***Official Political Discussion Thread***

If I progressives were following their principles they'd all be yimbys.

If conservatives were really following their stated principles. They'd all be yimbys

But instead, for different reasons both sides are concerned with coming up with rationalizations to keep the entrenched base of home owners happy.
On a sign coming into my neighborhood it touts that the houses are in a certain high school's zone. School district your house is in makes all the difference in the world. We're looking to move next year, but remain in the district.

it really is a nice school
Conservatives only believe in neo-classical economics when fits their narrative about certain policies.

Much of conservative thought is enforcing the status quo and the racial hierarchy. So NIMBYism is very much in line with their principles.
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I’d rather have a homeless shelter down the street vs the ****ing guy down the street from me whose yard looks like a junkyard, has trump flags flying, burns trash, and revs engines in his garage at 1am. :lol:
took a different route a few weeks ago and saw 2 don't tread on me flags a couple streets over in my neighborhood, a bunch of fresh out the pack american flags too. :smh::smh::smh::smh::smh:
If I am a Republican strategist that knows the GOP just needs to not lose by +4 points on the generic ballot to take back Congress, the last thing I want is Trump coming back around talking this coup ****, or even worse saying that he is the legitimate president and that when the GOP takes back Congress they can reinstate him.
If I am a Republican strategist that knows the GOP just needs to not lose by +4 points on the generic ballot to take back Congress, the last thing I want is Trump coming back around talking this coup ****, or even worse saying that he is the legitimate president and that when the GOP takes back Congress they can reinstate him.

i just dont get what the benefit is of giving some sort of time frame outside of motivating people for '22 and '24

i mean i get he's going send a bunch of BS emails to raise money.. but all youre doing is setting people up to be disappointed when aint shhh happens in august or more people pull a january 6th AND then make republicans look even worse when they try to cover up THAT shh

like i get keeping up the lie.. or denying republicans roles in why biden/democrats cant do some shh.. or destroying the country at the benefit of party/power

but i dont get THAT play
Not sure his main goal is to raise money. I really think he's trying to incite a more effective insurrection. He figures by they should get it right the third time.

Raising money is a close 2nd though.
I would say we’re on par with everyone else. We’re just the most willfully ignorant people in the world. In that we know, we know these things are problems but we pretend they aren’t so we don’t have to attempt to fix them.

Maybe the better term would be lazy. Maybe the best at making excuses too, but that is just cover for being lazy.

Yang was headed to the Park Slope YMCA — a spot notorious for Mayor Bill de Blasio's oft inopportune workouts, in a move many expected would bring some criticism of the mayor. Instead, Yang was met by a dozen members of New York Communities for Change, a social justice organization, who shouted down the candidate and ultimately scuttled the event — forcing him to take questions on the move.

Yang has taken a more conservative tack in the race than some of his competitors and, even as a Democratic candidate for president, drew attention for his libertarian leanings. During the debate, rival candidate Scott Stringer called him a Republican, and during an interview this morning, Yang said he would adopt a governing similar to former Mayor Mike Bloomberg, who was first elected as a Republican.

Known for his affable campaign-style, Yang attempted to talk to the protesters ahead of the event. Undeterred, they carried signs and shouted "No new cops!" and "Hedge fund mayor!" — effectively drowning out the candidate's prepared remarks.

When you try to be so anti-"woke" that you promise to be just like the dude that.....checks notes.....had the NYPD systematically violate the constitutional rights of black residents of the city, denied it was a racist policy, and defended it after there was overwhelming proof that it definitely was.

**** Bloomberg, and if Yang wants to be like him, **** him too.

I hope Garcia wins this thing
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I’d rather have a homeless shelter down the street vs the ****ing guy down the street from me whose yard looks like a junkyard, has trump flags flying, burns trash, and revs engines in his garage at 1am. :lol:
Man my old area was tiring into that. 8 years ago it was just a quiet old neighborhood. I guess the old people died and it either went to their trash kids or became a rent house haven. The WORST to live next to is trailer trash. Even worse are people who pretend to be trailer trash but they’re actually well off or at least normal. It became normal to see their trash kids destroying the playground, 6 cars parked in the grass turning it into mud, trash American flags, landfill looking backyards, etc.

When you try to be so anti-"woke" that you promise to be just like the dude that.....checks notes.....had the NYPD systematically violate the constitutional rights of black residents of the city, denied it was a racist policy, and defended it after there was overwhelming proof that it definitely was.

**** Bloomberg, and if Yang wants to be like him, **** him too.

I hope Garcia wins this thing

Yang is not a cool guy.
If I am a Republican strategist that knows the GOP just needs to not lose by +4 points on the generic ballot to take back Congress, the last thing I want is Trump coming back around talking this coup ****, or even worse saying that he is the legitimate president and that when the GOP takes back Congress they can reinstate him.

How many times Rusty? How many times do conservatives like myself and ninjahood ninjahood have to expose your lies? Last time I checked da #45 came after #46 based on Ninja math. Donald JENIUS TRUMP IS OUR PRESIDENT. Sleepy Joseph BYEDEN keeps hiding in his basement and is keeping da seat warm until da litigation works its way through da courts.
but i dont get THAT play

I think he’s completely bought into the idea that belief can shape reality. If he can believe something strongly enough, other people will believe it, too,, And once he’s gotten enough people to believe it, it’s just the truth.

He’s not a strategist or a tactician. He‘s a zealot. And his “success” is his religion.

And no amount of reckonings with reality shakes him from that core principle. From his first real estate bankruptcies to the failure of his branded consumer goods, to the realities of COVID x nothing can convince him that his belief isn’t primary. It’s just who he is.

So it’s not really a play so much as it’s the ”logical” explanation he’s landed on to avoid facing his failure to win re-election.
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