***Official Political Discussion Thread***

hope more NBA teams follow thru and then soon the other sports in the US. The anthem was always a spectacle :smh:
I don’t even know anyone who could recite a fourth of our national anthem. Our national team sports players generally don’t sing along when it is played in international competitions.

Hell even one of our Prime Ministers didn’t know a word of our anthem. He was forced to concede that when he was prompted to recite it but instead of our anthem, my man started reciting parts of the French national anthem:rofl:
I never understood the National anthem and pledge of allegiance bs.

are we in North Korea or what? I paid to be here I’m not singing your special song.

I mean it should be played in like national settings when it’s nation vs nation, I’m thinking World Cup or eurocup for example. But yea to play it before every game is just stupid. And by the broadcast stations actually showing it, it was just a paid recruiting tool by the armed forces after 9/11. I remember reading that it was something similar around WW2 when it was initiated in the first place.
In case anyone is interested, wrote about Andrew Cuomo. Haven't seen much talk about the investigative report from New York's Attorney General, Leticia James. Thought it would be a topic some folks would be interested and since I'm from New York, I found a real interest in. If you guys can subscribe to my site, that'd be great. Let me know your thoughts, especially if you disagree.

In case anyone is interested, wrote about Andrew Cuomo. Haven't seen much talk about the investigative report from New York's Attorney General, Leticia James. Thought it would be a topic some folks would be interested and since I'm from New York, I found a real interest in. If you guys can subscribe to my site, that'd be great. Let me know your thoughts, especially if you disagree.

Was impressed with his FIRST presser on the virus, as he held it steady, spoke confidently, stayed with the calming effect. However, the next presser? He began to talk about meatballs and sausage, how he'd go shopping for food after his divorce, in order to feed his kids, and how everyone needed to prepare for things in a certain manner.

I knew that it was all downhill right then and there.

Also here in NYC the new plastic bag ban is ridiculous, with stores now charging upwards to two bucks if you do not have a bag to carry goods home. You even have stores like Rite Aid and Duane Reade using paper bags, those that cannot hold a simple item like orange Juice. Price gouging for a damned shopping bag, is downright ridiculous. Thanks gov sausage and meatballs.
In case anyone is interested, wrote about Andrew Cuomo. Haven't seen much talk about the investigative report from New York's Attorney General, Leticia James. Thought it would be a topic some folks would be interested and since I'm from New York, I found a real interest in. If you guys can subscribe to my site, that'd be great. Let me know your thoughts, especially if you disagree.

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