***Official Political Discussion Thread***

in trump's world, everything is a tremendous disaster that no one can fix. in reality, it is only Trump's hair and his business endeavors that are tremendous disasters.

don't play dumb. we all know trump's hyperbole is not only false, it is also an attempt to trick the most naive people into supporting him.

for people who live in such a world of hyperbole, the real disaster is their own lives, and the reason behind it is their own ineptitude.
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Skittles, tic tacs, pro athletes, & now Warren Buffet responds to chubby aka male sarah palin's falsehoods... Homeboy stays opening that mouf of his & nothing but garbage comes out. He continues to use the same tactic all liars use by bringing up other people who have nothing to do with his situation. That's textbook lying folks.

Warren Buffett to Trump: 'I have paid federal income tax every year since 1944'[/COLOR]

Warren Buffett schooled Donald Trump on Monday about the taxes of a billionaire.

"Mr. Trump says he knows more about taxes than any other human. He has not seen my income tax returns. But I am happy to give him the facts," Buffett said in a statement.

Buffett was responding to an exchange in Sunday's debate in which Clinton called on Trump to release his tax returns. Clinton has blasted Trump for using the tax code aggressively to avoid paying federal income tax.

"Many of her friends took bigger deductions. Warren Buffett took a massive deduction," Trump said.

On Monday, Buffett said that in 2015, he reported an adjusted gross income of $11.6 million and took close to $5.5 million in total deductions. The majority of those (nearly $3.5 million) reflected allowable charitable contributions.

He went on to say that he paid nearly $1.9 million in federal income taxes last year. That gives him an effective federal income tax rate of about 16%.

Indeed, Buffett added, "I have paid federal income tax every year since 1944, when I was 13. (Though, being a slow starter, I owed only $7 in tax that year.) I have copies of all 72 of my returns and none uses a carryforward."

Though Trump has yet to release any of his tax returns, the top pages of his state tax returns from 1995 were released anonymously. And they show that he reported $916 million in net operating losses that he was carrying forward.

That loss could have been used to offset much of Trump's tax liability for many years, potentially even reducing it to zero. But unless he releases his tax returns it's impossible to say for sure.

Buffett digs the knife deeper on charitable contributions
Buffett also said in his statement that the charitable deductions he took in 2015 don't reflect the half of what he gave to charity last year.

"The total charitable contributions I made during the year were $2,858,057,970, of which more than $2.85 billion were not taken as deductions and never will be. Tax law properly limits charitable deductions."

Generally speaking, taxpayers can't claim charitable deductions that exceed a certain percentage of their AGI (typically between 20% and 50%, depending on what is being donated).

"In Buffett's case, his income will never be big enough to allow him to deduct all of his billions of dollars of donations," said Roberton Williams, a senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center.

In 2010, Buffett along with Bill and Melinda Gates launched the Giving Pledge. They and fellow billionaires who join, pledge to give away most of their wealth during their lifetime and in their wills.

This past July, Buffett pledged $2.9 billion worth of stock in his holding company Berkshire Hathaway (BRKA).

Trump has not provided any proof of his charitable giving, though he boasts of it often. Again his tax returns would offer a window into the amount of money he gives away in a given year.
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I was dying everytime trump dropped "disaster"

"Have you seen ___________________  its a total disaster" 
  ( fill in the blanks with)

-border security

- immigration

-tax policy

- obama care


-the middle east

- trade with china

- our inner cities

- isis. 

Fam was not leaving a single disaster un turned 
I was dying everytime trump dropped "disaster"
"Have you seen ___________________  its a total disaster" :lol:   ( fill in the blanks with)
-border security
- immigration
-tax policy
- obama care
-the middle east
- trade with china
- our inner cities
- isis. 

Fam was not leaving a single disaster un turned :lol:

Wrong, He forgot his campaign
Warren Buffet's words need to be front page news. Trump thought he could fool his deplorables and maybe a couple other people by claiming that all the rich are just as greedy and bad with money as Trump the Chump is. What a despicable person. **** Trump.
More from ninja's mans & em's site...

Ahhhhh da Asians... Glad we all seem to be unified against chubby aka male sarah palin. gop tried some outreach but he destroyed the gop's attempts... :smokin :lol:

[COLOR=#red]Asian-American Voters Are Diverse But Unified Against Donald Trump[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#red]By Dhrumil Mehta and Jennifer Kanjana
Filed under 2016 Election[/COLOR]

The new National Asian American Survey shows that Asian-American registered voters are increasingly identifying as Democrats. The Democratic edge over Republicans has increased by 11 percentage points since 2012, according to the NAAS, which was released last week. The 2016 survey also found that 59 percent of respondents favor Hillary Clinton in this year’s presidential election while only 16 percent prefer Donald Trump — 26 percent are either undecided or favor a third-party candidate.

The NAAS is significant because good data on the political preferences of Asian-Americans is hard to come by. Since Asian-Americans make up only about 4 percent of the electorate, most conventional political polls simply don’t reach enough of them to make statistically sound conclusions about their political leanings. The NAAS, however, sampled 2,238 Asian-Americans and 305 Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders.

Even beyond sample-size issues, polling Asian-Americans can be difficult. Asian-Americans have one of the highest rates of limited English proficiency, and about 3 in 4 are foreign-born. For these reasons, 45 percent of the interviews in the NAAS were conducted in one of nine languages other than English (Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Japanese, Hindi, Hmong, Cambodian).

Indeed, “Asian-American” is a broad group that includes many different ethnicities with distinct political traditions. Vietnamese-Americans have historically leaned more Republican than other Asian-American subgroups, for example; Indian-Americans and Japanese-Americans have leaned more Democratic. Still, Democrats have made substantial gains across most ethnic subgroups of Asian-Americans.


In the aftermath of the 2012 election, the Republican National Committee released a report calling on the party to do a better job connecting with minority populations. The RNC hired a national field director, Stephen Fong, and a national communications director, Jason Chung, to conduct outreach to Asian-American voters. Karthick Ramakrishnan, director of the NAAS, said in an interview that the GOP was “trying to project this image of the Republican Party that was more open, that is more tolerant, that is trying to do significant outreach to the community.”

Ramakrishnan said the GOP appeared to be making strides in some areas, pointing to the 2014 election of several Asian-American Republicans to seats in California’s state legislature. But he said that the polarizing nature of this year’s GOP presidential nominee seems to be nullifying any gains Republicans might have made and that support among Asian-Americans for the GOP may be lower now than in 2012. In previous years, Ramakrishnan said, surveys of Asian-Americans showed larger differences in political preferences between subgroups and between regions of the country. “One way you could put it is that Trump is nationalizing the election for Asian-Americans,” he said.



Trump’s effect on the concerns of Asian-Americans may be evident in an open-ended NAAS question that asks respondents to name the “most important problem facing the United States.” Ten percent of registered voters in the NAAS said “racism or racial discrimination,” the third-most-common answer, behind the economy and national security. Trump has been criticized for anti-immigrant and racist rhetoric, including saying that Mexican immigrants are rapists, and for proposing to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the country.


In 2012, only 2 percent of likely voters cited race or racism.
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Trump names like 6 deals as "the worst deals in history.... "

**** always makes me laugh... 
Trump spewed the same garbage and didn't answer the questions. People think he won? 

Apparently. I guess it was cause he said things louder and did the squint thing with his eyes like Ben Stiller in Zoolander

actually he beat her to da punch in many of da skirmishers + he had all da Women Bill is accused of sexuality assaulting all front row.

Hillary Clinton was rendered on her heels in a defensive position for nearly da whole debate...on a weekend those Trump tapes leaked? :lol: she basically blew it big time.

and thats da genuine consensus across da board this morning.

those wikileak segments especially her 2 faced positions were scathing.
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Do any you guys ever step back and just look at what this has become? People who are avid voters, both sides, talk about being informed, voting on policy, knowing their candidates. This is just an absolute **** show at this point, targeting the lowest of the low brow. Anyone partaking in this nonsense should be embarrassed for themselves. Vote on this reality tv bs every four years and think this is your country, bros.
Just gotta say this although I'm a day or so late...

Trump's comments about women are the definition of abhorrent. I played sports all through my life, which included both in high school and being an NCAA athlete. Of course things are said in the locker room...however, no locker room or team that I've been on has ever had someone cross that line that Trump did. Anyone who excuses this or brushes off his comments is a dimwitted numbskull who doesn't have a clue as to how conversations go down behind closed doors in an actual locker room. Taking things just a step further, I'd venture to bet that no one (at least I hope) on this board has had this type of conversation with their friends at home, in a dorm, or in the work place. Trump's "apology," if you want to call it that, was nothing more than marginalizing sexual assault. If you are a person who has been involved in this type of discussion, I hope you would have had the guts to speak up and put that person in check who was talking this way.

It's ******* scary that this disgusting pig has made it this far and still has support. He's the most unfit person I've ever seen in my life be in a position of this much power here in the US. Though I'm not a fan at all of Hillary, this country would be in much better shape with her at the helm than that racist, sexist, misogynistic, blowhard. I got no time for anyone who is still backing this clown.
Abuela didn't need a knock out.... she's up on the scorecard..... all she had to do was get her Money May on 
More from ninja's mans & em's site...

Ahhhhh da Asians... Glad we all seem to be unified against chubby aka male sarah palin. gop tried some outreach but he destroyed the gop's attempts...

Asian-American Voters Are Diverse But Unified Against Donald Trump
By Dhrumil Mehta and Jennifer Kanjana
Filed under 2016 Election


another L for trump
Just gotta say this although I'm a day or so late...

Trump's comments about women are the definition of abhorrent. I played sports all through my life, which included both in high school and being an NCAA athlete. Of course things are said in the locker room...however, no locker room or team that I've been on has ever had someone cross that line that Trump did. Anyone who excuses this or brushes off his comments is a dimwitted numbskull who doesn't have a clue as to how conversations go down behind closed doors in an actual locker room. Taking things just a step further, I'd venture to bet that no one (at least I hope) on this board has had this type of conversation with their friends at home, in a dorm, or in the work place. Trump's "apology," if you want to call it that, was nothing more than marginalizing sexual assault. If you are a person who has been involved in this type of discussion, I hope you would have had the guts to speak up and put that person in check who was talking this way.

It's ******* scary that this disgusting pig has made it this far and still has support. He's the most unfit person I've ever seen in my life be in a position of this much power here in the US. Though I'm not a fan at all of Hillary, this country would be in much better shape with her at the helm than that racist, sexist, misogynistic, blowhard. I got no time for anyone who is still backing this clown.

If you don't want to get upset even more over Trump comments, don't Google the name Jeff Sessions
Abuela didn't need a knock out.... she's up on the scorecard..... all she had to do was get her Money May on 
I don't even think the strategy was to knock him out. That would give the rest of the GOP an out. She's playing the long game, by him staying in the race the rest of the party will be continued to get dragged down on the down the ballot races. This presidential race is no longer in doubt, Hillary is going to win. But to actually govern she needs a majority Democratic Senate (which looks to be the case) and maybe an unprecedented flip in the House as well. Which according to polls today may be a serious possibility. According to voters, it's a 49% to 42% favor in the Dems favor on who they want in control of the Congress. 
Trump swears all black people live in the ghetto..... 

black people and the term "inner city" always come as a pair when he speaks.... 

everything he has to say about black people deals with us not being able to open our front doors without bullets whistling past our faces..... 

thing is.... poor white people are all for the gloom and doom .... make'murica'great again Trump talk .... but poor black people don't like old, rich white men by default.... so all he's doing is turning off the black people that don't "live in hell" for whom he should be reaching out to.... 

he got the game all backwards... 
I don't even think the strategy was to knock him out. That would give the rest of the GOP an out. She's playing the long game, by him staying in the race the rest of the party will be continued to get dragged down on the down the ballot races. This presidential race is no longer in doubt, Hillary is going to win. But to actually govern she needs a majority Democratic Senate (which looks to be the case) and maybe an unprecedented flip in the House as well. Which according to polls today may be a serious possibility. According to voters, it's a 49% to 42% favor in the Dems favor on who they want in control of the Congress. 
agreed.... let that man **** it up for everybody else 
Do any you guys ever step back and just look at what this has become? People who are avid voters, both sides, talk about being informed, voting on policy, knowing their candidates. This is just an absolute **** show at this point, targeting the lowest of the low brow. Anyone partaking in this nonsense should be embarrassed for themselves. Vote on this reality tv bs every four years and think this is your country, bros.
It's necessary though, before this election a lot of this sentiment was not vocalized on the national stage. If nothing else this has exposed a lot of what people truly feel and I personally have been able to cleanse myself of a lot of ignorant associates that formerly were friends. As for actually voting, I'm fine voting for Hilary Clinton and for Dems down the ballot because the initiatives they are going to try and put forward reflect my values and aren't rooted in bigotry, xenophobia, racism, and general intolerance. This election is unique from any other because of one individual, and that's Donald Drumpf, he's unfit for the office for a number of reasons that go far beyond his policy stances, that's not something I would say about Romney, McCain or even Bush with his special self. 
How can dudes take a snapshot of this thread, and then draw a conclusion about all that is going on in here though.

Policy has been discussed at length, and voting every chance you get (state, local, everything) is encourage.
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People will see what they want to see man. That's all I can say. We discuss policy thoroughly well at least on one side, but again there's one prison in the race that's made this a literal clown show, the fat man.
Do any you guys ever step back and just look at what this has become?

that's good advice
and sometimes that's really all it takes

I do and the division amongst the north east and west compared to the rest of the country is just mind blowing(I can add the north to the north east and west as well since they lean democrat). It's like as if the middle has its own concept of what the country should be and vice versa. The middle is getting destroyed because they were manufacturing oriented while the coasts have all the high paying service jobs in banking, consulting, and the like.

Honestly it's no different than Alexander Hamilton's vision for this country relative to what Thomas Jefferson wanted. But just the hate, and sorry there is no other way to put it, from certain far right constituates is insane. It's similar in Europe as well the way hatred and vile comments are mostly generated from that specific faction. I'm saying mostly because it isn't exclusive to them but they are the most vocal and action oriented to express it as well.

In one sense the fact that this sort of populism has come out like it has is a good thing. It might scare a lot of the younger people and show them just how dangerous it can be. But on the other hand I feel it'll fall on deaf ears as always since too many people in every country as just too ill-informed. They don't look into the whole policy but just one little thing they agree with because they heard it and gravitate towards that issue rather than looking at all of them and weighing them. I seen it with my parents how they were pro-trump but after explaining to them everything else that he was about it just reminded them of communist Russia and how they grew up under that regime influencing our country and the leaders.

It's a scary thought that an authoritarian can come and put a country on its head like trump seams to want to do. His comment on Hiliary last night about jailing her is over the top. She got a fair hearing from an independent prosecutor and she received her verdict. Was it clean no, but it wasn't as bad as they made it out to be either. What he prompted to do actually puts our whole democracy on its head as it allows a person to attack someone who is a challenge to them rather than conceding and moving on. Respect is something we must continue to have for one another no matter our political views. And that's something I'm very afraid we are slowly losing.
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