***Official Political Discussion Thread***

pralli the only time i would pick pepsi over coke

For those of you still unemployed and looking for a job, sorry, you have to be an immigrant to find one these days:
"Two-thirds of jobs go to immigrants during Obama’s four years"

Did you read the article?

Whenever people talk about people losing jobs to immigrants, they always neglect to mention that most Americans aren't trying to get these jobs anyway. Majority of the jobs are in agricultural (we don't want to do them) or highly technical industries (not qualified), and many require people to move away from homes (not leaving home). But let's complain more about the dang illegals stealing our jobs.
He's a troll.
How am I a troll if I just posted what i see on the news? Just cause im not the other 99% of liberals on NT it doesn't mean im trolling... Don't bother posting your nate silver articles or anything from yahoo cause we all know they lean left

And to all the people going crazy over Romney's FEMA issue, look at this http://www.senate.gov/legislative/L...ote_cfm.cfm?congress=110&session=1&vote=00181 Your president voted no for Katrina Relief

Pretty funny to see Obama's popular vote stuck at 47%, I guess Mitt Romney was right on with his statement
He voted no for that bill because it included funding for the Iraq war and didn't include a timeline for withdrawal.
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So, The Economist just endorsed Barack Obama over Mitt Romney.

(it wasn't a ringing endorsement, but still...)

Julius F. Wrek
I think I'm going to give this one up... my last comment and i'm gone from this convo with you. let me know what you think before you make a couple more assumptions... If I was running for president and I was the opposite on every single topic for you, but I agree with you on your view of rape and incest.. would you vote for me?

again, the funny part is that you're still trying to argue and reason for a candidate/campaign completely void of logic and reason.

you have ninjahood up in arms about obama x wright...people have been saying this guy wrights name for four years...a guy who got dropped like a bad habit......this was a church he had to stop going to...a church he probably went to out of relationships with friends rather than one with a pastor....

meanwhile, they literally put out releases saying "we disagree with his stance on rape and incest" yet still associate with these political ******s....WHO THEY DONT EVEN HAVE ANY REAL TIES TO.....other than...maybe, just maybe...THEY BELIEVE THE SAME SPACE CADET BS

its a joke.

you're so hurt and feel so attacked you think im talking about YOU

im laughing at the notion. i'm not worried about you...im not assuming anything about you...(except indiana being some hotbed of cultural mixtures and a vast land of infinite perspective)

i just think its funny you get upset when people point out huge glaring instances of your choice being a complete space cadet....like we care enough about you to be attacking you.

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Obama is over 300 EV and 80% chance of winning...

Leads all swing states but NC & FL... Romney holds 55% chance of winning Florida.

Worst % Obama has of winning a state is Colorado at 64.5%
I think I'm going to give this one up... my last comment and i'm gone from this convo with you. let me know what you think before you make a couple more assumptions... If I was running for president and I was the opposite on every single topic for you, but I agree with you on your view of rape and incest.. would you vote for me?
again, the funny part is that you're still trying to argue and reason for a candidate/campaign completely void of logic and reason.

you have ninjahood up in arms about obama x wright...people have been saying this guy wrights name for four years...a guy who got dropped like a bad habit......this was a church he had to stop going to...a church he probably went to out of relationships with friends rather than one with a pastor....

meanwhile, they literally put out releases saying "we disagree with his stance on rape and incest" yet still associate with these political ******s....WHO THEY DONT EVEN HAVE ANY REAL TIES TO.....other than...maybe, just maybe...THEY BELIEVE THE SAME SPACE CADET BS

its a joke.

you're so hurt and feel so attacked you think im talking about YOU

im laughing at the notion. i'm not worried about you...im not assuming anything about you...(except indiana being some hotbed of cultural mixtures and a vast land of infinite perspective)

i just think its funny you get upset when people point out huge glaring instances of your choice being a complete space cadet....like we care enough about you to be attacking you.

way to juxtapose social issues with economic issues.
Today I learned that Mitt Romney believes Jesus will come back in 1000 years and rule the world from his throne in Missouri:

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The United Autos Workers, which has endorsed President Barack Obama, announced Thursday that its members want the US Office of Government Ethics to investigate Gov. Mitt Romney for violations.

The UAW leadership held a press conference in Toledo, Ohio, Thursday, alleging that Romney profited from the 2009 automotive bailout of General Motors and Chrysler Group through an investment in a company that itself was invested in Delphi Automotive. The irony, of course, is that Romney opposed a government bailout of the auto industry.

"The American people have a right to know about Governor Romney's potential conflicts of interest, such as the profits his family made from the auto rescue," said UAW President Bob King in a press release. "It's time for Governor Romney to disclose or divest."

The UAW based its claim that the Romney family profited on an article published in The Nation magazine. That article claimed Romney's family made more than $15 million through the auto bailouts based on investments in a company invested in Delphi.

However, after carefully examining the article, as well as another article in The Huffington Post, it remains unclear exactly how that money was made. Furthermore, the original article noted that Romney's disclosures were not illegal, meaning, in fact, that they were legal.

No matter for the UAW.

"While Romney was opposing the rescue of one of the nation's most important manufacturing sectors, he was building his fortunes with his Delphi investor group, making his fortunes off the misfortunes of others," King added.

Personnel at the Office of Government Ethics could not be reached for immediate comment
This dude Romney is a walking L.  

In the past week or so, we have Donald Trump's failed attempt at strong-arming the President, Ann Coulter showing her *** regarding mentally challenged folks, Sununu saying Colin Powell supports Obama b/c of his skin color, Chris Christie being enamored w/ the President's leadership in the wake of Sandy and his campaign being blasted for a blatantly misleading ad regarding Chrysler/Jeep that is being ran in Ohio (you know, the place he probably needs to win in order to secure the presidency).

Did I miss anything else?  
I'm just curious what the majority of you are going to do with yourselves when obama looses and Romney takes over to put this country back on the right track??

You seem to be a little too caught up and confident that your boy will win..... the polls show even while they are polling +8 more dems thinking this is going to be like the last election
 Reported. No damns given, troll at it's finest.
I'm just curious what the majority of you are going to do with yourselves when obama looses and Romney takes over to put this country back on the right track??

You seem to be a little too caught up and confident that your boy will win..... the polls show even while they are polling +8 more dems thinking this is going to be like the last election
Should Obama lose, I'll be just fine.  Just like I was during the 8 years of Bush Jr.  And just like I've been for the past 4 years.  Do I favor one candidate over the other?  Sure.  But should my choice lose, life goes on, unlike so many Republicans who have spent the past 4 years trying to delegitimize everything our President has done and tried to do.  That isn't something I'll do.    

There's a good chance Obama will win though.....just do some research and don't cherry pick a certain poll that supports your claim.  Popular opinion means nothing--electoral votes is where this will be won.  

My question is should Romney lose, what are YOU going to do?  
Should Obama lose, I'll be just fine.  Just like I was during the 8 years of Bush Jr.  And just like I've been for the past 4 years.  Do I favor one candidate over the other?  Sure.  But should my choice lose, life goes on, unlike so many Republicans who have spent the past 4 years trying to delegitimize everything our President has done and tried to do.  That isn't something I'll do.    

There's a good very good chance Obama will win though.....just do some research and don't cherry pick a certain poll that supports your claim.  Popular opinion means nothing--electoral votes is where this will be won.  

My question is should Romney lose, what are YOU going to do?  
 He's going to tuck his tail between his legs and complain about how we're doomed for the next four years. And he'll probably be struggling, all the while blaming the President for his misfortunes, instead of doing something about it
Should Obama lose, I'll be just fine.  Just like I was during the 8 years of Bush Jr.  And just like I've been for the past 4 years.  

This is a good point. I will be fine too, but mainly because I'm upper middle class, male, straight and capable of being a parent. This is why social issues will continue to outweigh fiscal issues with me and why I am beyond befuddled as to how anyone with a semblance of a conscience can be socially conservative. Mitt loses on every social issue that I hold dear. I wouldn't care if the guy was a financial genius (he's not), his views on social issues appall me.
the real question is what will republicans do if Barack wins on tuesday night? I have a feeling the reaction will not be so suttle like last time :lol:
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