***Official Political Discussion Thread***

These clowns know that once the Supreme Court gets that Left lean, WHITE PRiViLEGE is done! This is what they are truly afraid of.


This is low key one of my favorite ****** up memes, just because it can be used for so much to point out the ****** up stuff that far right conservatives do. And how they know they are finessing their base:

"Then we told them............the wealth will trickle down..........and they believed us"

"Poor whites still falling for the Southern Strategy"

"They think the war on drugs is about drugs"
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Just watch. This is one of the reasons for the voting rights act being tampered with, redistricting, and the call for immigration reform. They will be in the minority pretty soon, and with no representation at the pols, their privilege is done. Just watch. You think Timothey McViegh was bad? Watch how they get when Hillary wins.
Trump said Scalia was a great person and he plans on replacing him with someone just like him.

No black person should be okay with that comment
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Glen Beck said Hillary is the moral and ethical choice for president.

Glen. Beck.

We've gone off the rails and this train is gone through a circus.
The numbers are starting to roll in regarding women voters & chubby aka male sarah palin. He's getting crushed & defiantly going to lose.

An interesting comparison. In 2012, romney led President Obama by 7 percentage points among men, about the same as Trump’s 5-point lead among men now. But romney held his own among women, losing them by 8 points, whereas they’re going against Trump by 15 points. The damning thing about the data coming in now is that it doesn't show the full brunt of the hot mic scandal just yet so the gap in women voter will be wider. Going into the last presidential election, the polls were pretty much neck & neck with most pundits thinking the romney may upset. Not close now & the gap likely to be larger, possibly even much larger.



The funny think is this fool is going to go full tilt which will drive the middle of the road & women vote away even further. He has no concept of expanding his base. I love it... Keep doing what you're doing...
Filled out my ballot today. +1 for the first female president in US history. God our options suck (but this has always been a complete no-brainer).

Can we please repeal the Patriot Act, get the F out the Middle East, massively reduce military spending, end the war on drugs, end modern day slavery aka prison industrial complex, end SS tax cap, increase cap gains tax to equal fed income tax brackets, rebuild NASA, and a bunch more ****? Thx.
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These surrogates and supporters are worse than deplorable:

Chris Hayes: If Trump said on tape, "I like raping women" would you pull support? Rep. Blake Farenthold: (Pause) "I'd have to consider it."
Another pervert pedofile republican (president of Jefferson Parrish)... Grown *** married man with a 3 year old daughter sexting with a then 17 year old boy. Even buying him designer underwear... Something about being so self righteous just turns these republicans into pervy dudes... Reminds me of all them perverts that spearheaded Bill's impeachment especially gingrich & the other pervert pedofile denis hasert.


I had to stop watching the vid not that long into it because the dude was just a creepy *** mother ******... He doesn't even have the decency to step down. His narcissistic *** thinks he can still keep his job... What is wrong with these republicans?!?!?!
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A bad decision? What the ****. I hate it when people try to minimize their crime by using such language. It's sickening that anyone is trying to normalize that as a valid defense.

It's not like you came to a fork at the road and had to make a rash decision. No. You sought out that path. You found that boy, initiated a conversation, took it to uncomfortable levels, and sent sexts. For any normal person on that path, we would have bailed out at any point that we could. But no, you persisted. That's not a bad decision. That's a ******* pervert. Own up.
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These surrogates and supporters are worse than deplorable:

Chris Hayes: If Trump said on tape, "I like raping women" would you pull support? Rep. Blake Farenthold: (Pause) "I'd have to consider it."

Glenn Beck is the sane one.

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I want to respect Beck for that but it still uses the same **** language that got us here in the first place.

Saying we will block everything Hillary does? What the ****.

How about you instead say that, while we disagree with much of what Hillary wants, we can find some common ground still if she is willing to listen to us.

This ******* nonsense about automatically opposing everything your opponent does is why Trump made it this far to begin with. **** Beck. **** Trump. **** them all. I'm upset.
I want to respect Beck for that but it still uses the same **** language that got us here in the first place.

Saying we will block everything Hillary does? What the ****.

How about you instead say that, while we disagree with much of what Hillary wants, we can find some common ground still if she is willing to listen to us.

This ******* nonsense about automatically opposing everything your opponent does is why Trump made it this far to begin with. **** Beck. **** Trump. **** them all. I'm upset.

I'll take anything at this point from that side of the electorate
I want to respect Beck for that but it still uses the same **** language that got us here in the first place.

Saying we will block everything Hillary does? What the ****.

How about you instead say that, while we disagree with much of what Hillary wants, we can find some common ground still if she is willing to listen to us.

This ******* nonsense about automatically opposing everything your opponent does is why Trump made it this far to begin with. **** Beck. **** Trump. **** them all. I'm upset.

I'll take anything at this point from that side of the electorate
True. I'll definitely take it over nothing. But along with defeating Trump we need to have the long view on this. What needs to emerge is a more cooperative and reasonable Republican Party.
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