for.....reasons? His avy was a statue of MLK wearing a Trump hat because he thought it was funny. Oh did he tap dance for white supremacist bigots on here, but he also was a struggle Soundcloud rapper making songs about his love for white supremacist and internalized racism. I hope where ever you are that you are living your butter biscuit best life.

@InTheHallway The supposed policy expert that swore he wasn't racist but peddle tons of racist nonsense and fashioned himself as a struggle Charles Murray. Claimed to be white, the non-white, played the victim then tried to act like all his racist nonsense was a joke. I hope you finally learn stats. And if you did, I hope whomever you work for gives you zero influence over the lives of minorities. But in reality, you were just another lying racist trying to make his racism sound intellectual

@UnicornHunter aka Viktor the assassin. Peddle "pick yourself up by your bootstraps" nonsense about black people for months. Talk about how he a non-white person was able to make hundreds of thousands in the medical industry so his taxes should not go to helping the poor and marginalized, people need to stop asking for handouts. In reality, he was none of the things he claimed, he was a part-time parks worker that was so pathetic that he was resorting to scamming people for sneakers by sending them empty boxes. Nothing was as funny as how pathetic *** got exposed as a complete fraud in all parts of your life, and for that, I thank you for that moment. Hope you got your life together and stopped being a scumbag.

@titanium tea a racist white dude living in Canada that hated Asian people because his girlfriend's parents had no respect for him. Who got pissed because how dare Asian and non-white people could not see past your mediocrity. I hope you can get counseling so you no longer need to take out your frustrations about your inadequacy on minorities.

@quell a hair chested racist that thought liberals failed the working class and Trump is the answer. Really your whole schtick was white grievance politics. Got banned years after you exposed yourself for being a pathetic islamophobe. Hope he gains gain an ounce of decency in his real-life, and an ounce of muscle in the gym. But who I'm I kidding, both are probably as a struggle as they were before.

@oneilmatt A true to the game white supremacist that loved soccer and all things Russia. You were doing so good skating by in the Sports and Training forum where you could dog whistle all day but your *** got bold when Trump got into power, need minorities to know that even though you had nothing going for you you were still somehow someway superior to non-white people. I hope you collected enough pennies to make it to Russia for the World Cup, and I hope your racist *** just stayed over there.

@blco02 A racist legend on NT. Got banned for race trolling after years of given chances. Then you showed up on NT with numerous new SN to try to get back to your racist way undetected. White supremacy is a helluva a drug I tell you. You couldn't take black people moving to your area so you need NT as an outlet for your hate. When you lost that, you got desperate to get back on. I still pray for your child, because I know you are raising him to be just as racist as you. Family dinners probably looking like American History X.

@ben roethlisberger One of the most fragile racists to ever get banned on NT. Dude was a gun-loving white dude that swore he has so certified in the hood that black people let him call them the n-word to their faces. He was a libertarian who was always taken the cop's side when they shot an unarmed black man/ Who thought the gender wage gap was a myth, the evidence of this, was a Joe Rogan clip. And he finally got banned because he said black people were so prone to criminality that they are scaring white people, and when he goes to football games he has to avoid black folk in the parking lot for fear he gets rob. Fragile, pathetic, racist, delusional, I could go on, but I know the dude is probably in a far-right militia right now and stormed the capital.

@gracian this dude could have been an alternate account. First, he hated Trump, then loved him, then repeated tons of racist right-wing nonsense. Was white, then black, then something else. Just an all-around race troll that didn't last long

@teamjordan79 another Trumper that got so high off the euphoria of watching white supremacy rise to power again that he peddles anti-socialist and racist nonsense. Dude definitely ran up into the Capitol

@ninjahood Ahhh the ultimate racist, what can I say that hasn't already been said. You took such a victory lap last time, you swore Trump would win reelection easily, tried to start other political thread so you could peddle more nonsense hott akes, and in the end, your Papi failed and you had an emotional meltdown and got booted from General. Passing lane power never came back, Trump didn't bring back da golden era, liberalism was not banished to the dustbin, and November came and it wasn't your turn. Maybe one day you will snap out of it, but I have seen so many racist fragile dudes that I know it is unlikely. Enjoy having yet another liberal mayor of NYC.

The Cowards, dude that shared Trump's views but acted like he was soooo different from their ideology

rico x hood rico x hood aka Reacho Wisely you abandoned ship on Trump early. Delk should have learned from you and written in Marco Rubio too, and saved 6 months' salary so he wouldn't have to scam the SBA. I hope the post finds you in good health, that you can still make rent, and Kevin Gates can stay outta prison for your sake. I would say I miss your nonsense, but I didn't. Still waiting for that Economics lesson though

@crcballer55 Another one that jumped off the Trump train but you were just as racist and cruel as the garden variety Trumper. You said black people vote Dem because they want welfare, that Dems should be against abortion because black people are committing genocide and hurting the Dem base. You wanted student loans stopped so prices could reset so when your kids go to college it will be cheap. You are still on NT and might pop up someday, so people need to know what kind of person you are. The funniest part, you claimed you stop posting because you were tired of people calling you a racist :lol:

@hoopsboy ran in here on election night 2016 to take a victory lap then skated. I would have excluded you but I see you are still active on NT so I wanted to give you my condolences that your bigoted President came up short for you in 2020 so you could make a post about "the silent majority".

@dwalk31 Delk, Delk, Delk, Delk I have no words for you. Your level for moral bankruptcy and cowardice far exceeded any other poster that has ever been in here. I know you will transition to pointing out all the roadblocks Biden has to passing policy as a way to act like your support of the rancid bigot Trump was justified. People know the play you are about to run, don't expect any respect for running it.

@Bert. your ***...

"Sir remember you signed the peace treaty"

Nevermind, you good......for now.

-I am sure there will be more racists that pop in here. But just want to give a shout out to all the racist, clowns, and cowards that made the last four years in this thread possible with their buffoonery. If I am forgetting someone, then good.

Not sure if this is a hot take but....whether he serves one term or two, does Biden have the chance to be one of the GOAT Presidents if/when he successfully fixes Trump's mess and unites the country??? Not sure the last time in history a POTUS was handed a situation this messy.
If you should learn one thing about Trump presidency, learn this... America has always been divided, at most, Biden will make those cowards go back into hiding and be undercover racists.

The only way Biden has a chance to be a GOAT is if he starts punishing the blue for social injustice and do some serious social reforming ....

No social justice means another BS 4/8 years.
Latent white supremacists used to say that same thing about LeBron being compared to Trump.

You are in great company.
Oh did you think i was saying it because of your problack and they being prowhite? No ... i meant you are problack and **** other minorities.

Don't get it twisted ...
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