***Official Political Discussion Thread***

no. But the white dudes that were out there that got killed, were out there because of police brutality against a black men. Police brutality is a civil rights issue, and one that has historically target black people behind the forces of white supremacy.

Really easy to follow, if you were honest.

I didn’t get those vibes from the videos I saw. One of them kept saying the N word.
If someone crosses state lines to give Kyle medical attention with an AR-15 they illegally owned would they be found not guilty now?
That should have been the guilty verdict right there. That clown said from the beginning he went there to “protect property” and then came the trial and now he was there as a “medic” with no medical supplies and a gun.
There's plenty of black people locked up for defending themselves yet this devil gets to go home to his looney tune of a family as if he did nothing. He went to a Black Lives Matter protest expecting violence. To hell with that judge that coddled him and the jury. Wake me up when there's some courtroom/media gymnastics being done for a black person in the same situation. Maybe we should have placed an ad in the paper against him.
The nastiness with Rittenhouse is only the beginning.

The dude is about to on a disgusting right wing funded press run

He lived out a fantasy a lot of the right wingers have. His gonna be treated like a conquering hero.
Yup. He’s about to be the new Richard Spencer, a right wing mouthpiece that’s more presentable and palatable to your average Fox News viewer.
Starting to think us black folk are cursed.


Rittenhouse is gonna be a star now...he will probably end up making more money than most of us here will ever see

star is a strong word..

but he’ll get a strong couple of months off of this.. or at least couple weeks

then he can continuously make money signing shh for racist..

If the trump & co crew embrace him that gives him a solid 2-3 years

also some publisher will give him a book deal
Starting to think us black folk are cursed.
Cursed: no

Not capable of coming together with the resources we have in order to make stuff work in our favor: YES!!!
I criticized the so called "conscious community" yesterday for not having much to show even though we have the numbers. With all of the members within the Hebrew Israelites, Black Greek Orgs, Nation of Islam, Kemetic Community, Moors etc: you would think we would have a nice amount of land in America to ourselves.
They're gunna let Ahmaud Arbery's killers walk too...then pull out the kente clothes and cry for unity.
that ones not happening. kyle had video of " self defense", however you guys wanna look at that
arberys killers arent walking. no chance in hell - worst case the guy who shot arbery is getting life while the dudes who were with him will get jail sentences probably not life though
Just so this doesn’t get lost…Michael Reihnol (some antifa dude) was accused of killing a proud boys member who attacked him during a protest in self defense….And instead of that going to trial…..

Trump himself ORDERED the US marshals to go in, and kill dude. And they did. And Trump celebrated it, and called it “retribution”.

Just so this doesn’t get lost…Michael Reihnol (some antifa dude) was accused of killing a proud boys member who attacked him during a protest in self defense….And instead of that going to trial…..

Trump himself ORDERED the US marshals to go in, and kill dude. And they did. And Trump celebrated it, and called it “retribution”.

Yep. When this happened we all knew what time it was for the feds. Nobody in that situation was right, but this is the instance where an out-of-state right wing fascist was shot by the self-described leftist (I still dont know if he was truly leftist or a mentally unstable anarchist). Instead of an arrest and trial, the feds shot him dead when he was unarmed. "If you're not with us, you're against us".
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