***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I suppose my best bet is to nudge potential master degree students into a PhD program and hopefully I’ll get some former students asking about letters of rec for law or business school.

I’ve straight up told people that if they can’t get into a PhD program with support, then they should definitely work at least 3 years before entering any academic Masters programs. I’m more case by case on advice about professional masters programs which is why I require an “interview” for anyone that asks for a rec.

I left with about 80% of a dissertation, but they still gave me the consolation prize masters. Had I known I was going to bail, I should have done so after year 2. No regrets, actually, because I enjoyed the experience of research, just not enough to make a career of it.

PhD programs are catching on to my scam, though. My wife’s program at Stern didn’t offer a Master’s to students that left the PhD program. I thought that was super petty, but they are obsessed about placement rate.
The GQP has no understanding of the Streisand Effect. Banning books only increases interest in those books. They'd be better off ignoring all of it. But, they have to make a scene over everything.
my wife is going to try and get her dual citizenship to Italy by descent and then I'll just get in being a married bum. :lol:

I don't even feel like it's out of the question or weird to have a backup country anymore.
my wife is going to try and get her dual citizenship to Italy by descent and then I'll just get in being a married bum. :lol:

I don't even feel like it's out of the question or weird to have a backup country anymore.

Only broke people and dumb people don’t have dual citizenship today.

Everyone that i know that has access to get one has or is in the process of getting one and wealthy people been working in that seriously since the last recession.
the damn applications went parabolic for American's applying for citizenship to Italy. :lol:

you can fast track it though if you pay up.

Newsom’s reply feels good, but does anyone really think this court will allow consistency to stand in its way? They’ve pretty clearly demonstrated that they hold juris staris in contempt.

I do sort of live that all of this will go down in history as having been done by the Roberts court. I hope he wakes up to that every day.
Newsom’s reply feels good, but does anyone really think this court will allow consistency to stand in its way? They’ve pretty clearly demonstrated that they hold juris staris in contempt.

I do sort of live that all of this will go down in history as having been done by the Roberts court. I hope he wakes up to that every day.

I mean it’s an interesting idea, but the liberty and right to privacy that has been established to protect the right to abortion is different than the explicit right to keep and bear arms in the Second Amendment.
Imagine a world in which dwalk31 dwalk31 had an account on a right-leaning website. Imagine he woke up this morning and made a bunch of posts reminding people that 2A has never been about unfettered access to weapons. Imagine him talking about the history of jurisprudence around the phrase “well regulated”. Imagine him likening restrictions on gun sales to, say, laws prohibiting murder. You can’t do anything!

Or, really, just imagine him anywhere else at all.
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