***Official Political Discussion Thread***


The level of delusion 
 Perhaps if he was more aware of "the cyber", he would know that online polls are easily manipulated and anyone with the slightest bit of IT knowledge can relentlessly spam votes in online polls
Habits are hard to break. @mgrand15, good analysis. In the end people need to see that their President is not flippant with the details. You can only say, "I don't know, but I'll get the best people" for so long before people start despising you.
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I wish I could go through the mental gymnastics required to genuinely believe that Trump would "clean up" Washington and wouldn't be just as corrupt if not more so than the current status quo :lol:

The only way I could think it is that he would just create massive chaos, and cause the entire country to rebuild... It be devastating for generations, but maybe after many years it'd be better?
I wish I could go through the mental gymnastics required to genuinely believe that Trump would "clean up" Washington and wouldn't be just as corrupt if not more so than the current status quo :lol:

The only way I could think it is that he would just create massive chaos, and cause the entire country to rebuild... It be devastating for generations, but maybe after many years it'd be better?
Warsaw is fairly nice these days.
Claims to hate the "establishment", cries when the establishment doesn't support. That'll be the next excuse he'll use when he loses.
If Trump is president, we get the Ryan budget and a conservative Justice.

Those things are pretty much a lock, and they would be horrible
I wish I could go through the mental gymnastics required to genuinely believe that Trump would "clean up" Washington and wouldn't be just as corrupt if not more so than the current status quo :lol:

The only way I could think it is that he would just create massive chaos, and cause the entire country to rebuild... It be devastating for generations, but maybe after many years it'd be better?
Warsaw is fairly nice these days.
I hear Pyongyang is lovely this time of year
Would be funny seeing all the super religious conservatives still yelling about values and such after electing trump :lol:
I still think he could have won if he pivoted the moment after getting the nomination, apologized, focused on economy, and actually "studied". However, there may be many tapes out there that we won't even know about with him saying similar or worse things.
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Would be funny seeing all the super religious conservatives still yelling about values and such after electing trump :lol:

I mean,hypocrites recognize hypocrites :lol:
I still think he could have won if he pivoted the moment after getting the nomination, apologized, focused on economy, and actually "studied". However, there may be many tapes out there that we won't even know about with him saying similar or worse things.

Ah the long rumored campaign "reset" that never happened :lol:
He really could have made this a race if he switched the narrative when he got the nomination. As far as I'm concerned from what I've seen though, he isn't the most competent in general.
Im on Niketalk for one reason, shoes....

In VERY VERY rare cases I'll post outside of that on NT. Mainly because I enjoy talking to most people here. Thus, just like Twitter, people will disown you for having a different view. Maybe that's just the Internet.

I haven't clicked any section out of Jordan/Nike in forever. Hell I don't even post in TAN anymore. I'm just saying people calling Trump a bigot but openly supporting Clinton is irony at its finest. Now I don't know everything especially since I'll finally be 30 next week. However I've made some friends over the years in political areas. I just talk with them and try to really understand the truth. Clinton is by far the worst person in the race. Ethically, morally, etc.. Also just to throw it out there. As of now I still won't be voting for Trump. Even though he is the change from the status quo that is corrupt American politics. I know that's a hard pill to swallow. Unfortunately it's the truth.


you "undecided" cats are hilarious
^ They're not really undecided. They know exactly who their voting for but just want to argue/troll without the burden of saying they're voting for chubby aka male sarah palin. They think it makes their arguments a little more valid...

He's incapable of sticking to issues. He literally only has lies to peddle. The few substantive items in his campaign has like his economic plan have been resoundingly panned as disastrous. He's even lied about his tax plan, first telling the American people he would give small business tax cuts but then omitted them when his plan was submitted to the Tax Foundation, instead the plan had an additional reduction in the corporate tax rate... That alone should be cause of alarm & the crazy thing is there is a host of lies just like this.
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Im still undecided on this race and trump is the worst person i've ever seen in my life. i wouldn't elect him to my niece's student council much less the highest position in america

am i doing it right?
It still galls me that he threatened to prosecute Hillary & jail her if he gets elected... You just don't do that in a democratic society especially since the email server investigation was thoroughly looked into by 6 republican led sub committees, a full witch hunt of a senate committee, a full FBI investigation (where the director was a life long republican), & a justice dept investigation... That threat alone goes against every fiber of the rule of law... It's as unAmerican as one can possibly be aside from pledging allegiance to russia or something... Oh wait...
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It still galls me that he threatened to prosecute Hillary & jail her if he gets elected... You just don't do that in a democratic society especially since the email server investigation was thoroughly looked into by 6 republican led sub committees, a full witch hunt of a senate committee, a full FBI investigation (where the director was a life long republican), & a justice dept investigation... That threat alone goes against every fiber of the rule of law... It's as unAmerican as one can possibly be aside from pledging allegiance to russia or something... Oh wait...

^^ Yea can't believe he said that but nothing is over the top for him. I can't believe the audience when they cheered him on. Bringing the women who "allegedly" were sexually assaulted by Bill was on another level, this guy has no class and is truly a deplorable. Especially when he himself has been accused by women.
His campaign people were trying to walk back down those jail comments but I doubt dude was joking :lol:. His fascist sensabilities have been on show for all to see for a while now,not surprised that he'd want to turn the country into a banana republic if he got into power
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His whole spiel about bringing back jobs to America is yet another lie. First, he has absolutely no detail for how he's going to do it more importantly, nothing in his personal history has shown it either... He's eitehr not paying people for work they've done & telling them to sue him to try & get the dough, he's using Chinese steel on his recent construction projects, he's outsourced every single product of his, & his own amway scheme of a school promotes outsourcing... His site hasn't even taken the page down...


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Voting Hilary but since when does Undecided mean you can't lean towards a candidate now without fully committing to them even if it is trump?? :lol: some folks are too dam liberal and attack anybody who doesn't agree with them all while preaching acceptance and tolerance to others views. Ninja and rechooo don't count they do it to themselves
Voting Hilary but since when does Undecided mean you can't lean towards a candidate now without fully committing to them even if it is trump?? :lol: some folks are too dam liberal and attack anybody who doesn't agree with them all while preaching acceptance and tolerance to others views. Ninja and rechooo don't count they do it to themselves

These dudes who come in this thread are so transparent and it's so obvious to see that they're only saying they're undecided

Saying stuff like "Clinton is by far the worst person in the race. Ethically, morally..." and then saying that you're undecided is such an easy lie to see through

If I said I was undecided after I've been trashing Trump for the past year you would know I was lying too
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