***Official Political Discussion Thread***

one of the problems that is happening with regards to adoption is the long process, requirements and wait list for potential parents as well. I have known a few acquaintances that it is long, hard and costly. some certain couples took 4 years to get a child. if you are lucky, maybe you'll get them in 2 years. this is the reason why most childless parents in North America adopt elsewhere (mostly in Asia) as the process is much simpler. a couple we knew adopted their 2 kids from South America. even that, to make the process faster, you have to use the back channels just to give you a fighting chance to get a child. my wife's aunt tried to adopt a child but couldn't bring the child over due to some red tape b.s. the child was 4 years old when they tried to bring him over, now he's a teenager and is still in Asia.

I hope the process could be better as it is also unfair to the child and the adopting parents as well.

The GOP have something ready to go to solve that problem right? Right?
Is this something these people planned all along on some long term obsessive vengeful mission? Or did they get lucky and everything fell in place for them? What needs to be done in order to get things back the way they were? Also, how long would that take?
-They have been working toward this for decades, generations. Like since the 1960s. Roe just unified camps to make them more powerful.

-Unless the Dems get a big trifecta and there are enough people that support expanding the court and taking down the filibuster to do so, which is unlikely. First, the Dems are disadvantaged politically. The electoral system is rigged against them so it will take two historic back-to-back elections. Second, you run the chance that a few members of the party don't support the plan.

-Best case scenario they get lucking in like 15-20 years and the stars align for them to get the majority or replace Justices. Or the more likely outcomes, not in our lifetimes.

And there is always the danger the supreme court allows Republicans on the state level to steal presidential elections going forward.

So things are bleak. Not gonna lie.
The most egregious lie in that audio is “a group of people are around me hugging me, kissing me…” :rofl:
:lol: I laugh but this pos is going ruin this person's life for something so minor. That said you gotta know not to violate personal space like that.
ave something ready to go to solve that problem right? Right?

The people that are forcing these kids to be born are the same ones that are saying "this is taking too long, just gonna go overseas and pick one up. Sorry kid". And they don't even see an ounce of irony. Amazing.
it's crazy to pass that law at a place known for it's love of bass. But then again, it's ******* Florida :lol:
Real interested in what the rest of my family in Florida is going to say. Some already left a year ago and my grandparents were talking about moving to Australia. :lol:

They’re dead serious too. Going to check it out this month.
We're gonna see other countries building walls to keep U.S citizens out with the way things are going.

I know if I lived in another country that isn't complete trash, I'd be worried about too many Americans coming over and messing everything up.
I don’t think so, the Americans leaving aren’t for the bs going on right now. Plus they want American’s money. A bunch of countries have investment as a pathway to citizenship. Basically buy a house and they put you through immigration.

The Americans for all this bs won’t even travel to California. Let alone a “communist” country.
Real interested in what the rest of my family in Florida is going to say. Some already left a year ago and my grandparents were talking about moving to Australia. :lol:

They’re dead serious too. Going to check it out this month.

I mean, even the most knowledgeable folks on this topic say it'll take decades--plural--to un**** this whole situation.

most of us in this thread barely have plural decades of memories on this Earth, like, of any kind, of even being a person.

draw your own conclusions, but consider those hard facts when weighing future investments...quickly, time's almost up.
Portugal has a low cost of living but the jobs don’t pay all that well. At least in my line of work so that’s not gonna work for me. Wife can get citizenship in Italy but I don’t really want to do Europe.

Wife and I are going to peep Tasmania this winter and Chile is on my list but again I don’t know how much money I’d make.

My daughter said she’d come with so that really uncomplicated things if we do leave.
Estonia is offering freelancers and remote workers an expedited path to citizenship...5 years in good standing gets you an EU passport.

IIRC, Portugal only asks that immigrants prove transferable income of about 9k USD/yr.

Ghana may still be doing its homecoming program.

personally been doing fine in Mexico on and off since 2016.

don't think you don't have options in this world...big *** home planet we have here.
Yeah I know how to drive a truck and a lot of places will give me a work visa and let me work on an American license. Don’t really want to be a truck driver but I can.

Portugal also has the golden visa. I think 350k purchase of property gets you in but it has to be in certain regions I think.

Cheaper than most houses here nowadays…
Yea this **** really complicated my life. I hoped to move like to Florida or something but now that’s a no go. Like Virginia or potentially North Carolina might work depending what they do but like it sucks because all these southern warmer states are run by MAGAs

For those asking why I want to move. As much as I love New York, I want to move somewhere I can golf all year round.
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