***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Doesn't work like that. We don't need them to be walking Petri dishes for evolving new strains that are vaccine resistant.
We can’t help that. Let’s be honest, the damage is done. Get vaccinated or else at this point. Republican states also are the fattest to if put money down that they go before I do.
I’m going to give Democrats some credit here for slipping in what is basically a UBI proposal into the covid relief bill and doing it under the guise of tax cuts. From July to December every person who makes less than 150k a year is going to get a monthly payment ranging from $300-$800 a month in a proposal that is projected to cut child poverty in half. The democrats were actually pretty smart about it passing it as an increase to the child tax credit so they can call it a tax cut. Since it’s a tax cut republicans have been relatively quite on it because they don’t want to come out against tax cuts. If they did it as a straight cash payment there would certainly be a bunch of republicans crying socialism/welfare/handouts. Now a bunch of people are going to get monthly payments that I think a lot of people are ignoring in this bill.

Sounds like they want to make it permanent too so worst case scenario they get republicans on record voting against tax cuts for the poor and middle class. Well played
all skin folk, aint kinfolk

I've been following this through some DSA materials but you know the Nevada political scene specifically, do you mind expanding on why this development is inherently negative?
Couple reasons:

-Nevada is like a +2.5 Democratic lean state. It was a purple reddish state to a blue one. But under the right conditions, it can swing back.

With the Reid Machine in control of the Party it has been able to win both Senate seats, Governor's mansion, every House seat except one, and capture control in both legislative Chambers.

The NV Dem Party has been one of the most competent state parties in the Nation at winning, in the past decade.

The DSA's beef with the party has little to do with their competence at their job, their beef seems to just be they are bad because they are not socialist. Their logic is along the same lines of socialist saying Nancy Pelosi is a bad Speaker because people don't understand her job.

Their goals are getting socialist-leaning candidates to positions in government. And with the Democratic Party being so good at winning, that begs the question "which positions". We talking county or city positions in Clark and Vegas, nahhhh, they mean positions that the Dems already won.

These DSA folk had such a nonsensical beef with the State Party. It all stems from the Party not allowing them to steal the state for Bernie in 2016. And since then they has been a civil war in the state with socialists being pissed that ever since.

Masto is up for re-election next year, it is gonna be tight, and there is a real threat she loses. In the face of this, these socialists are floating ideas like primarying her, or withholding support unless he pledges to supports and promises to fight for **** M4A. With the Senate this important, they want to explore playing games like this.

Seems like they want the party to help socialist get nominated for general elections, not much else.

The Republican Party has been in shambles for a while now because they have their own civil war between moderate Republicans losing lower to ideologues, the eternal feuding leading to far right-wing candidates being nominated, and that ending poorly for them. Now the Dems looking like they might repeat the mistake they made. The DSA in the state really seems to be overestimating how much support socialism has in Nevada. They want to ignore the trends in the state.

The State Party might be plotting to primary incumbents extensively, or hoping the GOP has a bad year so they can promote Socialist, and even worse resist changing to a primary because that will make it harder for the next Bernie type to win the state.

So until they show they are committed to being competent at the job, and all the buffoonery their side has engaged in over the years has stopped, I'm not giving them any of my money.

Thankfully the Reid Machine is still up and running in the state.
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Couple reasons:

-Nevada is like a +2.5 Democratic lean state. It was a purple reddish state to a blue one. But under the right conditions, it can swing back.

With the Reid Machine in control of the Party it has been able to win both Senate seats, Governor's mansion, every House seat except one, and capture control in both legislative Chambers.

The NV Dem Party has been one of the most competent state parties in the Nation at winning, in the past decade.

The DSA's beef with the party has little to do with their competence at their job, their beef seems to just be they are bad because they are not socialist. Their logic is along the same lines of socialist saying Nancy Pelosi is a bad Speaker because they don't understand her job.

Their goals are getting socialist-leaning candidates to positions in government. And with the Democratic Party being so good at winning, that begs the question "which positions". We talking county or city positions in Clark and Vegas, nahhhh, they mean positions that the Dems already won.

These DSA folk had such a nonsensical beef with the State Party. It all stems from the Party not allowing them to steal the state for Bernie in 2016. And since then they has been a civil war in the state with socialists being pissed that ever since.

Masto is up for re-election next year, it is gonna be tight, and there is a real threat she loses. In the face of this, these socialists are floating ideas like primarying her, or withholding support unless he pledges to supports and promises to fight for **** M4A. With the Senate this important, they want to explore playing games like this.

Seems like they want the party to help socialist get nominated for general elections, not much else.

The Republican Party has been in shambles for a while now because they have their own civil war between moderate Republicans losing lower to ideologues, the eternal feuding leading to far right-wing candidates being nominated, and that ending poorly for them. Now the Dems looking like they might repeat the mistake they made. The DSA in the state really seems to be overestimating how much support socialism has in Nevada. They want to ignore the trends in the state.

The State Party might be plotting to primary incumbents extensively, or hoping the GOP has a bad year so they can promote Socialist, and even worse resist changing to a primary because that will make it harder for the next Bernie type to win the state.

So until they show they are committed to being competent at the job, and all the buffoonery their side has engaged in over the years has stopped, I'm not giving them any of my money.

Thankfully the Reid Machine is still up and running in the state.

hmm I see so it's more about trying to forcibly form an coalition that may not be there...makes sense, don't want to alienate any potential long-term allies you could have for short-term gains.

socialism has a hard enough time gaining traction in the country without being "those crazies who handed the state back to the Republicans," if you're going to electorally organize there's a way.
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