***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The fact that Trump would be dissing foreign countries on a seeming whim, especially with Russia, who he seemed so buddy buddy with does not bode well for international relations with him as president.

No one would trust us
I mean I'm sure there are countries out there that don't trust us already, but I'm saying... No. One. Would trust us.

I would've had more respect for him if he refused to bad mouth Putin to serve his agenda. It would've shown loyalty. Ill founded loyalty on his part, but loyalty nonetheless. Instead he perpetuated what we already know about him. Doesn't matter if he likes you, you going down if it's between you and him.
Several European countries' parliaments have had extensive debates on the potential catastrophe of a Trump presidency. If I recall correctly, the UK and Belgium considered banning him from entering the country, but this was back during the primaries.

The German ministry of economics have stated they fear a Trump presidency would result in massive economic disaster.

Just about every government official in Europe who isn't a far-right demagogue despises this man
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Just like the dodo, dinosaurs, Pangaea, Trump steaks, Trump casinos, the Trump foundation, Trump University, Trump's hair, and Trump's wealth, we can add Trump's chances at becoming our President as one more thing that has gone extinct.

America celebrating early.

Colluding with media outlets is deplorable but at the end of the day it doesn't even come close to da Donald's toxic campaign and the potential (or perhaps guaranteed) catastrophe of a Trump presidency.
Either way, if you know a media outlet is biased it's not hard to identify the opinionating, look at the facts and make up your own mind.
Again, if you need the media to tell you your conclusion you already lost.
Bias doesn't entirely negate the validity of reporting. MSM can't make completely make something up out of thin air without a shred of valid basis and get away with it. So simply identify the possible opinionating, exaggerations, check the facts and make up your own mind.

being BOUGHT & PAID for and not disclosing it is da antithesis of what da media is supposed to do.
Colluding with media outlets is deplorable but at the end of the day it doesn't even come close to da Donald's toxic campaign and the potential (or perhaps guaranteed) catastrophe of a Trump presidency.
Either way, if you know a media outlet is biased it's not hard to identify the opinionating, look at the facts and make up your own mind.
Again, if you need the media to tell you your conclusion you already lost.
Bias doesn't entirely negate the validity of reporting. MSM can't make completely make something up out of thin air without a shred of valid basis and get away with it. So simply identify the possible opinionating, exaggerations, check the facts and make up your own mind.

being BOUGHT & PAID for and not disclosing it is da antithesis of what da media is supposed to do.

How are these people bought and paid for?

Because Hillary's campaign singled them out for having a liberal lean.
I dont care who trump offends on a PC level if she is looking to kick it off with Russia.

She said lets arm more random people to fight Russia for us.....like that hasnt backfired over and over again.

She wants a pipeline across syria, she cares not for any of them.

Bruh... vote hillary for more of the same.

Watch how police brutality gets worse as the country gets stretched from war too.
So your solution would be to let Russia do whatever they want? Drumpf has indicated that if Russia was to invade the Baltic countries he pretty much wouldn't do a damn thing about it if he was the president.
To be honest, the US should stay out of syria... Ousting assad would usher in an Islamic state which could/would have ties to radical factions. Did intervening in iraq & libya help fix anything?
Colluding with media outlets is deplorable but at the end of the day it doesn't even come close to da Donald's toxic campaign and the potential (or perhaps guaranteed) catastrophe of a Trump presidency.
Either way, if you know a media outlet is biased it's not hard to identify the opinionating, look at the facts and make up your own mind.
Again, if you need the media to tell you your conclusion you already lost.
Bias doesn't entirely negate the validity of reporting. MSM can't make completely make something up out of thin air without a shred of valid basis and get away with it. So simply identify the possible opinionating, exaggerations, check the facts and make up your own mind.

being BOUGHT & PAID for and not disclosing it is da antithesis of what da media is supposed to do.

How are these people bought and paid for?

Because Hillary's campaign singled them out for having a liberal lean.

guess u missed da wine & dining, collaboration of talking points & messenging, :lol:

these folks RSVP'ed to events to be pampered by da DNC/Clinton :lol: :smh:

and many of da pundits are bought and paid for and DON'T disclosure it if u even bothered to click da link fron da 1st paragraph about da collusion.
Can you imagine if Obama said some of this craziness. Black man threatening a white woman like that..
To be honest, the US should stay out of syria... Ousting assad would usher in an Islamic state which could/would have ties to radical factions. Did intervening in iraq & libya help fix anything?

US out of Syria? Syria is the money cow currently for the defense industry so naive to think America won't intervene. Also remember Russia is building a permanent Naval Base in tje port of Tartu so they are shoring up their anti-aircraft missile defense systems in Syria in case of any potential US imposed No Fly Zones.

Moscow delivers S-300 missile system to Syria for defense of Russian naval base

With Clinton and the Neo Cons in the helm..

The neoconservative president of the U.S.-taxpayer-funded National Endowment for Democracy [NED] has called for the U.S. government to “summon the will” to engineer the overthrow of Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying that the 10-year-old murder case of a Russian journalist should be the inspiration.

...expect WAR and more deployment of ground troops.. i mean 'advisers'
Can you imagine if Obama said some of this craziness. Black man threatening a white woman like that..

and yet Obama was sheltered for going to some kookie paster's Church for 20 years...
Bruh, you deny and everything that shades your boy, and resort to attacking Democrats to deflect the issue at hand. Does it ever get tiring? Like is there any time you feel like you dont want to fight the pointless fight?
Cooperate the selling of arms?
Come on NOW!
No, cooperate to destroy isis.  I was sure that was who we were after before they got caught up demonizing the assad regime in an attempt to build a pipeline from suadi arabia. 

It will hit the fan if she wins...

Russia is literally waiting for the election results. 

They will absolutely turn up if hillary wins.

Good luck fixing domestic issues when it happens too. Any focus will be lost
Can you imagine if Obama said some of this craziness. Black man threatening a white woman like that..

and yet Obama was sheltered for going to some kookie paster's Church for 20 years...
Bruh, you deny and everything that shades your boy, and resort to attacking Democrats to deflect the issue at hand. Does it ever get tiring? Like is there any time you feel like you dont want to fight the pointless fight?

no because hypocrisy is too rich :lol:

You pulling out all the Fox News bull **** talking points aren't you laugh.gif

more irony..aye Rusty what happened..no RSVP for u? :lol: :smh:
@whywesteppin - every time he opens his mouth, he confirms he knows nothing about what he's actually talking about. Typical of a lying salesman... His people have given him some talking points & he just runs with it. I'm in utter amazement that people accept this.

House Speaker Paul Ryan told fellow Republicans Monday he will no longer defend GOP nominee Donald Trump and will instead use the next 29 days to focus on preserving his party's hold on Congress.

"The speaker is going to spend the next month focused entirely on protecting our congressional majorities," Ryan's spokeswoman, AshLee Strong, said in a statement.
In a conference call with members Monday morning, Ryan told members "you all need to do what's best for you and your district," according to someone who listened to the meeting.
Ryan did not say Monday whether he was reversing his endorsement of Trump.
Wont defend but will continue to endorse 

is it oochie wally or one mic Paulie 
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Can you imagine if Obama said some of this craziness. Black man threatening a white woman like that..

and yet Obama was sheltered for going to some kookie paster's Church for 20 years...
Bruh, you deny and everything that shades your boy, and resort to attacking Democrats to deflect the issue at hand. Does it ever get tiring? Like is there any time you feel like you dont want to fight the pointless fight?

no because hypocrisy is too rich :lol:

You pulling out all the Fox News bull **** talking points aren't you laugh.gif

more irony..aye Rusty what happened..no RSVP for u? :lol: :smh:

:lol: You're so gassed up, the strawmen and red herrings are lit today

What happened? Did you mans Trump grab you by the yambs on 135th during the weekend and buy you a new futon?
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and yet Obama was sheltered for going to some kookie paster's Church for 20 years...
Sheltered by whom? The media? FOH! Show me where Obama was sheltered by the media during his campaign......And your Fox News talking point about reverand wright is hollow. 
the strawmen and red herrings are lit

cold hard evidence of collusion and bought/paid shills and this is da best u can come up with?

its called ur exposed liberal shills are no better then Backpage skeeeeezas. paid for their *** and do what u what with em. :lol: :smh:
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