***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Mitt Romney's campaign is running a Spanish-language ad in the Miami area that ties President Barack Obama to figures who are anathema to many in the region's Cuban population -- Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez and Che Guevara.

The Miami Herald reported  that the ad has been running since at least Tuesday, and links Obama to endorsements from Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro's niece, as well as to an email sent by an EPA administrator containing an image of Guevara.

Florida polling shows Romney has a statistically insignificant edge  in the state. The ad is an attempt to shore up support for Romney among traditionally Republican Cuban voters, a majority of whom are voting for Obama, according to a recent SurveyUSA poll.

Here's a translation, per the Herald:
NARRATOR: Who supports Barack Obama?
CHAVEZ: "If I were American, I'd vote for Obama."

NARRATOR: Raúl Castro's daughter, Mariela Castro, would vote for Obama.

CASTRO: "I would vote for President Obama."

NARRATOR: And to top it off, Obama's Environmental Protection Agency sent emails for Hispanic Heritage month with a photo of Che Guevara.

CHAVEZ: "If Obama were from Barlovento (a Venezuelan town), he'd vote for Chávez."

ROMNEY: I'm Mitt Romney, and I approve this message.
[h1][color= rgb(34, 34, 34)]Candidate: 'Rape thing' not cause for abortion[/color][/h1]
[color= rgb(34, 34, 34)]OLYMPIA, Wash. -- A Republican congressional candidate says abortion should not be legal, even when it involves "the rape thing," according to audio provided Wednesday to The Associated Press.[/color]

[color= rgb(34, 34, 34)]Koster twice uses the phrase "the rape thing" when describing his views, first saying that he knows a woman who was raped and gave up the child for adoption without any regrets.[/color]

[color= rgb(34, 34, 34)]"But on the rape thing, it's like, how does putting more violence onto a woman's body and taking the life of an innocent child that's a consequence of this crime, how does that make it better?" Koster said in the exchange.[/color]

[color= rgb(34, 34, 34)]That rape thing lolol[/color]

[color= rgb(34, 34, 34)]so dismissive and nonchalant. I don't know how they get women to vote for the.[/color]
Rape and abortion are serious issues that were decided upon decades ago. Bunch of men who couldn't pass 5th grade health trying to change laws about your body? That would deeply offend me.

Not believing in biology and science aren't small social issues

And let's not pretend bush was a fiscal conservative. Because he was the exact opposite.
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how a woman could ever be republican is beyond me
maybe they prioritize a small, fiscally conservative government over a few social issues? 
Agreed.... But... I've given up on this thread, I just read it for entertainment now. (Not saying there aren't good points) There are just so many arguments that make no sense from both sides, and reasons to be against/for that apply to both candidates, and so much nonsense going on.
Rape and abortion are serious issues that were decided upon decades ago. Bunch of men who couldn't pass 5th grade health trying to change laws about your body? That would deeply offend me.

Not believing in biology and science aren't small social issues

And let's not pretend bush was a fiscal conservative. Because he was the exact opposite.
I really want everyone to read that part enlarged in bold and think about that. This is serious business.
Rape and abortion are serious issues that were decided upon decades ago. Bunch of men who couldn't pass 5th grade health trying to change laws about your body? That would deeply offend me.

Not believing in biology and science aren't small social issues

And let's not pretend bush was a fiscal conservative. Because he was the exact opposite.
I really want everyone to read that part enlarged in bold and think about that. This is serious business.
Not meaning to be rude..... You're preaching to engineers here.... I'm assuming astronaut is an engineer as well. I think we understand some biology/science... But the thing is there are hundreds of specific points, and I think what astronaut was saying is that for some people..... other things outweigh other things... That's about it... :\
I believe that a lot of people have a misrepresented ideal type of what real Republicans look like. 
Yep. I mean imagine the private companies actions in a rescue scenario. It would be laughable if it wasn't terrifying. You already know insurance companies are working overtime to figure out how not to cover any damage that happened.
So imagine a private company in a disaster relief situation. Profit>people
And anther jerk from the Katrina days. I'm. Sure many remember "brownie". One of Bush's pals that was handed position for no reason
FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate dismissed criticisms of President Barack Obama's response to Hurricane Sandy lobbed by Michael Brown, who oversaw the disastrous Bush administration response to Hurricane Katrina.
"Better to be fast than to be late," Fugate said in an interview on NPR Tuesday morning.
Brown, whom President George W. Bush infamously praised for doing a "heckuva job" in the aftermath of Katrina in 2005, told a Denver paper that Obama had acted too quickly in mobilizing relief for Sandy.
"Here's my concern," Brown told Denver's Westword on Monday, suggesting that the prompt official response was actually making people complacent. "It's premature [when] the brunt of the storm won't happen until later this afternoon."
Fugate also addressed the role of FEMA, which has been a hot topic since Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney said he wanted to abolish the agency so that states would have direct responsibility for disaster response.
His campaign later clarified that he would not eliminate FEMA.
"Governor Romney believes that states should be in charge of emergency management in responding to storms and other natural disasters in their jurisdictions,” said campaign spokeswoman Amanda Henneberg. “As the first responders, states are in the best position to aid affected individuals and communities and to direct resources and assistance to where they are needed most. This includes help from the federal government and FEMA.”
But as Fugate explained on Tuesday, this is exactly how FEMA already works.
"We're a federal government; we're not a national government," he said "Disasters are local. Through state constitutions, the governors are the primary incident commanders for the entire state response in support of that. And the role of the federal government is to support the states when the disaster exceeds their capabilities. And when it's this bad, we work as one team. But we are in support of the governors, as they are in support of the local officials. It's a federal system of government."
When host Steve Inskeep asked whether that meant state governors are in charge of disaster response, Fugate replied, "The president's direction is, when he declares these disasters, they are to make sure that all of the federal resources are brought to bear at the request of the governors."


romney doesn have to defend or explain his actual belief........

but obama has to defend and explain another grown *** man?


you so geeked about wright, ninjahood, but mormonism is cool?

wright is this super big deal we need to discuss because it speaks to obama as a person.....


mormonism doesnt speak to how goofy romney's brain has to be?

he cant drink warm beverages but he can trade stocks across the planet? LMAO

repost that shaq .jpeg bruh
I believe that a lot of people have a misrepresented ideal type of what real Republicans look like. 

The ideal Type of republican isn't commonplace. Party was hijacked by religious zealots.

I agree with many conservative ideas. The candidates popping up are not conservatives. many are proud of their ignorance.
This thread is like a step into da Republican bubble of denialism. I can't believe some of you live in the western world. It's becoming clear that some of you probably don't ever leave the proximity of your homes.
This thread is like a step into da Republican bubble of denialism. I can't believe some of you live in the western world. It's becoming clear that some of you probably don't ever leave the proximity of your homes.
^ that's true... I didn't leave Southwest Philadelphia (where I lived for 23 years..), went to college at a very liberal school in Philadelphia. Or when I moved to Indianapolis for work, a very liberal city. Or when I moved to New Hampshire where it's a toss up.

I clearly must be an absolute idiot or living in a "bubble", or something else thrown around, because I disagree with you. Does that concept sound similar to anything to you? Quit being condescending, understand that people do/believe/weigh things differently then you do. Once you understand that concept, you probably wouldn't be so rude.
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I believe that a lot of people have a misrepresented ideal type of what real Republicans look like. 
The ideal Type of republican isn't commonplace. Party was hijacked by religious zealots.

I agree with many conservative ideas. The candidates popping up are not conservatives. many are proud of their ignorance.
That's pretty much the problem. Anyone, agreeing with anything related to Romney is immediately associated to the far far right. Then we are the idiots. We are the ones against gay marriage. We are the ones who are racist. We are the sexists. Great concept....
Mitt Romney's campaign is running a Spanish-language ad in the Miami area that ties President Barack Obama to figures who are anathema to many in the region's Cuban population -- Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez and Che Guevara.

The Miami Herald reported  that the ad has been running since at least Tuesday, and links Obama to endorsements from Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro's niece, as well as to an email sent by an EPA administrator containing an image of Guevara.

Florida polling shows Romney has a statistically insignificant edge  in the state. The ad is an attempt to shore up support for Romney among traditionally Republican Cuban voters, a majority of whom are voting for Obama, according to a recent SurveyUSA poll.

Here's a translation, per the Herald:
NARRATOR: Who supports Barack Obama?
CHAVEZ: "If I were American, I'd vote for Obama."

NARRATOR: Raúl Castro's daughter, Mariela Castro, would vote for Obama.

CASTRO: "I would vote for President Obama."

NARRATOR: And to top it off, Obama's Environmental Protection Agency sent emails for Hispanic Heritage month with a photo of Che Guevara.

CHAVEZ: "If Obama were from Barlovento (a Venezuelan town), he'd vote for Chávez."

ROMNEY: I'm Mitt Romney, and I approve this message.
Here's the ad. Dude's getting real desperate.

Fidel Castro isn't even a fan of Obama anyway.
well it sounds like the republican party has a giant PR problem then. That it isn't conservatism itself, it's the candidates put up and their move to to the far right.

Obama is a centrist. He is far from a straight up liberal. It's just that the republican party has move So damn far to the right that it's off putting. 

It isn't just this little world of NT. Other countries are scared of the new age republican.

Treasurer Wayne Swan, also Australia’s deputy prime minister, on Friday warned that “extreme” Tea Party elements of Mitt Romney’s Republican party had shown they were prepared to hold the US government “hostage” over budget matters.

“The biggest threat to the world’s biggest economy are the cranks and crazies that have taken over a part of the Republican Party,” Swan told a business breakfast in Sydney.
i wouldnt brag about my world view or perspective using indianapolis and new hampshire......just saying, cuh.
That's pretty much the problem. Anyone, agreeing with anything related to Romney is immediately associated to the far far right. Then we are the idiots. We are the ones against gay marriage. We are the ones who are racist. We are the sexists. Great concept....

"while we disagree with his views on rape and incest, it's not a deal-breaker"
well it sounds like the republican party has a giant PR problem then. That it isn't conservatism itself, it's the candidates put up and their move to to the far right.

Obama is a centrist. He is far from a straight up liberal. It's just that the republican party has move So damn far to the right that it's off putting. 

It isn't just this little world of NT. Other countries are scared of the new age republican.

Treasurer Wayne Swan, also Australia’s deputy prime minister, on Friday warned that “extreme” Tea Party elements of Mitt Romney’s Republican party had shown they were prepared to hold the US government “hostage” over budget matters.

“The biggest threat to the world’s biggest economy are the cranks and crazies that have taken over a part of the Republican Party,” Swan told a business breakfast in Sydney.
I agree with you. I'm not a republican, nor am I a Democrat. I honestly don't know what I am. I vote with what I agree with and how it affects me according to how I weigh my agreements/disagreements. It's just that it seems that anyone not voting for Obama is villainized here. And similarly... If you are talking on Fox news/far right media outlets, you're villainized for not voting for Romney.

I just don't understand how everyone is so critical of everyone else. You don't know me, I don't know you. I'm not going to attack you, I'm not going to call you an idiot. Everyone needs to just realize that at the end of the day, everything will be ok.

But in the end, thanks for just pointing things out, I respect you dude!
i wouldnt brag about my world view or perspective using indianapolis and new hampshire......just saying, cuh.
I'm not bragging at all, I'm putting that out that just because I'm not voting for Obama, doesn't mean I don't understand anything or am in a "bubble".
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