***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Not sure if this belongs here, but good grief what a trash position to have :smh:

It absolutely belongs here.

The team has already issued an "I don't know that fool" statement:

This despite the fact that you say otherwise and you’re a super upright, trustworthy person. That ought to be enough.

What I've actually said on the forums is not a matter of belief; it is a matter of record. You have distorted that.

When it comes to the alignment of my stated ideals with my actions, I never asked you, or anyone, to just take my word for it.

These words from the great Dorothy Height have long given me guidance:
"I want to be remembered as someone who used herself and anything she could touch to work for justice and freedom… I want to be remembered as one who tried."

Though I do my best to maintain personal privacy in a connected world that seeks to enact its constant erosion, you've been part of our community for far longer than most and have deeds, rather than just words, on which to base your assessments.

I was a teenager when we started the site and a student when we finally began to monetize it, when given no other choice. That first revenue share donation of $2,569 to UNICEF represented significantly more money than I had to my name at the time. So to have one of the people who trolled that thread repeatedly claim that I'm not committed enough to income redistribution is, to put it gently, a bit much.

I really need to take a break from posting on here, at least for a while. I am not:

-trying to guilt you or anyone else.
-mad at you or anyone else in here.
-Abandoning activism. I love you guys but this thread is where we go when we are not doing activism offline. When there are material stakes, I don’t leave a space because of discomfort. But we come here to enjoy ourselves and if I’m uncomfortable and I’m making others uncomfortable, it seems the best course of action to leave.

As with physical exercise, personal growth occurs when we push our limits and venture outside of our comfort zones. I give you credit for attempting that - and for the strides you've thus far made.

Nobody is above the influence of prejudice. If I were to go back through some of my old posts, I'd cringe at the sight of phrases like "you guys" to mean "you all" or "blind to" to mean "oblivious to." In attempt to counter heterosexism in my youth, I attempted on more than one occasion to argue that sexuality is not a choice when 1) that elides the lived experiences of those with a fluid sexuality, who have just as much right to equality as anyone and 2) it is entirely irrelevant and tacitly accepts the false framing that rights ought to be assigned on the basis of what may be popularly considered "natural" behavior, when "natural" is, itself, an incredibly subjective term. This is not an exhaustive list. We're all works in progress.

Vegans are often mocked with obnoxious, nihilistic memes about how "there is no such thing as a vegan" due to the omnipresence of animal-derived products. Asphalt, for example, contains glycerin and approved pharmaceuticals have historically required animal testing. (Even water was the subject of a government LD50 trial on rats.) The same could long have been said about forced/slave labor - and may still. I was once chided on NikeTalk for promoting an animal welfare referendum regarding confinement density because "wind turbines kill birds." Why do anything in service to a broader goal that seems unattainable?

That we can always become better tomorrow than we are today is, for me, reason for hope - not hopelessness. It is reason to try.

For what I hope is the last time, I did not accuse you of "abandoning activism." I simply cited the general trend of those who prioritize personal comfort over progress and choose to "opt out" when the going gets tough. If you’re worried that may apply to you, I would recommend introspection over projection. There is a genuine, legitimate need for commiseration, but we must also discourage disengagement by those who can afford to stay in the work - particularly those of us who continue to benefit, in some form or another, from an unjust status quo. I'm glad you agree.

Protecting and attending to mental health is important.

Be well and take care of yourself.
He’s a decently liked investor amongst millennials. Shocked he’s willing to throw it all away like that.
Today i am reminded of something I wish dr king said..

from boondocks: “Is this it? This is what I got all those *** whoopings for?”
I loved how the Warriors called him a "limited investor", while mans got "Owner warriors" on his Twitter handle

To be fair, the Warriors may have a ton of minority owners, the overwhelming majority of which probably have no say in team decisions. The league put a cap on the number of owners a few years back. It's 25 now and you must have at least a 1% stake. It's was the response to when the Bucks were bought in 2014. Lasry and Edens siphoned off small chunks to their friends. They had 37 owners initially. Howard Schultz's Sonics ownership group had about 50, I believe.
To be fair, the Warriors may have a ton of minority owners, the overwhelming majority of which probably have no say in team decisions. The league put a cap on the number of owners a few years back. It's 25 now and you must have at least a 1% stake. It's was the response to when the Bucks were bought in 2014. Lasry and Edens siphoned off small chunks to their friends. They had 37 owners initially. Howard Schultz's Sonics ownership group had about 50, I believe.
Brah, he is not the owner of the Warriors, which implies a majority or controlling stake

He could have put minority owner and been more honest

So it is funny to me that after being loose with language to make his role with the seem bigger than it actually is, the Warriors used their own specific language to play down his connection to the team
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The FBI once said,

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