***Official Political Discussion Thread***


This was the reCAPTCHA prompt Nunes allegedly failed:


Wanna really know how bad and corrupt the Trump administration was? John Bolton is now considered an esteemed guest on CNN, as a former insider. John Bolton. Let that marinate for a minute.
If not for Donald Trump, CNN would still be searching for MH370.

This isn't a network that's dedicated to reporting the news.

"As Zucker sees it, his pro-Trump panelists are not just spokespeople for a worldview; they are “characters in a drama,” members of CNN’s extended ensemble cast. “Everybody says, ‘Oh, I can’t believe you have Jeffrey Lord or Kayleigh McEnany,’ but you know what?” Zucker told me with some satisfaction. “They know who Jeffrey Lord and Kayleigh McEnany are.”

You'd be hard pressed to find a more consistent example of toxic "both sides" framing than CNN. They reduce as many issues as possible to a conflict between two sides - no matter how many perspectives they must elide or what false equivalencies they must manufacture in the process.

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Not gonna lie, wish they'd just axe the anthem for all events.

This seems like a classic case of doing the right thing for the wrong reason.

They'd rather cancel the national anthem than allow athletes to use it draw attention to racist police violence.
I knew about reaganomics, war on drugs, a little bit of Iran/contra and other foreign interference but from the insight in this post/thread and the video I was tagged in he was a racist dumbass puppet with world destructive policy. Wow.
He was also a chief architect of the right’s embrace of extremism in (selectively) small government . Perhaps his most damaging legacy is the deep-seeded belief among rank and file Republicans that “government is the problem”. But the thing about Reagan is that the second you think you’ve pinned down his worst qualities, you remember something else.

He was also wildly popular among the melanin-challenged in a way that Trump could only dream of. He didn’t incite coups because he didn’t have to.
The fact there is even a "trial" happening says a lot about the true state of affairs in this country

I'm entirely convinced the Dems know the GOP senators won't convict, so they're going through with it in painstaking process to show everyone (and by that, I mean the entire world) what happened. It's insane political theater, but it has to be done.
He was also a chief architect of the right’s embrace of extremism in (selectively) small government . Perhaps his most damaging legacy is the deep-seeded belief among rank and file Republicans that “government is the problem”. But the thing about Reagan is that the second you think you’ve pinned down his worst qualities, you remember something else.

He was also wildly popular among the melanin-challenged in a way that Trump could only dream of. He didn’t incite coups because he didn’t have to.

it must be fun to have that cognitive dissonance to be able to reconcile "gOvErNmeNt bAD!!1!!1" and "mUsT foLLOw mUh PrEsiDeNt!!!!"
What a disgrace these Republicans are.

I can't understand how anyone in their right mind would vote for them unless you're super rich.

Man it's like I'm in the twilight zone how they stick with this dude no matter what.


gotta get my $1000 hobby forgivable loan B
The more I study the politics of the 1980’s, the more I realize that it’s proximity to the 60’s is the most important thing to keep in mind.

Reagan’s presidency was an eight year long reaction to politics of the 60’s, particularly to the racial politics and politics wins enjoyed by black people in the mid and late 60’s.

Sure Reagan didn’t start a riot/coup in front of the Capitol, he did not need to. He won his reelection and he won it big and he won the popular vote and he did really well with young voters. If oppressive forces can simply win at the ballot box, it doesn’t need to do extra legal stuff like Trump tried.
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