***Official Political Discussion Thread***

That's pretty much the problem. Anyone, agreeing with anything related to Romney is immediately associated to the far far right. Then we are the idiots. We are the ones against gay marriage. We are the ones who are racist. We are the sexists. Great concept....
"while we disagree with his views on rape and incest, it's not a deal-breaker"
I think I'm going to give this one up... my last comment and i'm gone from this convo with you. let me know what you think before you make a couple more assumptions... If I was running for president and I was the opposite on every single topic for you, but I agree with you on your view of rape and incest.. would you vote for me?
I believe that a lot of people have a misrepresented ideal type of what real Republicans look like. 

"Real" Republicans are not leading the GOP. They have been forced to the sidelines and are in no position to create policy or initiate change within the party. What we see from people such as Romney, Karl Rove and the Koch brothers is what the modern GOP is now, and I can't say that I can fault people for having a high distrust of the party.
I agree with you. I'm not a republican, nor am I a Democrat. I honestly don't know what I am. I vote with what I agree with and how it affects me according to how I weigh my agreements/disagreements. It's just that it seems that anyone not voting for Obama is villainized here. And similarly... If you are talking on Fox news/far right media outlets, you're villainized for not voting for Romney.

I just don't understand how everyone is so critical of everyone else. You don't know me, I don't know you. I'm not going to attack you, I'm not going to call you an idiot. Everyone needs to just realize that at the end of the day, everything will be ok.

But in the end, thanks for just pointing things out, I respect you dude!
Alot of people on both sides don't think that at the end of the day everything will be okay.

With one side if Obama is elected then America won't be a capitalist country, and we will continue to have a non-American, non christian, Marxist who will take away money and give to the freeloaders, destroy israel, attack job creators, hurt small businesses.

With the other side Romney will continue the Bush adminstration policies, Wage more war, Give the top 2% huge tax breaks, get rid of affirmitive action, make abortion illegal, destroy public programs, end pell grants, and outsource every job in America

Neither doom and gloom prediction is going to happen 100 percent. But it isn't hard to understand why people are getting riled up and passionate and calling the other side bad names.This country is very divided. Has been for many years, Probably always will be.

But when looking at the descriptions and already living through the last 4 years. The unknown of Romney has a much better chance of happening IMO.
well it sounds like the republican party has a giant PR problem then. That it isn't conservatism itself, it's the candidates put up and their move to to the far right.

Obama is a centrist. He is far from a straight up liberal. It's just that the republican party has move So damn far to the right that it's off putting. 

It isn't just this little world of NT. Other countries are scared of the new age republican.

I agree with all of this, though I would say that PR isn't the GOPs issue, it's that their policies are socially backwards and financially irresponsible. You can't espouse a strong fiscal approach if you support an increase of funds to the military when our military does not need it (an obvious attempt to court military voters and their families).

Obama is certainly a centrist. His campaign in 2008 was right to present itself as different from GWB as possible, but in the process it convinced people that he would be a pure liberal who would dramatically change society. Obviously that didn't happen and it's upsetting for some, but I would consider it a minor failure among the victories the Obama administration has had with it's first four years.

The GOP is going to be a terribly unpopular party moving forward for at least another generation if it continues with this kind of approach to governing. More than simply the world which does not approve of the GOP, millions of Americans witnessing the far-right movement within the GOP will be turned off and continue to vote against them, and that number will grow with each day that passes in which another member of the Republican party says something offensive and/or ignorant and no one else within their party will reprimand them. And as the Baby Boomer generation continues to shrink due to old age, who will the GOP's message ring true with? A significant minority.
I agree with you. I'm not a republican, nor am I a Democrat. I honestly don't know what I am. I vote with what I agree with and how it affects me according to how I weigh my agreements/disagreements. It's just that it seems that anyone not voting for Obama is villainized here. And similarly... If you are talking on Fox news/far right media outlets, you're villainized for not voting for Romney.

I just don't understand how everyone is so critical of everyone else. You don't know me, I don't know you. I'm not going to attack you, I'm not going to call you an idiot. Everyone needs to just realize that at the end of the day, everything will be ok.

But in the end, thanks for just pointing things out, I respect you dude!
Alot of people on both sides don't think that at the end of the day everything will be okay.

With one side if Obama is elected then America won't be a capitalist country, and we will continue to have a non-American, non christian, Marxist who will take away money and give to the freeloaders, destroy israel, attack job creators, hurt small businesses.

With the other side Romney will continue the Bush adminstration policies, Wage more war, Give the top 2% huge tax breaks, get rid of affirmitive action, make abortion illegal, destroy public programs, end pell grants, and outsource every job in America

Neither doom and gloom prediction is going to happen 100 percent. But it isn't hard to understand why people are getting riled up and passionate and calling the other side bad names.This country is very divided. Has been for many years, Probably always will be.

But when looking at the descriptions and already living through the last 4 years. The unknown of Romney has a much better chance of happening IMO.
You're right in saying that a REALLY big chunk of people don't think it will be ok, but realistically, it will be.. Things happen through a process, it takes more than Obama/Romney to get things done. I think that's where I need to realize that not everyone believes that things will be ok, thus causing the passsion/name-calling.

But yes, your description of the fears of the public after electing either candidate is pretty accurate/depressing at the same time.
millions of Americans witnessing the far-right movement within the GOP will be turned off and continue to vote against them, and that number will grow with each day that passes in which another member of the Republican party says something offensive and/or ignorant and no one else within their party will reprimand them. 
That's a gigantic problem for me. That 99 percent of the time the responsible republicans don't stand up.

Now democrats talk **** about each other all the time. Not many were defending Anthony Weiner and Spitzer. (I don't even think Weiner's thing is anyone's business)

When they were adding religion and israel into the agenda half were booing each other.

Now the cohesivness helped republicans win recently. But long term it will hurt them. Because look at where they are at now. The most vical and extreme set the agenda

Then again half the country votes republican so who knows. Maybe they will always find a way. The next generation isn't voting in giant numbers yet anyway
What bothers me most about the republican party is the hypocrisy : Small government! - But lets expand the military!..... Smaller government! Whoa whoa whoa, you can't marry them, and yeah girl, you HAVING that baby......
People are already making bets of large sums of money that Obama is going to win the re-election based on calculations and patterns. 
Then again half the country votes republican so who knows. Maybe they will always find a way. The next generation isn't voting in giant numbers yet anyway

This is the most concerning part for me. For all its problems and dangerous ideas, the GOP will always garner at least ~45% of the vote in this country. As many problems that a multiparty system brings, a two party system is so much more dangerous when one of the two becomes impossible to bargain and compromise with.
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That guy is a ****... You are not supposed to do things with laser pointers and lights that the dog chases because for certain dogs it becomes an obsession and can drive them crazy.
That guy is a ****... You are not supposed to do things with laser pointers and lights that the dog chases because for certain dogs it becomes an obsession and can drive them crazy.
Very sad but true, especially to a frenchie. Still I don't like this election at all and just want it over, especially since I don't prefer either candidate. 
This is the funniest thing I've seen in a while. Too bad it's so true.

For those of you still unemployed and looking for a job, sorry, you have to be an immigrant to find one these days:
"Two-thirds of jobs go to immigrants during Obama’s four years"
And thousands of jobs that Romney could have created for Americans, he opted to send them overseas. What is your point?
Two thirds of jobs go to immigrants because they are willing to do the labor and hard work that sadly, most americans aren't willing to do. Obama will just continue with this saying he is creating more jobs, but in reality, it is just immigrants coming in, while naturalized citizens continue to feed off of the government and its services. 
He's a troll.

How am I a troll if I just posted what i see on the news? Just cause im not the other 99% of liberals on NT it doesn't mean im trolling... Don't bother posting your nate silver articles or anything from yahoo cause we all know they lean left :tongue:

And to all the people going crazy over Romney's FEMA issue, look at this http://www.senate.gov/legislative/L...ote_cfm.cfm?congress=110&session=1&vote=00181 Your president voted no for Katrina Relief

Pretty funny to see Obama's popular vote stuck at 47%, I guess Mitt Romney was right on with his statement
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