***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I'm wondering if there's a Behind the Bastards episode on Musk.

I've been binging on that podcast lately, and the stories of right-leaning libertarians trying to flee from the structure and mechanisms of government only to recreate a version of it once their projects become larger than their garage/backyard are hilarious. I'm referring to the episodes on cryptocurrency and seasteading in particular.


just remembered this joint:
Listen to Jill Lepore on Elon Musk's imaginary world on TuneIn http://tun.in/tlCeBQ
Dude wants to rewrite Telsa from a success story of government investment, into some libertarian fairy tale
Remember that PayPal was started as this online venue where people would do P2P transactions without having to go through banks because "we want to keep the government out of our pockets."

Now, they want to know your name, address, SSN, and they'll issue you a 1099 at the end of the year if you sell anything through them. :lol:

****, Peter Thiel is one of the biggest surveillance contractors in the world. So much for the small government nonsense they keep peddling.

The only principle libertarians follow is "the right thing to do is what's good for me at this very moment"

If Musk actually cared about humanity or science he would focus more on his battery tech instead of all these publicity stunt ventures…. that tech is the only real reason to invest in him and the cars are just a “cool” application of it. It’s legitimately something that could improve the world in our lifetime but a film flam man got to film flam so he is out here talking about hypothetical hoops, and spending millions to fly billionaires and celebrities really high into the sky like an amusement park ride.
I always tell people that Tesla is the first mover in the space and the first to establish a foothold. However his products are underwhelming. I think one of the big auto manufacturers or even a new startup will take his lunch if they are given the chance. This is business school 101.
They STILL haven't solved for their servicing issues.

I'll take Volkswagen and GM longterm
I've heard Musk being compared to a modern day PT Barnum. He's a carnival barker without much substance.

Dec 13 (Reuters) - "Do you want to see yourself acting in a movie or on TV?" said the description for one app on online stores, offering users the chance to create AI-generated synthetic media, also known as deepfakes.

"Do you want to see your best friend, colleague, or boss dancing?" it added. "Have you ever wondered how would you look if your face swapped with your friend's or a celebrity's?"

The technology, barely four years old, may be at a pivotal point, according to Reuters interviews with companies, researchers, policymakers and campaigners.

It's now advanced enough that general viewers would struggle to distinguish many fake videos from reality, the experts said, and has proliferated to the extent that it's available to almost anyone who has a smartphone, with no specialism needed.

We need more legislators from the internet age in Congress, or we will not like what technology has in store for us, from deepfake apps to unmanned militaries.

Let us get this clear.

Manchin is using a CBO score of a bill that doesn't exist to argue that a bill that does exist and is paid for (BBB) be completely changed/reworked. His is a massive bait and switch by him.

And his reasoning is that BBB will create political pressure for the Dems to extend certain programs, so maybe we should just cut those programs right now

He is also denying his party policies to run on in elections

Manchin is ******* disgusting and gets more disgusting as the weeks go by.

Mans was just complaining about progressive not trusting centrist, and then he goes and does this ****. Using conservative talking points lies to hurt his party.

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