***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Plant-based? As opposed to....?

dead (1).png

The trope of the plainly dressed billionaire and the “blinged out” poor person is evergreen among a variety of posters. From the socially liberal dupe, who moved to San Francisco has nine roommates and hopes to soon find an Investor for their doordash clone, to the “South Park” Conservative who imagines he’d be a tech billionaire by now if the tech space weren’t so PC.

It’s funny because in most versions if this meme, the person who made it, always makes sure the poor person isn't black but is draped with everything rappers wore in rap videos from the early aughts. You basically end up with Eminem from the Slim Shady LP (usually with a gold grill added) standing next to a Philipino version of Steve Jobs.
Goes to show you can be highly educated and have all kinds of accolades but racism, ignorance and greed can reign supreme.
i don't know if it's ignorance. it's purposeful, which makes it even more egregious and revolting. the whiteashing of our country's history has always been lurking around every corner waiting for the perfect moment to be taken up by someone with power,
or at least a voice
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