***Official Political Discussion Thread***

with another debate looming? and all da wikileaks ammo afoot? i wouldn't be surprised if Clinton tries to weasel out da last 1.
As a consequence, there were times that I would meet with Mitch McConnell and he would say to me very bluntly, “Look, I’m doing you a favor if I do any deal with you, so it should be entirely on my terms because it hurts me just being seen photographed with you.”

Obama on the Republicans' desire to oppose him from the get go.


I don't know if I want the GOP to die off because of the very real possibility that something far worse might come out of this. The party should purge itself from the degenerates who have a fundamental problem with the Other, but there is nothing that shows me that those degenerates don't constitute the majority of the party, and there is nothing that shows that adopting a more moderate conservative stance, one that is willing to sit down with democrats and actually govern is a viable choice for the GOP. I sincerely think that things will get worse before they get better.

Case in point (Obama, from the same article):
I have very cordial relations with a lot of the Republican members. We can have really great conversations and arrive at a meeting of the minds on a range of policy issues, but if they think they’re going to lose seats or that they’re going to lose their own seat because the social media has declared that they sold out the Republican Party, then they won’t do it.
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Outside of far extreme right wingers I think it's safe to say nobody is giving a damn about those wikileaks
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Here you go famb, you earned another dedication.....

Another song off da ninja's loyalty playlist


u think Chris Wallace gonna just ignore asking about them? :lol:

ya dudes is lost.
You think Trump isn't gonna find some way to completely embarrass himself despite that ammo? :lol:

if he actually had Clinton on defense while da leaked tape was FRESH on friendly turf for Hillary...what makes u think his third go around with Hillary on Fox News turf and more ammo via wikileaks ge's not gonna cook her more? :lol:

Outside of far extreme right wingers I think it's safe to say nobody is giving a damn about those wikileaks

:lol: every video i Posted was from da young turks.
So, when is Trump's camp going to broadcast his baptism? Since he is now "Christian", and these esteemed preachers are now vouching for him, I cannot wait to see the next move. Boy, this is another black eye for christianity.
So, when is Trump's camp going to broadcast his baptism? Since he is now "Christian", and these esteemed preachers are now vouching for him,

they're doing that because of da fall out of that whole Catholic contempt in da emails that just leaked.
We still waitin for da N word tape to drop and then it's curtains for da Donald
It's starting to look like he might get Cosby'd,a number of women are recounting stories of being sexually harassed/assaulted by dude years ago
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I'm convinced that we all watch these debates with our biases on full display. I thought he looked terrible during the debates. I can't wrap my head around people thinking he did a better job. His response to a question on Islamophobia was enough alone for me.

everyone thought he won considering Hillary had da leaked tape ammo and managed to do nothing with it.


Everyone though?

B, cmon! Everyone!? :lol:

da same over sampled Democratic poll said Trump faaaaaar surpassed expectations and their pundits said ge "stop da bleeding"
:lol: He lost and everyone didn't say he won.

Miss me with your excuses.
So, when is Trump's camp going to broadcast his baptism? Since he is now "Christian", and these esteemed preachers are now vouching for him, I cannot wait to see the next move. Boy, this is another black eye for christianity.

As the newly appointed David of the Deplorables, his next move will be to find today's Uriah and grab his wife by the *****.
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they're doing that because of da fall out of that whole Catholic contempt in da emails that just leaked.
Bull. They are doing it because of the gullible jesus freaks, those who fear not having a white male protecting them. They have done everything they can to paint Hillary as Lillith.

:lol: I wonder if Trump wants us to take this as seriously as his Bill Clinton nonsense

The dumpster fire continues to burn
what the ****

trump is a gross, despicable man.

how about Hillary holds a press conference before debate 3 with all the women who Trump has sexually assaulted over his life? they'd fill a gymnasium.

and i love how some Republicans are coming back to trump. they're pretty much saying they don't want anyone to give them the benefit of the doubt on why they stuck with the orangutan.

brb...lookin for equal outrage for Bill & Hillary :nerd:
equal? I've addressed this multiple times on here. fair doesn't mean equal. Hillary is perhaps a cut below the typical big-party nominee. but trump is in a league of his own.

the orange bastard just sent me propaganda blaming Hillary for terrorist attacks this past year? i mean what kind of dimwitted fool would fall for this?

I'll be honest, Hillary is a bit forced at times, and she is well-connected, which involves all the good and bad baggage that comes with that. but she doesn't treat me like an idiot.
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