***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Yeah I heard the same, I need room to roam. I don’t want to be somewhere super populated.

My dad brought Chile up to me because he used to work down there and Argentina and says it’s amazing. I got a background in mining and I know that’s a lot of their economy.
Estonia is offering freelancers and remote workers an expedited path to citizenship...5 years in good standing gets you an EU passport.

IIRC, Portugal only asks that immigrants prove transferable income of about 9k USD/yr.

Ghana may still be doing its homecoming program.

personally been doing fine in Mexico on and off since 2016.

don't think you don't have options in this world...big *** home planet we have here.
if someone doesn't mind the cold weather, Norway, Sweden and Denmark would be a great destination if you want everything is provided for if you don't mind the high tax rate but atleast you have food, shelter, great education. free health care rather than someone ending up on welfare in North America. you won't get filthy rich but atleast you are secured while you are still alive.

New Zealand and Switzerland would be my preference. but I can do those Nordic territories.
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Yea this **** really complicated my life. I hoped to move like to Florida or something but now that’s a no go. Like Virginia or potentially North Carolina might work depending what they do but like it sucks because all these southern warmer states are run by MAGAs

For those asking why I want to move. As much as I love New York, I want to move somewhere I can golf all year round.
look no further....
Everyone is getting it. Jodie Sweetin of Full House tv sitcom was tossed and now Ol’ Rudy gets his dentures smacked out his mouth :lol: :smh: What’s going on out here?
Portugal is that easy to get into?

Thought about Oregon. Know some people who moved to Oregon. They tell me small towns there ain't much different than small towns here (TX).
Small town Oregon is like anywhere else. But you don't need to go to those towns. Only downside is cost of living. Beats CA and Seattle tho. I'm never leaving the west coast unless its for Canada or another more progressive nation.
biggie62 biggie62

My girl recently finished grad school and got a new job as a therapist that pays here more than twice what she was making as a social worker

She said she was gonna surprise me and pay for me to get a fitting for a custom set of Miura irons as a thank you because I supported her all through school. Since she saw me gawking over them new KM 700s

When she said that I started to look at her like...

Then she said that given the Roe news she didn't feel comfortable spending thousands of dollars on something like that, so instead, she thinks it is best to donate the money to charities that help women in red states still access reproductive services out of state.

I told her that was the right call, that I understand. And it is the right call, some things are more important and I don't need a new set of clubs. Clubs I probably can't even launch properly anyway :lol: . Told her don't feel bad, we have to do our part to help people less fortunate. Then I kissed her goodbye because I had to give her sister and niece a ride to the parent's house.

Now I know what she did was the right thing, but brah I would be lying if I told you her sister and toddler niece didn't have to help me to the car because I was him shambles thinking about them butter-soft forgivings that were within my grasps. Outchea in the apartment parking lot like...

These ******* Republicans won't just let people live man :smh:
biggie62 biggie62

My girl recently finished grad school and got a new job as a therapist that pays here more than twice what she was making as a social worker

She said she was gonna surprise me and pay for me to get a fitting for a custom set of Miura irons as a thank you because I supported her all through school. Since she saw me gawking over them new KM 700s

When she said that I started to look at her like...

Then she said that given the Roe news she didn't feel comfortable spending thousands of dollars on something like that, so instead, she thinks it is best to donate the money to charities that help women in red states still access reproductive services out of state.

I told her that was the right call, that I understand. And it is the right call, some things are more important and I don't need a new set of clubs. Clubs I probably can't even launch properly anyway :lol: . Told her don't feel bad, we have to do our part to help people less fortunate. Then I kissed her goodbye because I had to give her sister and niece a ride to the parent's house.

Now I know what she did was the right thing, but brah I would be lying if I told you her sister and toddler niece didn't have to help me to the car because I was him shambles thinking about them butter-soft forgivings that were within my grasps. Outchea in the apartment parking lot like...

These ****ing Republicans won't just let people live man :smh:

Bro When I was getting fitted last fall I held a few of the Miura heads and they are beautiful. But those things are so thin and so small. I don’t have the consistent contact for that. My irons already are above my skill level to a degree but I bought them to grow into as I get better as I got the 921 Forged Mizunos.

Miuras are beautiful but I wouldn’t know what to do with those besides mount them on a wall to stare at. But if you want to really be scared, put a 9i head of the baby blades behind a ball. You’ll **** your pants, there like no forgiveness there.
biggie62 biggie62

My girl recently finished grad school and got a new job as a therapist that pays here more than twice what she was making as a social worker

She said she was gonna surprise me and pay for me to get a fitting for a custom set of Miura irons as a thank you because I supported her all through school. Since she saw me gawking over them new KM 700s

When she said that I started to look at her like...

Then she said that given the Roe news she didn't feel comfortable spending thousands of dollars on something like that, so instead, she thinks it is best to donate the money to charities that help women in red states still access reproductive services out of state.

I told her that was the right call, that I understand. And it is the right call, some things are more important and I don't need a new set of clubs. Clubs I probably can't even launch properly anyway :lol: . Told her don't feel bad, we have to do our part to help people less fortunate. Then I kissed her goodbye because I had to give her sister and niece a ride to the parent's house.

Now I know what she did was the right thing, but brah I would be lying if I told you her sister and toddler niece didn't have to help me to the car because I was him shambles thinking about them butter-soft forgivings that were within my grasps. Outchea in the apartment parking lot like...

These ****ing Republicans won't just let people live man :smh:
When people try to warn rich, straight, white men that voting has consequences and not even they are safe from the ravages of reprehensible social policy decisions, THIS is what I imagine those consequences are.

"No abortion for thee, no golf clubs for me" :smh:
It’s wild how many people in here have seriously contemplated moving to another country recently. I mean, we all fantasize about it at some point—that’s normal. But folks are legit doing in depth research on how to get out of the U.S. That speaks volumes to me.

I’ve been talking about it for years on here, but the time is almost here for me and the fam to exit the country. Wisely, I didn’t jump the gun and decided to grind it out at work to ensure I was vested for my pension. And now I’m waiting for my student loan payment total to update for the loan forgiveness program. Once it updates to the magical number of 120 payments it’s time to move on. I thought about just paying off my balance but **** that—I’ll let the government do their part since I’ve done mine. :lol:

To echo cosmiccoffee9 cosmiccoffee9 just know you have options out there. I’ve done years of research on this **** and I’m still nervous as hell about up and moving outta here. It’s a daunting thing, especially when kids are involved. But I gotta believe that my 11-year old will be better off for it in the long run. The U.S. is a great place with a lot of great people, and it’ll always be home. But I can’t keep ignoring the downward trend and acting like it’s all good. I’d be doing my daughter a disservice if I did that.
Have you already decided what country you’re moving to? Or a short list of places you’re still debating? Just curious where. Might have to start researching into the possibilities myself.
Me and my wife and kid aren’t dead set on leaving but this country is going to hell in a hand basket quick. I’m not going to have my kid being a second class citizen here.

We just brainstorm places based on our jobs and likes and dislikes and will travel to them in the winter when we have time.
Have you already decided what country you’re moving to? Or a short list of places you’re still debating? Just curious where. Might have to start researching into the possibilities myself.

Mexico. We went there back in 2018 and fell in love with it. The people, the weather, the culture, the food, etc. I could go on and on about my love affair with that country lol, but we just knew from the first day we stepped foot in Puerto Vallarta that we’d end up there eventually.

But for us it’s perfect b/c of the proximity to the States. Our older kids will still be here, and both of our families have older folks in declining health. So a quick (and kinda affordable) plane ride back is a must. Healthcare is also affordable there, and for anything major we are covered in the U.S. thanks to the VA. And to be honest, it has “American” amenities that we’re used to, and that makes the transition a little easier. There are lots of similarities between Mexico and the U.S. tbh—far more than a lot of folks want to admit. It isn’t perfect and has its issues for sure, but our quality of life will vastly improve. And at the end of the day, what else besides that really matters??
Damn, looking at that lack of diversity in some of these Oregon towns. Scratch Bend off my list. Doing light research right now. Truth be told, I'll probably have to settle for a blue state if I'm impatient about things. Got older folks in my family I need to make sure are taken care of, so I can't wonder off too far for a bit.

Colorado seems like an obvious answer since it's almost next door.
Yeah my shortlist, as it stands today, is Portugal, Luxembourg or Canada. The great north for obvious reasons. Portugal due to ease and # of expats there already. Luxembourg because I speak a little French and my fiance can relocate there for work if she wanted to, also the expat community is surprisingly big.

Only thing is, idk what I'd do for work unless my current employer is cool with me working remote from from halfway across the damn world.
Damn, looking at that lack of diversity in some of these Oregon towns. Scratch Bend off my list. Doing light research right now. Truth be told, I'll probably have to settle for a blue state if I'm impatient about things. Got older folks in my family I need to make sure are taken care of, so I can't wonder off too far for a bit.

Colorado seems like an obvious answer since it's almost next door.
Portland is still the move if you're looking at Oregon. Diversity is lacking, unfortunately, but people here are pretty accepting and liberal. And, cheaper than most other west coast cities. Denver is nice af too.

Bend is a big small-town. Cool to vacation at once in a while but not to live there. Too many "cowboys" there.
looking at that lack of diversity in some of these Oregon towns. Scratch Bend off my list. Doing light research right now. Truth be told, I'll probably have to settle for a blue state if I'm impatient about things. Got older folks in my family I need to make sure are taken care of, so I can't wonder off too far for a bit.

Colorado seems like an obvious answer since it's almost next door.

Any town more than like 5 miles away from I-5 is basically MAGA country. Even then it's pretty hit or miss.

And anything south of Eugene is a wrap.

Former President Donald Trump is reportedly angry and agitated about the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade, which he fears will hurt Republican outcomes in the November midterm elections, according to sources.
Though Trump has publicly gushed about the decision and taken credit for it because of the Supreme Court justices he picked, “he keeps ****ting all over his greatest accomplishment,” a source who claims to have spoken with Trump about the matter told Rolling Stone magazine.

“When you speak to him, it’s the response of someone fearing the backlash and fearing the politics of what happens when conservatives actually get what they want” on abortion, the source added. “I do not think he’s enjoying the moment as much as many of his supporters are.”

The New York Times reported Friday that Trump has been complaining since after the draft decision was released last month that the reversal is “bad for Republicans.”

He’s convinced the ruling will will anger suburban women, whose support helped Joe Biden win the presidency, according to the Times.
GOP strategist John Thomas also moaned to Politico about the Roe ruling: “This is a losing issue for Republicans.”

This is “not a conversation we want to have,” he added. “We want to have a conversation about the economy. We want to have a conversation about Joe Biden, about pretty much anything else besides Roe.”

It’s like the “dog that caught the car,” quipped Sarah Longwell, a GOP strategist who became a supporter of Biden in 2020. While battling abortion is good for campaigns, ending abortion rights loses voters.

Advisers and party officials are convinced that the court’s decision jettisoning a “significant — and highly popular — precedent will be a liability for the party in the midterms and beyond,” hurting Republicans with moderates and suburban women, writes Politico reporter David Siders.

A Gallup poll early this month found that a majority of Americans — 55% — now identify as “pro-choice” in the abortion rights debate, the highest level in 27 years.
A Wall Street Journal poll early this month found that more than two-thirds of Americans wanted to uphold Roe v. Wade, and most favored access to legal abortion for any reason.
Facts, one can say the same about WA state as well.

I think the PNW is going to get even more populated with questionable water situations down south.

Absolutely. South of Tacoma and anything too far from I-5 is basically western Idaho. It's not a surprise that the praying coach case was from Bremerton. People see it on a map and think it's close to Seattle but they couldn't be more different.
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